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Tag Search Results for "Phoenix"
I've often been asking myself whether a hockey fan can be loyal to their team without renewing their season tickets. Half of me says to renew, while my better half says "no". Although I must give respect to the Coyotes for coming out and saying that we're in a rebuilding time, I just don't agree with it. As a business owner, I know that if I don't put out a product that...
jnamio writes...

A Casual Glance

Posted Tuesday | Comments 0
I took a casual glance at the roster for the Phoenix Coyotes this morning. I realize, of course, that they still have quite a bit of money to spend to fill out that roster. But I also realize that they won't spend it. So this, my friends, this is the roster that we will be working with come October. In the "promising, up and coming, youth movement" category we have... ...
I decided to put together my own My NHL Season Preview, please read and tell me your thoughts I started with the Pacific Division Phoenix Coyotes First I have to say sorry to the fans of the Phoenix Coyotes, you will have the toughest of seasons to watch. Your team will have to play Anaheim, San Jose, and Dallas a total of 24 times. And you most likely propel Lo...
Defenseman Freddy Meyer has been claimed off waivers by the Phoenix Coyotes. Berard is beleived to be activated tomorrow and play one of the two back to back games later this week.
We all know that as fans it seems like there are only 2 emotions in our fan-lives, a giddy rollercoaster of ups and downs, from supreme and utter glory as our team wins to dark, lonely despair as they fail don't. In some ways it's easier to be a fan of a really good team, like the Wings, or a fan of a struggling team, like the Blue Jackets. The Red Wings of the pas...
as per isles website.. [quote]Islanders GM Garth Snow reacquired the 26-year-old defenceman Saturday, picking Meyer up on re-entry waivers from the Phoenix Coyotes. "The injuries we've recently had on our blue line prove you can never have enough depth," Snow said in a release. "We've always liked Freddy. He's an intense competitor and he's a very solid defenceman i...
If at first you don't succeed, try seven more times. The Penguins powerplay was pretty lousy all night long, while not really generating that many good scoring opportunities in the process. But the Pens decided eight was enough when right-handed defenseman Kris Letang scored in the left slot on a cross-ice feed from Sidney Crosby for the game-winning goal with about ...
CaptShark writes...

Oh What a Night

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
Last nights Sharks victory extended the win streak to 3. I normally do not start calling them streaks until after three, but due to the start of this season I will make an exception. This streak feels different though. The four game streak where San Jose took three from Phoenix and a game from Dallas did not have the same feeling to it. It almost seemed like everyone kind ...
When you're the Manchester Phoenix, that's who. Last night in the Altrincham Ice Dome, the Phoenix beat Hull Stingrays 3-2 in the second leg of the British Knockout Cup. The result of the first leg was 5-3 to Hull Stingrays, so Manchester needed to win by 3 clear goals to progress to the final. And they were 3 goals ahead up until 56.57 when Nikolai Ladygin scored for H...
Against a team that you can't give excuses for losing to, the Sharks put in a very lazy game against the Desert Dogs on Tuesday coming up on the losing end, 5-3. Trust me, the score makes the game look a lot closer than it was. I'll admit, I did not get to see the first period as the game started at 6:30pm here in California and I was still at work, but less than a m...
I couldn't care less if you think Columbus is a joke. And I REALLY don't care if you think Rick Nash is overrated, under-performing, and overpaid. Last night, Rick Nash truly showed all of the NHL what he can do - what the Columbus faithful he knew he had all along. With just over 10 minutes to go in the 3rd, Nikolai Zherdev (one of the biggest surprises this season...
In one of the best and most entertaining games of the year, the Flames came back from a 3-0 deficit at the start of the third period to beat the Coyotes 4-3 in the shootout. Jarome Iginla finally snapped his 10-game goalless streak in dramatic fashion, first wiring home an amazing shot from the left circle over Ilya Bryzgalov's shoulder with just 9 seconds left to tie the ...
Texhorns02 writes...

