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I'll start this blog with a metaphor....Has any one ever been in a race, where they have started running towards the finnish line only to stop at some point and start running backwards towards the start line? Of course not. Yet with the oilers that is what most fans seem to be suggesting they do. Lets trade Hemsky and Penner for this or that. We have a hole here and here lets trade draft picks to fill them. Yet the fact that at the end of last season how many players could you say really showed they have a true NHLer heart? Or even true NHLer skill for that matter? 4 or 5 maybe? out of 20+ unfortantly 4 or 5 players isn't a NHL legal team so of course we kept players that we would have moved for something better if we could. Of course we still have large gaps in our team but at least now we are using wood to patch holes rather then bailing buckets to keep the ship a float. Oilers won't be in the playoffs this year they will be drafting high again, management is not going to trade off more of the temporary fillers till they get more of a look of the big picture. We have tons of young assets at Foreward, Center, Deffense....which will work out which wont? Who knows but its not untill you have a very clear idea of this that you make a move. So in closing, the days of the oilers trading players at the deadline so they can get a guy or two to move them into 9th place are over. They have an owner with big pockets who wont mind a rebuild done right that will keep the oilers a contender for many years and only giving up a couple of non-spectacular seasons
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