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Tag Search Results for "Lockout"
Dan Tolensky wrote an interesting Blog wondering if July 1st, 2007 was the day that we wondered if the Lockout was a waste of time. I usually love what you're writing because he don't miss much. This time I think that he has. I say, however, that the NHL convinced the NHLPA that they would play for funny money that may, or may not, be worth an actual US Greenback ... fo...
Dan Tolensky wrote an interesting Blog wondering if July 1st, 2007 was the day that we wondered if the Lockout was a waste of time. I usually love what you're writing because he don't miss much. This time I think that he has. I say, however, that the NHL convinced the NHLPA that they would play for funny money that may, or may not, be worth an actual US Greenback ... for t...
TheStig writes...

NHL TV Troubles

Posted Sunday | Comments 0
The NHL's current TV contract in the United States is clearly not working well at all. The NHL made a big mistake by signing a deal with Versus which is owned by Comcast, Comcast offered up the most money and the NHL in all its wisdom went with the highest bidder, not the best solution for league. The NHL tried to land a deal similar to what it had before the lockout, a 5-...
Since the lockout, the NHL has both enacted and endured many changes. One of the most intriguing, and certainly the most disturbing is one that has overcome many members of the media who make a living covering the NHL. According to many card-carrying members of the hockey-media, post lockout teams should be more than willing to throw entire seasons and lose "on-purpose"...
In light of the recent debacle, known as the Ilya Kovalchuk contract saga, and listening to and reading wide ranging opinions on various radio stations and print media, I can’t help but thinking back to the lockout and lost season of 2004-2005. The main issue of the CBA negotiations was the idea of creating “cost certainty” for the owners. Gary Bettman wanted to ...
The NHL is entering into its last season under the current collective bargaining agreement. The NBA has currently locked out its own players. This is an amazing opportunity for the NHL to grow the game and expand to an audience that doesn't know what they are missing. I have a feeling that the NBA situation will not resolve itself quickly leaving many people in "non-tradit...
With my local home team out of the playoffs after a mostly successful season, you can understand how attention has turned to the completed sale of the team and toward potential moves the team may make for next season. There have been many articles written about the financial struggles and questionable long-term profitability of teams like the Blues and Coyotes. Articles ...
This looming lockout idea seems like a very odd one to many fans. It is almost a 3 sided battle in my mind. The players have sent forth their proposal and in many ways they are siding with the owners in an effort to fix revenue sharing and help out the league. The previous lockout the owners were much more vocal in their efforts to get the players to bend to their demands....
I am one of the biggest hockey fans around, and I do believe the players and owners will get a deal done before shutting down for the whole season, however, I do think the season will be delayed, maybe halfway through October. I am with every hockey nut out there, and I will be very upset if there is no NHL this year. Since we are on the subject, and the NHL lockout is...
Most people believe both the NHL and NHLPA are responsible for the current labor dispute. But suppose it was decided that to save the season and not loose any games, an arbiter was appointed to resolve the labor dispute between the NHL and NHLPA. This arbiter would working on under the following rules. 1. The arbiter can only choose one of the latest offers from either...
Ice_Hawk writes...

Not Another F^&%$#@ Lockout!

Posted Tuesday | Comments 0
Although things could change, the current state of CBA negotiations is pointing to yet another lockout. If so, this would be a natural hat-trick. Since the NHL owners slotted hired-gun Gary Bettman as their commish, the mood of player/ownership negotiations has gone from somewhat amicable to downright confrontational and even combative at times. The financial state ...
Here are five positive things I will take away from a lockout, in descending order 5: The New Jersey Devils will save about 3 million dollars every two weeks in player's salaries. This should help them make their loan payments...seeing how four rounds of extra playoff revenue did not seem to to the job. 4: Vancouver have an extra year to work out a deal with Tor...
The NHL and NHLPA have reached a point of potentially experiencing a second NHL lockout in less than a decade. There are significant losers if this does happen, and very limited winners as well. So, why has it not been resolved? That's for both parties to figure out, but it seems the difference in desires for the new CBA will continue to hinder the possibility o...
I am hockeybuzz's newest blogger, although longtime visitor, and I now am finally coming to the irony of my decision to begin blogging about hockey when the NHL is on the verge of another lockout. Now since I am going to make an attempt to keep my blogs current, I best start with that which is current, which as of now is that one scary word already mentioned..... LOCKOU...
To me, hockey is my escape. I am underemployed, I am struggling to put myself back through college, I have lost most of the luxuries I once enjoyed but I still had hockey. Hockey to me is pure. Imagine an office where 99% of the employees loved their jobs and gave it 100% everyday. Imagine making hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars doing the job that you...
To me, hockey is my escape. I am underemployed, I am struggling to put myself back through college, I have lost most of the luxuries I once enjoyed but I still had hockey. Hockey to me is pure. Imagine an office where 99% of the employees loved their jobs and gave it 100% everyday. Imagine making hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars doing the job that you...
To me, hockey is my escape. I am underemployed, I am struggling to put myself back through college, I have lost most of the luxuries I once enjoyed but I still had hockey. Hockey to me is pure. Imagine an office where 99% of the employees loved their jobs and gave it 100% everyday. Imagine making hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars doing the job that you...
Dumbob writes...

