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Haverhill, MA • United States • 20 Years Old • Male

NHL 13

Posted 9:38 AM ET | Comments 0
Since there is no NHL people with gaming interests should go out and buy NHL 13 to fill there hockey needs. NHL 13 is not like all the other NHL's made by EA Sports. The reason is that the "Be A Pro" is harder than the ones in NHL 12. There are new physics to the game as well, like the skating is very different they call it "True Performance Skating" what they mean by that is that replicates the high-speed of players with there momentum and there explosiveness. The A.I.'s actually are smart, the creators of the game gave them I.Q. The A.I.'s are fully aware of every player on the ice. They also have to make true life quick decisions that could change the rest of the game. The goalies in the game scramble every time,most of them are like Tim Thomas on the ice and they do make key saves. The goalies also stop the back doors when your on that 2 on 0. The creators also made a NHL moments, they are the same to Madden moments as well but you earn coins for it that use for your Hockey Ultimate Team. In my next post ill tell you guys a little bit more about the game.
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