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Tag Search Results for "NHLPA"
Dan Tolensky wrote an interesting Blog wondering if July 1st, 2007 was the day that we wondered if the Lockout was a waste of time. I usually love what you're writing because he don't miss much. This time I think that he has. I say, however, that the NHL convinced the NHLPA that they would play for funny money that may, or may not, be worth an actual US Greenback ... fo...
doormat247 writes...

The Death of Depth...

Posted Friday | Comments 0
I've heard plenty of voices over the past few weeks say that the salaries are spiralling out of control again and that the salary-cap really doesn't mean anything anymore. Obviously, this isn't entirely false inspite of what many fans of my Edmonton Oilers will tell you. Obviously as a whole this won't affect the salary cap as the cap is tied to league revenues. What thi...
[b]THE CALGARY FLAMES GET IT[/b] I thought I would write another blog on what is really important in life. Most of these players understand what is really important for the NHL. You see the players understand that no how many records they break, or how many goals they score, it doesn’t matter if there are no fans to watch them! I am going to share some stories that sh...
Hey there, Well, this is my first post on Hockeybuzz and I think I should tell you all who I am and what I am going to blog about! So, first off, I am a regular hockey fan (anyone suprised?) and not a hockey insider (...but i wish i was!). I'm your common "living room" DG that knows it all. Well, not to an extend that i will ask for a trade Murray - Sidney Crosby or ...
Many writers have opined that the CBA is favorable to the owners, or favorable to the players, or favorable to no one. How many have actually taken the time to slog through all 475 pages of the current agreement? Don't worry. One need read only as far as the CBA Preamble. If what it states isn't true, then the integrity of the whole CBA is problematic. Frankly, it is prett...
[i]Disclaimer: This news piece is not-entirely-factual and is for entertainment purposes only![/i] [img:left]http://phasezero.ca/img/news/crosby.jpg[/img] TORONTO, ON - The NHL Players Association has decided to strike until Sidney Crosby's sprained ankle recovers. "The players see no reason to play the game until Sidney's ankle returns to the ice," Paul Kelly, NHLPA E...
steven91 writes...

Masked Billboards

Posted Friday | Comments 0
Recently there’s been a lot of talk about having goaltenders wear special jerseys with advertisements on them. When I first heard this idea I reacted like most hockey fans did, my initial reaction was I’ll believe it when I see it. I assumed that this was just another one of the NHL’s brain dead ideas hoping to increase revenues. I couldn’t possible have seen the N...
During the lock out I happened to bump into a very well known Flames Defenseman (won't name names here) and after telling me about all the various locations he had visited during his time off (yeah so hard done by) he went off about what a weasel Bettman is. The players have never had it so good as they do now, the guys that have gotten them there have all been fired ...
amidst tundra writes...

The Old School Coup

Posted Tuesday | Comments 0
One would be forgiven for trying to avoid the latest behind-the-scenes circus to befall the league and its players association. Amid the ongoing and incredulous tug of ego's taking place at the now infamous Phoenix courthouse, Paul Kelly, Executive Director of the NHLPA was fired after a ten hour marathon of meetings in Chicago on Sunday. Kelly, who was thought to suppo...
Just found this great site that list all the free agents for the summer of 2010 with top ten Rankings you should check it out. Pretty cool site. [url]http://www.nhlfreeagents.com[/url]
icedog97 writes...


Posted Wednesday | Comments 0
I have been saying to anyone that will listen (not many)...for some time now...that it's not hits to the head that are the problem in the NHL, it's the blindside hits that create the most potential for injury. I'll get to that more in a second... When it comes to hits to the head, the NHL is in a very difficult spot in terms of making rules that apply specifically to...
If leaked reports are to be believed the NHLPA is preparing to file a grievance pertaining to the NHL’s rejection of the unprecedented 17 year, $102 million contract filed last week by the New Jersey Devils for Russian forward Ilya Kovalchuk. The report suggests that even if the Devils and Kovalchuk can agree on a restructured deal, the NHLPA may still decide to file a g...
Source NJ.com Are NHL commissioner Gary Bettman and Devils general manager Lou Lamoriello now at war? Considering that Lamoriello has been a key figure in Bettman's past labor battles against the players, such a war seemed unlikely not too long ago. But the Devils' decision to hold a press conference last Tuesday announcing the signing of a 17-year, $102 milli...
After months of political manoeuvring and speculation… and pending ratification, Donald Fehr appears primed to formally take office as the Executive Director of the NHLPA with the Ilya Kovalchuk saga providing an appropriate backdrop. Despite having earlier dismissed himself as a candidate for the role, the former MLBPA hardliner is now expected to spearhead the players ...
phi1671 writes...

