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Tag Search Results for "Peddie"
Lets try to have a little fun out of this dismal situation. If I had the powers of Richard Peddie and the GM, I would bring big change to this organization. 1. I would have the pleasure of inviting Ferguson into my office, then firing his ass for disgracing what used to be one of the most respected hockey teams in the world. I might yell at him a little bit too. 2. A...
The last few weeks in this city have been frustrating; not just for MLSE, but for Leafs fans everywhere. With all the drama, accusations, job scrutiny and calls for the heads of many in MLSE upper management....I think many people forgot that the Toronto Maple Leafs are a hockey team rather than a business enterprise. Needless to say, it was very calming and somewhat e...
duckyjets writes...

Richard Peddie AKA Simmons

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
All I have to say is that I pray to god that Peddie keeps his nose out of the hiring process. We all know the guy has no clue what to look for in a GM. His Hockey sence is 0%. I do not understand for the life of me why the board puts this guy incharge of Hockey operations. He was lip sinking Fletchers words like he was some kind of puppet or something. Just when I think th...


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