I very much enjoy the idea of having an outdoor game evey year. I would even propose that it would take the place of the all star game. Sscheduling it on January 1st? What are you thinking NHL? If you want to improve the popularity of the sport you don't try to compete with the U.S's most popular sport. If they want to improve the popularity the NHL could choose anytime in February to play the game.
Going on the notion to Ice Bowl to replace the All-Star game. They could schedule the All-Star break 1-2 weeks later than it is now and the scheduling would work out fine. The host city can have the superskills competition, future all stars game, and something with hall of famers. Atleast, the NHL's feature game would mean something and would be something great for the NHL to see.
I will try to watch some of the Ice bowl but, I cant say that I will watch all it with football on. Lets go NHL be smarter with scheduling and increase it's popularity.
I agree to a point. All the important Bowl games happen after the 1st now. An outdoor allstar game would be awesome. The only problem would all the superstars come and join in on all the fun.
i love the sabres