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United States • 31 Years Old • Male

Screw Jay Leno!!!

Posted 12:34 AM ET | Comments 9
I was just watching the Tonight Show and Jay was doing his stand up bit at the beginning and he made a really asinine comment. He said that there was a research study that was done that showed that people ate more while watching interesting television shows. He said that NBC's new slogan should be "watch more and take off the pounds" and he directly followed that up by sarcastically saying they should play more hockey on NBC. What a jerk. Here it is, the night of the Ducks winning the Cup and this Californian makes that comment? I don't know if I'm just blowing this out of proportion but that lack of respect for our great game drives me crazy.
Filed Under:   Ducks   NHL   Hockey   Playoffs   Stanley Cup   Television  
June 7, 2007 1:00 PM ET | Delete
You're blowing it out of proportion, it's a joke just a joke. As far as Leno being a Californian he grew up outside of Boston, I have a feeling they like hockey in that neck of the woods.
June 7, 2007 1:24 PM ET | Delete
Leno has admitted he knows about as much about sports as a tree stump.....
June 7, 2007 2:39 PM ET | Delete
FWIW, that show is taped at 4:30pm Pacific time, then it first airs at 11:30pm Eastern Time (8:30pm Pacific) before it airs for the west coast audience at 11:30pm Pacific time.but he's still a dope.
June 7, 2007 2:41 PM ET | Delete
Its Jay Leno... He rips on anything that everyone else rips on. He's a horrible comedian. The only thing on his show thats funny is the Headliners, What I found on eBay, and some of his correspondance stuff. Now, Conan O'Brien is a funny funny man. His show is worth watching.
June 7, 2007 3:59 PM ET | Delete
Why didn't they try and make Leno go live at 11:30? He's only a half-hour away from Anaheim, how expensive could it be to send a video crew to the arena and play some jokes in the locker room? Maybe it is a good thing he's being bounced out of NBC in 2009 for the real Bostonian Conan.
June 7, 2007 5:25 PM ET | Delete
Leno...O'Brien... pfiffle. The real late night comic is Craig Ferguson...he's Scottish and likes hockey! As for what Leno said...a joke about NHL hockey is more positive coverage than anything Bettman can do.
June 7, 2007 5:25 PM ET | Delete
Leno...O'Brien... pfiffle. The real late night comic is Craig Ferguson...he's Scottish and likes hockey! As for what Leno said...a joke about NHL hockey is more positive coverage than anything Bettman can do.
June 7, 2007 5:53 PM ET | Delete
Leno is a hack. Besides, why watch that washed up hack, when you can watch The Daily Show and Colbert Report instead?
June 7, 2007 10:58 PM ET | Delete
He DID have Chris Cornell on the show that night though. That was pretty cool.
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