Tag Search Results for "Israel"
When I decided to come to Israel for the summer, I was looking up fun stuff to do around the country. Then I remembered [url=http://www.hockeybuzz.com/blog.php?post_id=2485] Bill Meltzer's blog from last year[/url] and subsequent [url=http://www.nhl.com/nhl/app?service=page&page=NewsPage&articleid=278984]NHL.com article[/url]. Looking up those pages, I was connec...
I just got back from my first ever trip to Metulla, and it was an incredible experience! We'll get my personal stuff aside first: 7 years after first being teased with it, I finally got to skate in Israel! I've been a little homesick for the past couple of months, but no one could stop the giant 25 year old in the Team Canada jersey skating around the small rink with the h...