My heart constantly pounds like a drum. My fists are sore from being clenched, and sweat occasionally drips from my brow. My playoff beard is itching like hell and my facepaint is all over my Flames Jersey... I couldnt ask for a better time. For the rabid hockey fans, playoffs are considered a religious event and we put players/teams in the spotlight and on a pedestal. It is fortunate enough when your favorite team makes the post season, but to be lucky enough to attend a game, especially with one of the best fan bases in the NHL, thats when you know you have struck gold. My first playoff game was one of the best experiences i have ever had in my short life, and i will not soon forget it. I took full advantage of the situation and showed my true appreciation for the team, dressing up in team colors and even painting my face. There are so many out there not fortunate enough to see there favorite team play, and up until Tuesday night i was one of those fans. Just to put the icing on the cake, the Flames pulled off a win and set the 'dome on fire. It was truely a sight to behold and i can only be thankful i was fortunate enought to witness such an event, and I can only hope that other people can feel this same fulfillment that i recieved from an experience like this.
(I am on the right)
Personally, I am very impressed to see your enthusiasm and passion for this game. I always locate good writer for my essays after reading review online. That face paint is showing your love and passion for the game. I am appreciating you because of your great interest in this game.