Why can't we just have hockey?

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
I'm not much for blogging, but I am bored at work and sick of all the junk about it being impossible for the NHL and NHLPA to work out a new CBA, so I figured I would jot down a simple framework over the next few minutes. Comments are always welcomed! This vision tries to be fair to both sides, but really just simplifies a needlessly complicated pissing match. Let's...
Hawkey writes...

Might be the only hockey we get

Posted Wednesday | Comments 0
So the new NHL game came out and i saw another writer asking if people would like to see the Sabers simulated day by day and he would write about it. I personally thought it was a great idea and I'de like to offer the same thing. Let me know if you'd like to see the Blackhawks season simulated day by day and maybe see the same scores we will once the season actually stars....
I have been blasting on Twitter all night!! Nobody has sympathy for millionaires – or billionaires – on strike. Now they can all fly to Cabo and sulk, while waiting for their 5 digit weekly checks to roll in again. What about the people who just lost their jobs – and possibly their homes? – because of all of this… Wealthy people do not often fraternize with no...
So I got married 18 days ago, and ventured off on my honeymoon. I left knowing that the risk of a lockout was coming up. For 10 days, I didn’t look for much information, mainly due to the fact that I was sitting in the middle of the Caribbean without cell phone signal. Plus, I didn’t want to pay the money for wi-fi on the boat. When I got back to Fort Lauderdale, and h...
I haven’t been following the NHL Lockout news as closely lately because frankly it’s been depressing and there hasn’t been much in the way of news to come out. There also hasn’t been any serious meetings either. I am hoping that NHL Network and NBCSN decided to give us some AHL hockey this season because I don’t think we’re going to have an NHL Season. It could...
cuppacoldtea writes...

The Plan

Posted Monday | Comments 0
Here is the situation. The powers that be have decided to suspend our game while they decide exactly how to divvy up OUR money. And we have been called the "Greatest fans in the world" for putting up with this garbage...again. The only way these bozos will get the message is when we stop buying the product. I'm appealing to Canadian hockey fans to boycott the pro...
’m reading a lot of stuff regarding how a lot of NHL players are heading across the Atlantic to play hockey this year. That’s great. No, I’m not being sarcastic. I think if the guys have a chance to play, go for it. Why should we get so excited about it though? All the players going overseas says 1 thing, and 1 thing only to me. Get ready for a nice, long, l...
Let me just start by saying that I'm not an expert on the lockout. My understanding of all the technical aspects isn't crystal clear. I don't religiously follow the daily back and forth between the two sides. I don't have any insider telling me when and how the labour dispute will be settled. I'm not going to pretend that I do. I do know a fair bit about the fan's menta...
Bettman is oft’ made out to be the bane of the NHL’s existence by some, and by others excused for simply trying to fulfill the owner’s mandate of selling the game in the U.S. market, ending labor unrest, completing expansion plans, and modernizing the views within the ownership groups. [b]Let’s look at the body of work of Mr. Bettman.[/b] Since the diminutiv...
andydrmm writes...

The Risk of Replacements

Posted Tuesday | Comments 0
I saw earlier today, the rumor (on several sites) that the NHL commissioner Gary Bettman, in all his infinite wisdom, may consider using replacement players should the NHL remain in a lockout come November. This is extremely risky, even just to have it be a rumor. There are thousands of hockey players in the world who want a shot at the NHL. I went to college with a few...
With the NHL lockout pushing into its fourth week and having already wiped out the first two weeks of the season, I wanted to mention another victim of this sad, frustrating process. I have grown weary of reading, day after day, how badly both the players and the owners want the lockout to end and get back to playing hockey. Despite this lip service, days go by with n...
Mutara writes...

Collateral Damage

Posted Monday | Comments 0
As frustrating as the lockout is for me and the many wonderful hockey fans, I had the realization that this affects many people in a much more personal manner. Without the NHL season many are out of work or have a reduced income. As we all know the economy is not running strong at the moment and many struggle week to week or month to month already. The lockout has a tri...
iellyn writes...