Blind Side Hits

Posted Wednesday | Comments 0
Just a quick hit this morning in reference to the latest blind side hits. Ryan Miller wants the league to send a message to let all the players know that blind side hits should not be tolerated anymore. I applaud his stance on the subject. What I have an issue about is that the league can fine, suspend all of the players but in the end the players themselves have to...
phi1671 writes...


Posted Monday | Comments 0
So far this year it’s been true nightmare for the NHL executives because of the violence that is happening in our sport. First and foremost do we all forget that hockey is a violent sport? In some ways, I think we all forget that notion because of the amount of injuries that is happening this year. Plus, it doesn’t help that some of the injuries are the star pla...
Check out my blog http://nyi247.blogspot.com/ I spoke with Stu Siegel today, former Long Islander and current owner of the Florida Panthers. Stu set the bar for NHL owners by donating $10,000 to the Japan relief fund. follow him on twitter @StuSiegel . Tell him you heard about his donation and send him some love. I hope my NY Islanders step up. Lets see w...
NJDAaron1 writes...

Websites to Track Signings

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
www.HockeyBuzz.com www.NHL.com www.CapGeek.com www.NHLPA.com to track your favorite team: www.*teamname*.nhl.com
jc-13 writes...

A Quick Fix to the NHL CBA

Posted Sunday | Comments 0
The NHL's Collective Bargaining Agreement will soon expire leaving both NHL owners and the NHLPA (NHL Players' Association) scrambling to get a new deal done that satisfies both parties. The first proposal showed the serious issues between the owners and the players and while the initial proposal is clearly one-sided, it can be worked out in time for the next NHL season. T...
Most people believe both the NHL and NHLPA are responsible for the current labor dispute. But suppose it was decided that to save the season and not loose any games, an arbiter was appointed to resolve the labor dispute between the NHL and NHLPA. This arbiter would working on under the following rules. 1. The arbiter can only choose one of the latest offers from either...
(This is from my blog at www.ihjjr.com) Quick Hits Ovechkin made an appearance today at Kettler Ice Plex with Backstrom, Orlov, Johansson, Ribeiro and a few other players to take part in some on ice practice. Ovie showed up with a shaved head, citing that he did in homage for his 700 or so 'brothers' who are about to make war with the NHL and its owners. He sent Twitte...
archromat writes...

Why do CBAs even exist?

Posted Saturday | Comments 0
I wonder how the American government would run if the nation's laws shut down every 5 or 6 years while the Republicans and Democrats hammer out a new deal. Of course, it would take forever because both sides would have to invariably agree to everything. Granted, the process isn't like politics or legislation of laws, but in comparing this CBA system to systems that p...
Whether many read this blog or not I felt compelled to put my 2 cents out into the Blogging Universe regarding the collective bargaining situation between the NHL and the PA. First of all, I believe anyone deserves to get paid when they put in the effort and make the sacrifice to succeed. I believe in fairness and goodwill. I don't believe people should be punished fo...
He saved the Penguins on the ice and raised two Cups as their captain. After his retirement, he saved them financially. He rolled what salary he deferred as a player a primary ownership share in the franchise. He also saved the team once more time by securing a new facility for the Penguins, which ultimately prevented them from moving cities. All of the above-mentioned...
Mutara writes...

Collateral Damage

Posted Monday | Comments 0
As frustrating as the lockout is for me and the many wonderful hockey fans, I had the realization that this affects many people in a much more personal manner. Without the NHL season many are out of work or have a reduced income. As we all know the economy is not running strong at the moment and many struggle week to week or month to month already. The lockout has a tri...
They adopt a new system that hybridizes the marketplace and the cap approach, which theoretically allows a team to spend as much money as they want. “That’s what Goodenow wanted!” But wait... let’s go over some limitations. The new team structure would be presented as such, assuming a 50/50 split in revenue is reached (it’s really no secret the NHL offere...
jaredseason writes...

