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Tag Search Results for "Lindy Ruff"
bflodaj writes...

Blame Murray

Posted Saturday | Comments 0
For the last couple of months after the Thursday night brawl in Buffalo it has bothered me that Lindy Ruff has received criticism for his actions in that fabulous hockey game...Lindy sent out his fourth line to get revenge on what many believe to be a dirty play by Chris Neil, is it Lindy's fault that Brian Murray sent out the Spezza line who has no backbone???I believe th...
Lindy Ruff took over the head coaching job in Buffalo in July 1997. Since then Buffalo has only made it to the finals once, and everyone knows how that one ended (cough cough...no goal...cough cough). During that same time period, there have been 137 coaching changes in the NHL. That's 11.42 changes per year, or about one-third of all NHL teams. Darcy Regier has als...
I think I have finally reached my breaking point... It's time for people to be held accountable and there is plenty of blame to go around... I think [b]Lindy Ruff[/b] is a good coach, but clearly after the last two years, he isn't getting the message through. You could argue that the talent isn't there, but these players don't even seem to care that they are losing....
KevinJames writes...


Posted Tuesday | Comments 0
[img]http://www.thehockeynews.com/imgs/dynamique/photos/original/article_12553_2.jpg[/img] Someone asked me a fair question the other day: Is Buffalo Sabres #26 Thomas Vanek a superstar? After 4 years of NHL play, can Vanek be considered in the same league as Ovechkin, Crosby, Datsyuk, Malkin, Zetterberg or Iginla? To that question, I'd have to say, "No". But can he g...
SabreHess writes...

History Against Ruff

Posted Wednesday | Comments 0
There is much optimism in Sabreland right now. Though the team is not without holes, the off-season additions have fans chomping at the bit for the season to start and I'm sure the players are anxious to get back on the ice and make a run at dethroning their division rival Bruins. Are they the deepest team in the league? Probably not, but at this point the Sabres are cl...
andydrmm writes...

Pathetic 12/17/11

Posted Saturday | Comments 0
Amazing, last night Buffalo comes out with a great effort against the Maple Leafs. Buffalo almost looked like a team that could make the playoffs last night. Tonight, is not the case, and Pittsburgh is doing to Buffalo what I said would happen if Buffalo continued to play soft, weak, pathetic hockey. I’m going to break down Buffalo’s defense and offense, and in ton...
andydrmm writes...

Time For a Change

Posted Tuesday | Comments 0
I’ve been slowly subtly pointing out what I think the root cause of the Sabres sloppy play this season in my past blogs. However, tonight, I’m going to just say it, point blank, what the problem is. The problem is... Coaching. Again, to Lindy Ruff fans, I apologize. I’m a huge fan of him. He’s done great things for Buffalo hockey. But at this juncture, it...
andydrmm writes...

Coach Upgrade

Posted Monday | Comments 0
I’ve been asked a few times as to where Buffalo would go with a new coach. Personally, I think there is only one answer to this, as for this season. Ron Rolston, as interim coach, to finish the season. One of the benefits I have is living where I can get to both Sabres and Amerks games on a regular basis. I’ve watched Rochester numerous times this season. They ...
ZacKrell writes...

Who Should Take The Heat?

Posted Sunday | Comments 0
I took last nights loss extremely hard. After getting a much needed win against the division rival Toronto Maple Leafs I felt it was time for the Buffalo Sabres to finally right the ship and make a push towards the playoffs. I was hoping for the awakening of Derek Roy, Drew Stafford, Ville Leino, and Marc Andre Gragnani. All players who we have seen be productive in the pa...
Figured I'd right a quick blog about what happened with Ryan Miller before I head off to work. Miller got pulled after allowing 5 goals through roughly 25 minutes of play in front of his friends and family who were in attendance. After the game we saw the same type of fire and emotion from Ryan Miller when he got ran by Milan Lucic. When asked about if the Sabres player...
I just read Garth’s... “rebuttal” to the Jeremy Roenick and Mike Keenan interview from last night on NBC Sports Network. I agree with the part Garth said about blaming Miller. Plus, as I listened, I don’t think I heard them blame Miller. The main focus was that things need to change in Buffalo. They aren’t on the same page, just like Roenick pointed out. I d...
ZacKrell writes...

Time To Evolve

Posted Wednesday | Comments 0
According to Lindy Ruff he is the one that needs to start leading this Buffalo Sabres team. It sounds to me like the leadership in that locker room is at question, and that this team is obviously not all on the same page. What Lindy Ruff needs to do is go all Ted Nolan on this team. All bets are off now, this team is spiraling out of control. If Lindy Ruff is going to l...
If you're a fan of Lindy Ruff and Darcy Regier, don't click on the link. It's not pretty nor pleasant for a fan of either. I do like Ruff, but his time in Buffalo should be done... Still Here? Great, go check it out, and enjoy. Most importantly, thanks for reading!! :) http://betweenthebenches.com/?p=1244
andydrmm writes...

Fan vs Owner

Posted Monday | Comments 0
We all remember Terry Pegula’s emotional speech after he took over the Buffalo Sabres on February 22, 2011. We all know that he started his speech with “Who am I? I am a Sabre fan and have been since 1975.” He continued to go on with this speech by thanking Tom Golisano for “Saving my hockey team.” Then, he went on to turn to the great Gil Perreault and told him ...
It is fair to say that anyone expecting a brand new performance from the Buffalo Sabres after the firing of Lindy Ruff would be unreasonable. Remember, the same players, especially those who are underperforming (Stafford and Myers primarily), remain on the roster. Does this mean these players are done for? No. It means that Rolston had less than 12 hours to intill ...


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