For the love of hockey...

Posted Wednesday | Comments 0
The game of hockey that most Canadians and a few Americans love has been been sacrificed on the altar of big business. A kid dreams of getting to the NHL and would play for free but when he gets there, his agent tells him you can't play unless "you're getting more millions than some other guy who is not as good as you." The owners fall over themselves handing...
[b]For everything hockey - 24/7 news updates, scores, humour, blogs, and everything else in between, please follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/DailyNHLGrind.[/b] Something that was already a given, has further been proven now with the latest updates of the CBA negotiations. In case you haven’t heard the news yet (which obviously means you’ve probably b...
Donman89 writes...

50-50 false hope?

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
Listening to the players; I get the feeling we are not as close to the end as we all have hoped. It seems that the players are willing to turn in their Hockey uniforms to talk numbers like a stockbroker which would keep talks at a stand still. Everything that has happen thus far can be blamed on both side being stubborn but, now that the NHL has made a real offer it gave...
Donman89 writes...

50-50 false hope?

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
Listening to the players; I get the feeling we are not as close to the end as we all have hoped. It seems that the players are willing to turn in their Hockey uniforms to talk numbers like a stockbroker which would keep talks at a stand still. Everything that has happen thus far can be blamed on both side being stubborn but, now that the NHL has made a real offer it gave...
Donman89 writes...

50-50 false hope?

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
Listening to the players; I get the feeling we are not as close to the end as we all have hoped. It seems that the players are willing to turn in their Hockey uniforms to talk numbers like a stockbroker which would keep talks at a stand still. Everything that has happen thus far can be blamed on both side being stubborn but, now that the NHL has made a real offer it gave...
Donman89 writes...

50-50 false hope?

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
Listening to the players; I get the feeling we are not as close to the end as we all have hoped. It seems that the players are willing to turn in their Hockey uniforms to talk numbers like a stockbroker which would keep talks at a stand still. Everything that has happen thus far can be blamed on both side being stubborn but, now that the NHL has made a real offer it gave...
Donman89 writes...

50-50 false hope?

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
Listening to the players; I get the feeling we are not as close to the end as we all have hoped. It seems that the players are willing to turn in their Hockey uniforms to talk numbers like a stockbroker which would keep talks at a stand still. Everything that has happen thus far can be blamed on both side being stubborn but, now that the NHL has made a real offer it gave...
Donman89 writes...

50-50 false hope?

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
Listening to the players, I get the feeling we are not as close to the end as we all have hoped. It seems that the players are willing to turn in their Hockey uniforms to talk numbers like a stockbroker which would keep talks at a stand still. Everything that has happen thus far can be blamed on both side being stubborn but, now that the NHL has made a real offer it gave...
Donman89 writes...

50-50 false hope?

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
Listening to the players, I get the feeling we are not as close to the end as we all have hoped. It seems that the players are willing to turn in their Hockey uniforms to talk numbers like a stockbroker which would keep talks at a stand still. Everything that has happen thus far can be blamed on both side being stubborn but, now that the NHL has made a real offer it gave...
Donman89 writes...

50-50 false hope?

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
Listening to the players, I get the feeling we are not as close to the end as we all have hoped. It seems that the players are willing to turn in their Hockey uniforms to talk numbers like a stockbroker which would keep talks at a stand still. Everything that has happen thus far can be blamed on both side being stubborn but, now that the NHL has made a real offer it gave...
Donman89 writes...

50-50 false hope?

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
Listening to the players, I get the feeling we are not as close to the end as we all have hoped. It seems that the players are willing to turn in their Hockey uniforms to talk numbers like a stockbroker which would keep talks at a stand still. Everything that has happen thus far can be blamed on both side being stubborn but, now that the NHL has made a real offer it gave...
Donman89 writes...

50-50 false hope?

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
Listening to the players, I get the feeling we are not as close to the end as we all have hoped. It seems that the players are willing to turn in their Hockey uniforms to talk numbers like a stockbroker which would keep talks at a stand still. Everything that has happen thus far can be blamed on both side being stubborn but, now that the NHL has made a real offer it gave...
Donman89 writes...

50-50 false hope?

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
Listening to the players, I get the feeling we are not as close to the end as we all have hoped. It seems that the players are willing to turn in their Hockey uniforms to talk numbers like a stockbroker which would keep talks at a stand still. Everything that has happen thus far can be blamed on both side being stubborn but, now that the NHL has made a real offer it gave...
Donman89 writes...

50-50 false hope?