My CBA rant

Posted Wednesday | Comments 0
Man, I got to say this NHL lockout really does suck. The more time that passes the more I realize how much I am starting to miss that routine of getting back into a new hockey season. You know what I mean; September roles around and your thoughts begin to drift further and further into that beautiful abyss that is the NHL season. Your thinking about how trades and signings...
[b]For everything hockey - 24/7 news updates, scores, humour, blogs, and everything else in between, please follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/DailyNHLGrind.[/b] Something that was already a given, has further been proven now with the latest updates of the CBA negotiations. In case you haven’t heard the news yet (which obviously means you’ve probably b...
Much has been written about the NHL's latest offer to the NHLPA, tendered October 16. Instead of getting into the numbers [which require various assumptions] and debating the merits, I'll focus on the actual details of the offer and discuss whether they should be acceptable to the NHLPA. In no particular order: [b]1. Term[/b] The NHL proposes a 6-year CBA with a "mut...
The following blog is published on my site. and the original URL is: http://replacebettman.com/post/33933352781/nhl-proposal I have posted the complete article here for you consideration. October 19, 2012 Below is an Open Letter to both the NHL and NHLPA. I am telling each party in simple uncomplicated and straight foreword terms what my thoughts, feelings a...
andydrmm writes...


Posted Saturday | Comments 0
So like everyone else in the hockey world, I’ve been following all of the news with the proposals presented by the NHL and the NHLPA this week. I do not, repeat, [b]DO NOT[/b], agree that this is going to lead to any more negotiating or more talks at this point in time. This past week has just been a botched public relations move that was handled poorly. Gary Bettman...
Mutara writes...

Masters of Negotiation?

Posted Wednesday | Comments 0
After seeing the article yesterday evening on Yahoo Sports that the NHLPA offered to Tuesday to sit down and talk on Wednesday, I found myself a little disgusted. Yes, more disgusted than I already was with this whole process. Apparently, the NHL advised that did not feel it is necessary to talk if the NHLPA did not have a new proposal to bring to the table. Am I missin...
Chip McCleary writes...

Unfounded Optimism

Posted Wednesday | Comments 0
The comments from the media over the last several days following the swapping of proposals between the NHL and NHLPA would leave many fans to think a deal is oh-so-close, and that a slight massaging of details will have the 2012-13 season finally underway in a few short days. The reality, however, is that the two sides are still quite a ways apart – and no amount of che...
understanding about how the proposals compare, the better. The one thing that has been sorely missing from all of the talk, though, has been the possible flaws in each side’s proposal and whether new problems are created. Let’s rewind to August, 2005. The NHL and NHLPA had finally signed off on a new CBA, the 2005 Entry Draft had been held, and the free agent fren...
Phigment writes...

Let’s Make a Deal!

Posted Monday | Comments 0
I sit here today and watch Hurricane Sandy roll across the east coast, what could I do today? So I decided to take a stab at crossing the divided between the NHL and NHLPA. So they were negotiating, or at least gave the impression two weeks back with the offers. Both sides are playing the public relations game instead of actually negotiating. Let me take a quick poll,...
archromat writes...

Egos taking over... again

Posted Friday | Comments 0
I like to share stories in my life that are relevant to the situations I see in the media. The metaphor is such a beautiful thing to be able to reveal to many what has been hidden in the foundations of the world. Today, yesterday, the day before, the NHL and NHLPA have been meeting, and this came after a week-end of Daly meeting with S. Fehr giving us promise that thin...
FuzE_gus writes...

Here's a viewpoint NHLPA

Posted Saturday | Comments 0
Here's a short blog about something that peaked my interest. A viewpoint from someone with a keen mind for business who has not been following the CBA shenanigans. My Dad. My father followed hockey in the 70s but lost interest by the time I really got into it. I think the focus of building his business, raising a family and being an awesome father consumed his time. ...
archromat writes...

