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backupbob writes...

A Little About Me

Posted Wednesday | Comments 0
First of all, I'd like to say hello to everyone reading this, my first blog post of many to come. Thank you for taking the time to read my posts! My name is Jeff Smith, I am a 21 year old SFU student living in suburban neighbourhood of South Surrey, BC. Like most people around these parts, I have been a Vancouver Canucks fan ever since I can remember. I live and breat...
When I first heard of Joe Stiger and his hockey trip idea on XM Radio I said to myself; “Wow, what a great idea! What I would do to be able to accomplish something like this…” I had to get in touch with him and find out more about it. I had the opportunity to catch up with Joe and pick his brain on his “Ultimate Hockey Trip” idea and the beginning of Army�...
[img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_r8tWGVHrjGI/SO2YI7taj1I/AAAAAAAAGPU/Ol-yNB9U4CA/s400/phifront.jpg[/img][img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_r8tWGVHrjGI/SO2YIwEQXiI/AAAAAAAAGPc/p4RYdVA7Zh4/s400/phirear.jpg[/img] This third jersey is supposed to be unveiled on Friday, November 28th, against the Carolina Hurricanes, and should be flying off the shelves for your Orange and Black f...


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