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
Listening to the players, I get the feeling we are not as close to the end as we all have hoped. It seems that the players are willing to turn in their Hockey uniforms to talk numbers like a stockbroker which would keep talks at a stand still. Everything that has happen thus far can be blamed on both side being stubborn but, now that the NHL has made a real offer it gave...
Donman89 writes...

50-50 false hope?

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
Listening to the players, I get the feeling we are not as close to the end as we all have hoped. It seems that the players are willing to turn in their Hockey uniforms to talk numbers like a stockbroker which would keep talks at a stand still. Everything that has happen thus far can be blamed on both side being stubborn but, now that the NHL has made a real offer it gave...
Donman89 writes...

50-50 false hope?

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
Listening to the players, I get the feeling we are not as close to the end as we all have hoped. It seems that the players are willing to turn in their Hockey uniforms to talk numbers like a stockbroker which would keep talks at a stand still. Everything that has happen thus far can be blamed on both side being stubborn but, now that the NHL has made a real offer it gave...
First of all I would like to clarify that I was pro-ownership last lockout. Owners had bumped up salaries to the point the league’s finances were in rough shape. However, it was basically a few ownership groups who were driving the pay-escalation, and it was difficult to indict the group as a whole. Some owners had been victims themselves and had come out and criticiz...
Phigment writes...

Let’s Make a Deal!

Posted Monday | Comments 0
I sit here today and watch Hurricane Sandy roll across the east coast, what could I do today? So I decided to take a stab at crossing the divided between the NHL and NHLPA. So they were negotiating, or at least gave the impression two weeks back with the offers. Both sides are playing the public relations game instead of actually negotiating. Let me take a quick poll,...
Here is more evidence that hockey players are the best shit-talkers in all of sports. While I believe that both sides need to make concessions in order to reach a fair deal, you have to give Ian White some credit for speaking his mind and not holding back. White's comments are blowing up Twitter (to the extent that hockey can blow up Twitter). I'd like to see a NHL rep...
andydrmm writes...

Lockout Blues

Posted Friday | Comments 0
I was planning on coming home from work, quickly changing, and hopping on the I-90 to head to Rochester for the Amerks vs Heat game. So why am I writing this? My wife is feeling under the weather, and I’m taking care of her. In the end, that’s way more important than a hockey game. My back up plan? Watch the game on Time Warner Sports Network. Downside with that, they�...
icedog97 writes...

Enough Already

Posted Monday | Comments 0
It's been a long time since I wrote anything here...sometimes life hands you more than you are ready to deal with and it takes a while to get caught up. Too bad the NHL and NHLPA can't say that about this lockout. Today is November 19th and there has yet to be an NHL game played in the 2012-13 season. Everybody knew what is happening...would happen...right? The...
andydrmm writes...

Frustration With No Hockey

Posted Wednesday | Comments 0
I normally write a lot more. I just have been having a real difficult time coming up with topics right now due to there not being NHL games. A lot of the topics that I’m ready to dive into, I’d rather write about during the season. Plus, there’s real examples there to use, instead of just going back to the past. It’s tough to write when there’s a lockout goin...
cwoof123 writes...

NHL lockout over?!

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
Coming this Friday the NHL and the NHLPA will announce if there is a season or not. Pierre Lebrun of ESPN reports that both sides want to make a deal. The sides met yesterday for 11 hours. The deals they made on Wednesday were that there will stay the same with the five-year term limits for contracts and they will stay with the five-year term limits for contracts and the 5...
ajm7719 writes...

To Whom It May Concern

Posted Friday | Comments 0
Dear NHL and NHLPA, Thank you for ruining not only the 2012-13 NHL season but the game in general with your greed. The image of this once proud sport has been tarnished and may never recover from a third lockout in eight-teen years. You believe your fans will come back no matter what happens but I'm here to tell you that we fans will not be back. We have had it with...
andydrmm writes...

Lament of a Hockey Fan

Posted Friday | Comments 0
It’s Friday night, I’m at home watching... nothing. Well that’s not true. My wife is playing a Wii game while I sit here with a beer typing my blog. I’m reminded once again of the fact that there’s not NHL hockey on my TV, and the pain that it brings hockey fans. I’m seriously concerned of the long term impacts that it looks like this lockout will have. I�...
In the past couple of days, NHLPA head Donald Fehr spoke at a meeting of the Canadian Auto Workers union. In his remarks, Don outlined all the things that his union has in common with the CAW, and it has been reported in the media he received a standing ovation from the audience. Apparently the membership of the CAW have been too busy building cars to pay much attention to...
viper_9mrw writes...

NHL lockout solved!!!!

