I played in a tournament this weekend called the Wally Cup in Fort Erie, On. In our last game today we had a surprise opponent. Buffalo Sabre Dan Paille played on the other team. We were all shocked. You could really tell that he was going easy, he played defense and didn't take a shot. But he did make a couple amazing passes. I got my Picture taken with him after the game, and he was nice enough to sign it for me. He's from near-by Welland (which is where I'm originally from) and apparently he comes home during the off-season and does some charity stuff. I was told that he's related to someone on the other team. That's how he ended up on the team. Someone on our team said that they knew him. They play Soccer in Welland during the summer with Dan Girardi's (NY Rangers) Fiancee, and Paille and Girardi are good friends and they come out to watch her play the games. Paille and Garardi and both Welland natives.
NHL player in tournament couple amazing passes when i see opponent. I become really surprise from it when i write my paper reviews whole team is ready for this tournament and we are ready to take trophy for our country.