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Tag Search Results for "leipold"
predjoe writes...

Don't Do It Mr. Leipold!

Posted Wednesday | Comments 0
Early estimates had the Predators averaging *13,600 fans this past season but Tuesday the Predators announced that the average paid attendance was in fact 13,815. That puts the Preds much closer to the magic 14k paid figure that they need by 08-09 (a stipulation set in the last CBA)to take part in the revenue sharing. On the flip side it also still has them below 14k and t...
I am shocked. I am. But not at all surprised. Perhaps I should have taken what Trump says to heart…”trust no one.” Even as Leipold would repeat, time after time, that he had no intention of moving the franchise somewhere deep inside I did not entirely believe him. Don’t get me wrong I am not sitting here telling you that I saw this coming because I didn’t…...
predjoe writes...

Preds Ticket Holders Get Email

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
Season ticket holders got an email from current (though not for long) Preds owner Craig Leipold. Here is it in it’s entirety. [i]Dear Predators’ Season Ticket Holders: June 25, 2007 will mark the 10-year anniversary of the awarding of the NHL franchise to Nashville that became your Nashville Predators. It’s been an incredible 10-year journey for me. I can�...
predjoe writes...

Pred Fans Unite!

Posted Friday | Comments 0
Okay...the ball is in our court. Yesterday is over and there is nothing we can do about it. The Preds have been sold but it doesn't mean that they are leaving for sure. YOU can make a difference. Call the League Office at 212-789-2000 and log your complaint. I called this morning and let my voice be heard. They told me that each call will be logged and those calls will pas...
ZenSisyphus writes...

Life or Death

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
Last Friday, as I waited to board a homebound plane from Halifax, I was leafing through the Globe and Mail. Two excellent articles about the potential franchise move and the lack of print coverage for the Stanley Cup finals shared a page with…the Birth and Death Notices. Of all the ironies. The announced sale of the Predators is nothing short of a Death Notice. Bal...
predjoe writes...

Preds Sale Update

Posted Tuesday | Comments 0
From the Tennessean: [i]Jim Balsillie has submitted a formal application to buy the Predators. Balsillie’s lawyer, Toronto-based attorney Richard Rodier, said the application was sent to the NHL late Monday. NHL deputy commissioner Bill Daly confirmed that the league received the application Monday night. The application, which includes a purchase agreement, ...
Craig, if you will pardon me for being so informal, I felt the need to write to you once again. I haven’t written since November 4th, 2004. The league was in the midst of the lockout at that time, and I felt compelled to write to you regarding my support of the key role you were playing in obtaining a CBA for the league that would put all franchises on near-equal footi...
Let me preface this by saying I don't mean any ill will towards people in Canada who actually love and research the league and its "goings-on", I'm speaking to "Generic Canada Fan": We understand that you don't like the Predators in Nashville. We understand you think you know the situation we have brewing down here. We understand you think no one else deserves your spor...
predjoe writes...

All Is Quiet

Posted Monday | Comments 0
There was a time when MyHockeyBuzz and HockeyBuzz were littered with posts about the Preds from both Pred fans and those who hated the fact that a team was deep in Dixie. Where though, I ask, has it all gone? For fans of the franchise I think there is some fatigue for sure. For a couple of months now we have been living in this unknown, grasping any news that seemed ...
What was reported here first yesterday is now being reported by all the local and national media outlets…a letter of intent will be signed today between local investors and current Predators owner Craig Leipold. For those who don’t follow this as closely as some here is what it all means. The letter of intent means that the local group and Leipold will enter a per...
Humble_77 writes...

First entry...

Posted Wednesday | Comments 0
The rollercoaster that is the sale of the Predators could easily be compared to the Energizer Bunny- it keeps going, and going, and going. Today, Craig Leipold announced that the negotiations with the Freeman-led group of local investors would continue for an unspecified period of time. What does this mean for Nashville? With a brutal road-stretch going on (starting omi...
[b]Just another voice in the crowd...[/b] This is a personal observation, and in this, my inaugural blog on Hockeybuzz.com, please understand that I in no way speak for everyone. However in response to the listening, reading and observing I do on a daily basis, here's my take on the Nashville Predators' 2007-2008 season. I've been a Predators season ticket holder si...


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