The NHL's delicate agenda

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
Every morning, I open the hockeybuzz website as well as other websites to get updated from the news around the NHL and around the world, and I see on TSN more and more players migrating to Europe, so I thought this would be a good opportunity to talk about this migration. Now a lot of people are on the player's side, often because they've been part of unions or strikes ...
Last night, I was pointed to a [url=http://www.startribune.com/sports/blogs/179740001.html]blog entry from Michael Russo at the Minneapolis Star-Tribune[/url]. In that posting, Russo states that he has copies of exhibits put forward by the NHL in discussions with the NHLPA illustrating the gap that really exists between both sides. Based on the exhibits Russo shows, th...
Thanks to unnamed sources, I've obtained an exclusive transcript of tomorrow's meeting between the NHL and NHLPA. The following is a rush version; the full version will be available tomorrow. [b]Bettman:[/b] We're still insisting on a 50/50 split of HRR, starting immediately, with limits on contract lengths, variation in salary by year. [b]Fehr:[/b] We're still insist...
icedog97 writes...

Enough Already

Posted Monday | Comments 0
It's been a long time since I wrote anything here...sometimes life hands you more than you are ready to deal with and it takes a while to get caught up. Too bad the NHL and NHLPA can't say that about this lockout. Today is November 19th and there has yet to be an NHL game played in the 2012-13 season. Everybody knew what is happening...would happen...right? The...
As we all await (some eagerly, some for morbid curiosity) news of how the latest round of negotiations between the NHL and NHLPA have gone, I thought I'd discuss an oft-mentioned point in both the 2005 CBA and this year's CBA's discussions: the Players Share of HRR. Many people have asked why various items aren't included in HRR, ranging from game-used merchandise to p...
archromat writes...

War of acidity

Posted Tuesday | Comments 0
Hockey players have usually been a classy lot, that maybe sometimes they were outspoken, but most of them remained tight-lipped and stand-up people off the rink. Few other sports can bolster the class that hockey players (in general) have. Many wear suit and ties to games and make it a habit to keep clean shaven during the regular season, also keeping their hair trimmed ...
Chip McCleary writes...

Unfounded Optimism, II

Posted Tuesday | Comments 0
[url=http://my.hockeybuzz.com/blog.php?user_id=48072&post_id=14164]I wrote a post last month[/url] that talked about how the media was incredibly optimistic that because the NHL and NHLPA were meeting, a deal could be close at hand. At that time, I didn't buy it because the two sides were too far apart on key issues. Fast foward about 4 weeks, and it's deja vu: the ...
Chip McCleary writes...

What Fehr should do next

Posted Wednesday | Comments 0
Suffice it to say, I was shocked like everyone else was when news came out that talks had broken down between the NHL and NHLPA yet again. After hearing from some of the media about how progress was imminent and a breakthrough might be at hand, discovering that the NHL had yet again dismissed the NHLPA’s graciousness was … what’s the word, predictable? The proble...
archromat writes...

Controlling the language

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
Now I used to get into a lot of arguments online, so I know a lot of the tricks that people do in order to gain the upper hand. One of them is being employed by both sides of the negotiation, and it came more to life yesterday. Most arguments have to do with language, words (semantics), what meanings they package, and how they're contextually used. Since language is a...
If Bettman's suggestion goes through and Fehr and Bettman are lesioned from the situation with players and owners doing the raw negotiations, a deal will get done much faster so long as they keep it that way. It will. But one side will probably be a clear winner at the end of all of this because they'll quickly establish a language and the more persistent will probably o...
The very constitution is about to be rewritten! They're trying to destroy our social liberties, the freedom we sacrificed countless lives to obtain! We knew this was going to happen! We knew that they were going to try to trick us as soon as we signed that last CBA that rolled back 24% of our salaries! Rollback 24% more of our salaries, I tell you! We will NOT be limite...
Well, here we are yet again – another round of the media proclaiming success and happiness was imminent, and yet another round of reality rearing its ugly head to stomp on all those dreams. Predictable, really – and yet, some people just can’t help but make themselves giddy hoping for things to happen, no matter the ultimate cost. Myself, I’m thrilled that talk...
ajm7719 writes...

To Whom It May Concern

Posted Friday | Comments 0
Dear NHL and NHLPA, Thank you for ruining not only the 2012-13 NHL season but the game in general with your greed. The image of this once proud sport has been tarnished and may never recover from a third lockout in eight-teen years. You believe your fans will come back no matter what happens but I'm here to tell you that we fans will not be back. We have had it with...
viper_9mrw writes...

