Place: Visiting locker room Wachovia Center
Time: 10:00PM 11/10/07
Smell in the air: Uninspired defeat
MT:"Malone, Roberts, Sydor, Malkin, Crosby, Sykora, Whitney, Christensen, Orpik, Gonchar and Malone (yes, I know I said him twice) would you please step outside while I address the rest of the team.
Now that real the players have left the room, let me get to the point.
You're soft. You're all mired in your own personal slumps and frankly I could care less. Your play is uninspired. Your commitment to the physical portion of this game is non-existent.
Some of you think you are here based on your offensive talent. Let me enlighten you. With a few exceptions, all of the offensive talent we need has left this room. Those players are your ticket to this league. You let the Flyers punch, slash and push around your teamates, friends and your meal tickets.
It is your job to protect them. It is your job to create space for them. It is your job to make the other team's lives as miserable as you let the Flyers make ours.
There is no other way to say it.
Your job is to protect your goal, protect your teamates, create turnovers, create havoc and score in that exact order.
If your trying to do it any other way your kidding yourselves.
If you'll excuse me, Ray and I have to talk"