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Tag Search Results for "safety"
pengal writes...

Early Season Tragedies

Posted Saturday | Comments 0
Darcy Robinson, age 26 [url]http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20070928.wsptdarcy28/GSStory/GlobeSportsHockey/[/url] Adam Litteken, age 16 [url]http://ca.sports.yahoo.com/nhl/news?slug=ap-hockeyplayerdies&prov=ap&type=lgns[/url] Died for no apparent reason on the ice while playing or practicing a game they loved. In Canada 20-30 athletes di...
Zholtok33 writes...

To Visor or Not To Visor?

Posted Monday | Comments 0
Already, news outlets are insisting that visors are the key to salvation. It's a cry that comes up on every big facial injury involving a high stick or a stray puck. [i]If only he wore a visor[/i] they say, shaking their heads. Of course we all know that it is impossible to make the claim that a visor would have absolutely prevented the injury suffered by Braydon Coburn...
rjbot writes...

NHL Covid Safety is a Joke

Posted Saturday | Comments 58
As of writing the NHL has postponed 46 games due to covid, almost an entire teams worth of games (shortened season down to 56 games) have been postponed! Yet the NHL doesn’t seem to care nor do they seem like they want to. I see some pretty clear ways they could curve the spread of the virus, now given none of these are perfect nor will they fully stop the spread of Covi...
Last nights battle of Alberta definitely lived up to the battle part as Calgary defenceman, Rasmus Andersson headbutted diminutive Oiler forward Kailer Yamamoto. Andersson was given a double minor on the play for elbowing and roughing, Yamamoto was not given any penalties. Today The NHL gave Rasmussen Andersson a 5000$ fine for the dirty play. So as a fine was given, the h...


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