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Tag Search Results for "szandor"
szandor writes...

The Sound of Hockey

Posted Tuesday | Comments 0
I found an old video of my jazz band days when we played "My Favorite Things" from The Sound of Music. It made me think about this season and post season. Sure I had to shoehorn a couple words in there, but hey I am a drummer not a singer. Feel free to sing aloud. Enjoy. Blood clots in ankles and pucks into faces. Power play gaffes that send Malkin off to the races...
szandor writes...

Random Playoff Thoughts

Posted Tuesday | Comments 1
I typically try to write thought provoking blogs. This time I just decided to write down the random things bouncing around in my head. - Why do the Sharks turn back to Dr. Jekyll at game 83? Please turn back to Mr. Hyde. - How does AO still not have a goal in the Caps / Rangers series? - Is it just me or are penalties ruining playoff hockey? In the Caps / Range...


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