New CBA offer

Posted Saturday | Comments 0
Lets talk about numbers for a minute. Sense the 2005-06 NHL season the NHL had 0% of its players holding out for a new deal when they where already under contract. That is called honor and loyalty Sense the 2005-06 season the NFL, NBA, MLB has had its players holding out for more money when they where already under contract That is call no honor and no loyalty ...
archromat writes...

Cherry checkmates Fehr

Posted Saturday | Comments 0
Don Cherry is making headlines these days by saying that the NHLPA should be put to a vote on the latest offer that the NHL submitted to the PA. Of course, Fehr is not likely to do it, but when we see why, the reasons are suspect. The reasons not to put things to a vote are as follows: 1. Lose respectability from other players and get chastised for opposition. 2. Und...
In the past couple of days, NHLPA head Donald Fehr spoke at a meeting of the Canadian Auto Workers union. In his remarks, Don outlined all the things that his union has in common with the CAW, and it has been reported in the media he received a standing ovation from the audience. Apparently the membership of the CAW have been too busy building cars to pay much attention to...
thrashawks1881 writes...

Decade of CBA

Posted Tuesday | Comments 0
Is everybody healing up after the Probert-esk emotional pummeling dealt out by Donald Fehr? Good, now lets hit some high points of todays CBA talk. I think a 10 year CBA is a horrible idea. That assures a work stoppage in 10 years time. I think if they have a shorter CBA, 4 years with a mutual option for 2 , it will allow the league and players an opportunity to...
Prosperity. Prosperity. Prosperity. If there is anything that we can learn by looking at recent history, both in the NHL, and in other professional sports, it's this; labour peace results in nothing but money, money, money. Baseball hands out multi-million dollar contracts to players with very average stats like so much toilet paper, mainly because everyone, teams, player...
First of all, I'd like to say thanks to all the people that have given me feedback about my first couple of posts on this blog. All comments and feedback are appreciated, pro and con. However, one comment captured my attention, and is worthy of a response. One person commented: "People who state our hard earned money to pay for tickets, probably have never played hockey a...
As much as I hated to see it, the last NHL lockout made sense to me. The gap between haves and the have-nots was growing at a ridiculous rate, and truth be told, I was glad to see the NHL take action before it got too far out of control like it has in Major League Baseball. The results of that lockout speak for themselves. Parity has returned to the league and ultimately...
BrentD10 writes...

The Mythological Gary Bettman

Posted Saturday | Comments 0
If there is one thing anyone who follows the NHL knows, even the mere mention of the name, "Gary Bettman" evokes a response. The NHL Commish is a polarizing figure, no more so than when a new CBA is being formed, and especially when there is a strike or lockout. Everyone, from the casual hockey fan, to the players in the League, has an opinion of "Bettman", and surely aren...
icedog97 writes...

What I'm Waiting for...

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
The NHL says it's waiting for the players to make a 'take it leave it' offer. The NHLPA says it's waiting for the league to 'resume talks'. You know what I am waiting for? I am waiting for: A simple display of common sense by both parties that will allow an agreement to be reached before the NHL cancels ANOTHER season. Some kind of understanding that a partn...
The picture of Evander Kane, standing on a balcony in Las Vegas, using stacks of money as a prop phone that he then posted on Twitter is a really telling indication of how some players really don't seem to understand the circumstances they are in. Sure, from a personal standpoint, the Winnipeg player has got the means. He's played in the NHL for a couple of years, and he's...
hockeylegend488 writes...

Nhl draft re-wind 2008

Posted Wednesday | Comments 0
Hello everyone hope you all had a great Christmas and happy new year. For the average hockey fan its been a tough and disappinting season to say the least. Luckily some of the best hockey of the year can be found threw the holidays in the annual World junior tournaments. As my first blog on the sit ide like to do my personal opinion of the nhl draft rewind segment. Now pe...
hockeylegend488 writes...

Nhl draft re-wind 2008

Posted Wednesday | Comments 0
Hello everyone hope you all had a great Christmas and happy new year. For the average hockey fan its been a tough and disappinting season to say the least. Luckily some of the best hockey of the year can be found threw the holidays in the annual World junior tournaments. As my first blog on the sit ide like to do my personal opinion of the nhl draft rewind segment. Now pe...
hockeylegend488 writes...