Posted Monday | Comments 0
5/7 PCL There is no reason way the owners should have put 5/7 year contract trem limit on the table if the owners want a 5/7 year contract term limit then that is the owners responsabilty not the play. Basicly what i'm saying is that should be an agrement amongs the owners not the player. I do howerver agree that there should be a cap limit on length of contract term...
As much as I hated to see it, the last NHL lockout made sense to me. The gap between haves and the have-nots was growing at a ridiculous rate, and truth be told, I was glad to see the NHL take action before it got too far out of control like it has in Major League Baseball. The results of that lockout speak for themselves. Parity has returned to the league and ultimately...
BrentD10 writes...

The Mythological Gary Bettman

Posted Saturday | Comments 0
If there is one thing anyone who follows the NHL knows, even the mere mention of the name, "Gary Bettman" evokes a response. The NHL Commish is a polarizing figure, no more so than when a new CBA is being formed, and especially when there is a strike or lockout. Everyone, from the casual hockey fan, to the players in the League, has an opinion of "Bettman", and surely aren...
icedog97 writes...

What I'm Waiting for...

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
The NHL says it's waiting for the players to make a 'take it leave it' offer. The NHLPA says it's waiting for the league to 'resume talks'. You know what I am waiting for? I am waiting for: A simple display of common sense by both parties that will allow an agreement to be reached before the NHL cancels ANOTHER season. Some kind of understanding that a partn...
The picture of Evander Kane, standing on a balcony in Las Vegas, using stacks of money as a prop phone that he then posted on Twitter is a really telling indication of how some players really don't seem to understand the circumstances they are in. Sure, from a personal standpoint, the Winnipeg player has got the means. He's played in the NHL for a couple of years, and he's...
It’s almost comical to read the comments that inevitably follow online articles reporting on the NHL Lockout, especially those that are the, “That’s it! I’m done! I’ll never follow the NHL again!” variety. The funny part is when you read another article 3 days later, there’s the same person, with the same comment. And then, a week later, the same comment from...
[b]Every morning in which I have to pull myself out of bed before noon for work is a morning of disgruntled silence. If you speak to me to tell me, “good morning”, ask me a question of commit to any sort of communication what-so-ever you will be met with a grunt at best. It is not until my brain has had adequate time to warm up that my mouth starts to catch up with t...
[b]This is a question that every columnist or blogger in the hockey hemisphere is going to be asking its readers. How will the abreviated hockey season affect their team?[/b] Naturally the true answer is, "Nobody knows". But like with any bit of news in any major sport, journalists are going to be paid to ask these theoreticals and try their best to give an edjucated ...
andydrmm writes...

Don't Forget The Fans...

Posted Tuesday | Comments 0
I could do the overdone “Yay, lockout’s over!!” blog, but I won’t. There’s a few reasons, but those will be revealed more as time progresses towards the start of the season. However, I’m more concerned with how the NHL handles the next few days as teams head to camps. First, is the development of a schedule. We’ve lost enough games, and people have paid d...
Giroux writes...

Tentative Agreement: My Story

Posted Wednesday | Comments 0
I woke up this morning to the sound of my cell phone vibrating. I looked at my phone and there was 1 new message from my Uncle Hank. I opened the message. I saw one word: HOCKEY!! I ran into my grandfather’s room and he showed me his Kindle and there was a picture of a hockey goalie (I’m pretty sure it was Luongo) and the headline read, “Union Agrees to Tentativ...
I wont believe that Derek Roy isn't a Sabre anymore until I see it Sunday 1/20/13 against the Philadelphia Flyers. The Sabres didn't make any moves for a true NHL caliber number 1 center, but I do like the moves that they made in the off-season (a very long off-season.) Buffalo Sabres traded Derek Roy for tough guy Steve Ott and dman Adam Pardy. They also acquired enf...
msimoes writes...

Is "De-Expansion" the key?

Posted Tuesday | Comments 0
Before the lockout I thought the NHL was doing great and getting more and more popular by the year, I wasn't exactly right but not wrong either. The NHL hit record revenue with [b]$3.3 Billion [/b] in the 11-12 season. When the lockout finally ended I turned on ESPN, NESN, CSN, NBC expecting a panel of analysts talking hockey and big banner across the screen, but I was sho...
So the Anaheim Ducks have signed two of their big free agents. First they sign Ryan Getzlaf through 2021. That's a rather lengthy contract considering the NHL wanted to scale back those long term contracts. But even more impressive is the $8,250,000 per season over the next 6 seasons. Mind-blowing numbers when you consider that also was one of the major issues that ke...


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