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Tag Search Results for "Cote Carnival"
ladynic writes...

Cote Carnival

Posted Monday | Comments 0
Hi Folks the carnival is on as I reported previously. Tickets are now on sale. Here is the link to purchase the tickets. http://www.cotecarnival.eventbrite.com/ Hope to see you there.
Video Brenda fighting Riley http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbQqG-ulzD8 Pics My Full Set http://www.flickr.com/photos/neat1325/sets/72157606797506365/detail/ Erica's Full set http://www.flickr.com/photos/rickilynn7/sets/72157606793694253/detail/ ok now down to business. Shout out Sojer, Amanda, Arlene, Brenda, Ryan, Mr Hockey, SuperFan, Joyce, Steve, Rosean...
NU13Flyers12 writes...

Cote Carnival 2009

Posted Sunday | Comments 2
Today the second annual Cote Carnival was held at the Swanky Bubbles Champagne Bar to Benefit MS. The day began with a long line in the smoldering sun leaving many Flyers fans hot and sweaty. When the doors opened Riley Cote was waiting to greet the fans after they walked in. Things like that truly show how outstanding Cote is with Player-Fan relations. He is by far th...
ladynic writes...

2nd Annual Cote Carnival

Posted Monday | Comments 0
The 2nd Annual Cote Carnival was a great success. It was a great day and event for a great cause to knock out MS. Words can’t tell the story better then pictures. Full set of pix http://www.flickr.com/photos/neat1325/sets/72157622000579083/ Ray Emery and Pat Maroon http://www.flickr.com/photos/neat1325/3850988266/in/set-72157622000579083/ Jeff Carter and ...


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