Nhl draft re-wind 2008

Posted Wednesday | Comments 0
Hello everyone hope you all had a great Christmas and happy new year. For the average hockey fan its been a tough and disappinting season to say the least. Luckily some of the best hockey of the year can be found threw the holidays in the annual World junior tournaments. As my first blog on the sit ide like to do my personal opinion of the nhl draft rewind segment. Now pe...
It’s almost comical to read the comments that inevitably follow online articles reporting on the NHL Lockout, especially those that are the, “That’s it! I’m done! I’ll never follow the NHL again!” variety. The funny part is when you read another article 3 days later, there’s the same person, with the same comment. And then, a week later, the same comment from...
archromat writes...

Apology accepted

Posted Sunday | Comments 0
Now that the lockout has reached a tentative agreement (you know, pending board of governor approval and to make sure that there's little misunderstanding when it's committed to paper), we can now reflect on the way we were prior to the resolution of this nasty lockout. Though we lost a full season in 2005, less proverbial poo was flung at that time as is flung this tim...
artem791 writes...


Posted Saturday | Comments 0
Hello, my name is Daniel Jackson, i am 22 years old and i have been reading this site for 3-4 years now. i am quite interested in writing blogs and i plan on writing many here. I am a HUGE avalanche fan, so you will see many directed to them, but i would like to cover every team in a "look to the season" with projections, lineups, breakout players and whats to come for the...
Ebs_14x writes...

NHL and the Law

Posted Wednesday | Comments 0
Whether hockey fans like to admit it or not, hockey players are celebrities, and with that status come partying, hitting women and driving into Tim Horton's. Anyhow, it's how the NHL goes about with dealing issues that arise and they do a good job. In contrast the NFL worries more about the Deflate Gate than actual issues that their players commit, such as beating wives or...
Over the past couple of years, there have troubles around NHL players and law enforcement and court systems. Seymon Varlamov. Slava Voynov. Clayton Stoner. Sean Avery. Ian White. Aaron Ward. Dan LaCouture. Jack Johnson. Linden Vey. Mike Richards. Jarrett Stoll. Alex Galchenyuk. Devante Smith-Pelly. Garett Ross. Patrick Kane. Evander Kane. And the list continues to grow. ...
Calder Memorial "Rookie of the Year" C Connor McDavid (Edmonton Oilers) LW Artemi Panarin (Chicago Blackhawks) D Shayne Gostisbehere (Philadelphia Flyers) My Winner: McDavid. Veznia Trophy "Best Goalie" G Braden Holtby (Washington Capitals) G Ben Bishop (Tampa Bay Lightning) G Jonathan Quick (Los Angeles Kings) My Winner: Holtby. Frank...
Calder Memorial "Rookie of the Year" C Connor McDavid (Edmonton Oilers) LW Artemi Panarin (Chicago Blackhawks) D Shayne Gostisbehere (Philadelphia Flyers) My Winner: McDavid. Veznia Trophy "Best Goalie" G Braden Holtby (Washington Capitals) G Ben Bishop (Tampa Bay Lightning) G Jonathan Quick (Los Angeles Kings) My Winner: Holtby. Frank...
Zak MacMillan writes...

NHL: Week of Retirement

Posted Wednesday | Comments 0
With all the players retiring this past week, I will go through who has left the game. The four players in age vary in age from the youthful age of 26 to the veteran of 39. Two were first round picks; one was undrafted. Two were forwards; two were defensemen. Cody Hodgson announced his retirement from hockey to join the youth development and fan development programs in...
Over the past couple days, the NHL has two new captains. In Edmonton, the Oilers named Connor McDavid the captain, being the youngest player in NHL history. The Oilers also named newly acquired Milan Lucic; center Ryan Nugent-Hopkins; and winger Jordan Eberle the alternative captains. The Florida Panthers named Derek MacKenzie the captain, with defenseman Aaron Ekblad and ...
Jeremy Laura writes...

The fight inside the NHLPA

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
Frank Seravalli wrote a good piece regarding the NHLPA potential opt out of the current CBA https://www.tsn.ca/nhlpa-weighing-risks-of-poking-the-bear-1.1360531 It reads pretty much as I expected. Escrow is the thorn in the players side. 12.5% of paychecks gone back to the league. It’s a bizarre groupon that the league owners managed to acquire with the revenue split of...


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