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Lumbridge, AB • Canada • 2021 Years Old • Male
Introduction (Oilers Perspective):

Trade our first round draft pick right now while it is high (Every team probably thinks we are crashing and burning, and everyone thinks/knows that Mcdavid is going to be a franchise star). We can still turn the season around. We got 60 games left. If MacT can do it, he can pull of one of the biggest game changing trades in Hockey History. Let me explain (It might be a long shot, but we can all agree that we want to see playoff action, the time when Rexall Place is the loudest place on earth):

Step 1:

2nd Round Draft pick + Ference + Yakupov = Seguin (add a 2017 2nd Rounder if Dallas counters)

Yakupov was and is the odd puzzle out of this top 6. He has the potential, but he just isn't fitting into the group (Was a big supporter for Ryan Murray). We get Tyler Seguin, whom is very acquainted with Hall and RNH. He will fit in quite well. The 1 or 2 2nd draft picks make this deal a great one for Dallas especially since this draft might be the best one in a Decade. A decade ago, you saw Pavel Datsyuk buried in the 7th round. Ference as captain is just not working out and he is alright in defense, but we have tons of top 4 defensemen. We all have agreed that this is Hall's team. He is the turning corner of this team.

and then

1st Round Draft Pick + Petry + Musil = Seabrook + Hjal

Might look like the worst trade ever, but lets remember that that 1st Draft pick could become a franchise star (Even though Chicago already has one). Petry is a good top 4 defenseman, but we have tons of those that are going to start popping up later on (Nurse, Marincin, Klefbom, Gernat possibly). We need elite-consistent defense from the best and Seabrook provides it. Hjal, however might be the turning point on how this trade might play out as he still hasn't shown what he truely has to offer, only glimpses of potential (Had one hell of a good playoff run). We would need to waiver Luke, Pini, and Aulie in order to pass the trade.

Step 2:

Change the Scouting Staff and retool it in a way that models the Detroit's style of scouting.
For this year, scout mainly on Goalies and focus on looking for that elite late boomer. It might be harder than catching fly's with chopsticks, but it is possible (Ask Daniel).

Step 3:

Hire Mark Messier as a Associate Coach and fire Acton. (Let both of the Actons go). Messier was a hard-working, consistent player. I think he has the potential to impact that on the Players. The main reason why Gretzky didn't do well as a coach was because he was more Talent gifted than hard-working. Messier was the heart and soul of the Oilers in 1991. In fact, it would be very, very interesting to see Messier as a Head Coach and Gretzky as an Associate Coach. Messier would teach and influence the players with hardwork and playing with a passion, while Gretzky could fine the edges on the players and give them a more tactical and technical apporach (Gretzky was all tactics, especially behind the net).

Step 4: Win the Cup.

All of this can be done. It can be done! For some of the trades, it might take 1 or 2 more draft picks, but we are DONE DRAFTING, SAY IT WITH ME, WE ARE DONE DRAFTING. We wouldn't need any high draft picks for the next 5-6 years (We got Big K, Yak2, Chase, and more offense. Our defense pool is amazing depth wise) as long as we draft smart (Liek the red wings) and we don't jsut go with the concensus.

In the end, our lineup could look like this in JUST 1-2 WEEKS:




Any thoughts?
Please no hate, I jsut want to see a change in this team as much as any other Oiler fan would want to.
Filed Under:   Oilers   Playoffs   Edmonton   Change   Four Steps   Four   Steps  
November 25, 2014 2:39 PM ET | Delete
Good luck getting seguin for that package. If you want seguin then dallas will want hall or the oilers 2015 1st rounder included.
November 25, 2014 3:27 PM ET | Delete
November 25, 2014 4:25 PM ET | Delete
Both of your proposed trades are so very, very, very unrealistic. The trade for Seguin is particularly inadaqute.
November 25, 2014 9:33 PM ET | Delete
All of it CANNOT be done since to trade takes two willing partners and you have no hope of those two trades ever coming to light whatsoever. That said Edmonton needs to start at the top and clean house on down through working down through management and scouting down to coaching and then the roster. Hate to say it but it is going to be longer for Edmonton to turn it around unless they part with one of the main keepers in order to entice a larger trade.
November 25, 2014 10:14 PM ET | Delete
You need professional help and you need it now
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