When you hear Pens fans crow about how few Wings fans show up for games 3 and 4, they probably won't mention this little tidbit from Ticketmaster:
Additional Information:
Mellon Arena is located in Pittsburgh, PA. Sales to this event will be restricted to residents of PA, OH, WV, MD, NY, NJ, DE, VA and the District of Columbia. Residency will be based on credit card billing address. Orders by residents outside of PA, OH, WV, MD, NY, NJ, DE, VA and the District of Columbia will be canceled without notice and refunds given.
Between that and local merchants asking for ID before selling an octopus...
...it might seem that the Pittsburgh Penguins and their "faithful" have no interest in even
trying to withstand fan opposition, let alone trusting their team to overcome it...

I don't recall retreating into a protective shell being an "evolutionary" trait of penguins in the wild...
...Perhaps it's just in Pittsburgh.
http://www.freep.com/apps...=/20080522/MULTI/80522108What a penguin!!!LOLcome on now they have a strong fan base and need to keep the tickets in the area. NOT!!!
I hope the NHL steps up and blasts the Pens organization for making this arrangement with Ticketmaster. The Stanley Cup finals belong to all hockey fans and anyone willing to travel no matter how far should be able to buy tickets directly and not have to go to scalpers or online brokers. This is a very classless act and does no good for the sport.
wow. that is truly sad and pathetic.
Actually, that disclaimer has been on the site for all home pens games this entire season, not just the final.
PittPens it's still sad...
You are right, I will go and cry myself to sleep over it.
WOW...bitter table for one...
That's more than a disclaimer PittPens - that's an exclusion. By your statement that it's always posted, I guess that means that anyone not from an approved geographical area wanting to visit Pitt during the season and take in a Pens game (via legally purchased tickets) are shut out. TicketMaster is the Penguins'/NHL's partner and source for single-game ticket sales, correct? That's quite neighborly and a great way to encourage visitors to your city...
These policies are not illegal unless there are particular state laws against it. One would also presume the NHL has no policy against limiting sales to "residents" only, as well.Obviously, the Pens are taking their cue from last season in the NFL in which the Chargers limited sales to the Patriots game to residents of SOCAL only and the Colts also limited sales to the Colts/Patriots playoff game to Indy residents.Personally, I don't think this type of nonsense should be permitted. But, I guess there are no restrictions for secondary sales at StubHub.It is remarkable to note that the Pens management has so little confidence in the team winning that they don't think they can do if if there is are any Winged Wheels in the stands. But, I'm pleased they have decided to have a "White Out" tonight. Since the Wings will be wearing the white jerseys it's kind of nice to honor them. And I hear the fans will all be given white towels to wave. Get in practice. That's what you wave when you surrender...
Okay, I will agree that it is an exclusion. The reason was so that the people who love/like and band wagon jump,(they piss me off too) have the best possible chance of getting tickets. What should an individual team be more concerned about. Angry opposition fans that cannot get a ticket one night a year or fans that have over 40 cracks at tickets. Good business dictates that keeping your more frequently customers happy is a bigger concern than a one hit wonder.
I suppose it's a good position to be in, in that the demand is strong enough to be able to restrict sales, and it is certainly the team's right to do so. But I still don't understand that kind of restriction for regular season games. Playoffs, maybe. Also, the exclusionary statement is brusquely worded and doesn't appear to allow for any exceptions or work-arounds. Changing the subject, I have a feeling that it will be a good game for hockey fans tonight.
It's not the first exclusion situation I have heard of, however, cancelling tickets already ordered by folks outside the area is ridiculous and absolutely bush league.
I currently live in Ann Arbor and am from Pittsburgh. However, my credit card is now with a Michigan address, so I was unable to purchase tickets to the finals in Pittsburgh. It is absolutely ridiculous, and has been like this all year (not just the finals).
wow, that is pretty retarded. Thank god I didn't go through on driving all the way there for the game from Ottawa. I'm pretty sure somebody would have died over this :p
madmax25: MGoBlue!
go blue indeed. but more importantly, GO PENS!
Whats the point of this post Number23? Just another lame putdown to Pens fans because you are still upset that you got hosed in the ECF?
pens871... a fan since 2005. get over the fact that you won the ECF. nobody is bitter. Its classless acts like the one pulled here which drives flyers fans insane. we not only welcom opposing teams fans, but rather enjoy having that black sheep sitting next to us. Nothing beats a little trash talk. BUT hey its the new nhl and the new Pittsburgh Penguins. They are like the little rich kids who can get anything they want. this is by far the saddest so far. WAKE UP NHL, remember that we are still trying to gain fans!