Stick a fork in them

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
4-1 Phoenix with 10 minutes left. With 2 minutes left in the 2nd Dallas was down just 2-1. However Mattias Norstrom, being the human pylon that he is, allowed Niko Kapanen to skate right around him to pick up a rebound. Since when is Niko Kapanen a net crasher? Keep him contained and put him on his ass Norstrom. I thought his reputation was as a solid defender and hi...
I figured a little bit of Phoenix pregame would be in order. Here are a few interesting numbers I checked up on. Brygalov last 3 years vs Dallas: 2-3 2.25 .927 sv% at the AAC: 4GP 1.99 GAA .934sv% Turco vs Phoenix last 3 years: 9-5 2.62 GAA .884sv% in Phoenix: 4.15 GAA .852sv% Since 2001 Home: 10-5-2 G...
Texhorns02 writes...

Ugly, Ugly, Ugly

Posted Wednesday | Comments 1
http://www.eddiesbetter.com/2008/03/ugly-ugly-ugly.html There were two keys that I pinpointed for this game coming in: Turco had to outplay Bryzgalov and the penalty kill needed to stay off the ice. Dallas didn't give up a powerplay goal, and Turco only gave up 2 goals. The offense was just terrible. The powerplay has been very sloppy lately. Tonight they couldn't ...
Why Not ? Who would of thought 2 months ago when the Canucks were tied for 10th place in the Western Conference that with 9 games left in the season they would be within striking distance of defending the Northwest division that they won in style last year. Let me tell you I for sure didn't, I assumed we were doomed with Nashville and Phoenix knocking at the doo...
It is inevitable that the Rangers will have to move some players to make room for Mats Sundin. I still think they should remain in the hunt,as the Rangers will need another scoring threat to compete in the East.For one or two years the Blue shirts would add much needed size to slow down the attack of the Pens,Flyers and beefed up Tampa.I think a line of Mats,Naslund,and...
From: http://capsstop.blogspot.com Boudreau and the boys head into Thursday's game coming off a loss, Tuesday, to the Calgary Flames. The Caps are 3-2-1, tied for first in the Southeast Division with Carolina (7 pts.), heading into Thursday's game against Gretzky and the Coyotes. The Capitals desperately need to right the ship, to avoid losing three in a row for the fir...
bagasome writes...

Third Time Not The Charm

Posted Friday | Comments 0
From: http://capsstop.blogspot.com For the first time in the Bruce Boudreau era, the Washington Capitals have lost three straight games during the regular season. The Caps travelled to Phoenix on Thursday night and lost 2-1 to Wayne Gretzky and the Phoenix Coyotes. The Coyotes came back from a 1-0 deficit and scored two unanswered goals in third period and held on for t...
With the tedium of the All Star break thankfully behind us for another year, two counting the Olympics, we can now get back to the business of meaningful hockey with all the gusto that is associated with the regular season run in. Heading into the NHL’s maligned showcase weekend, one of this decade’s most memorable mid season pile ups was materializing in the Western C...
I have to say, when I first read about Upshall (and a 2nd) being traded for Carcillo I was pretty upset. Having given things time to digest, I'm not so upset. While I think the Yotes may have gotten the best of Homer on this one, this [i]could[/i] end up working out ok for the Flyers. While I really loved what Upshall brought to the team and believe he has a higher ce...
joeblog writes...

a possibilty for the coyotes

Posted Wednesday | Comments 0
so here is what i don't get...i understand both the pros and cons for moving the coyotes, but to ontario? just won't happen. since the lock-out, the league has sky rocketed in popularity...the fan base has exploded tremendously. fans are coming into something great now, and to move a team like the coyotes to ontario would be a bad idea. why? well now you have to re-d...
Lets look into this a bit. The Jets had pitiful attendance figures that declined right up until they moved to Phoenix. In their last season, the Jets averaged just over 11,000 fans per game. Generally, Corporate ticket sales make up around 60-70% of total ticket sales, on average. The remaining tickets are ones bought by you and me, Individuals. The Jets were the third ...
The title that I wanted to put for this was too long so I had to shorten it. I don't mean to cause any kind of hatred or anything with it. The original title was to be: "Why the NHL is better off in Phoenix than in Winnipeg - Part 2: The Rebuttals". Alright, so I promised to write a blog to counter the 18 comments on my last blog. Close to half of those comments didn't ...
There's really no way this can end well. The drama surrounding the Phoenix Coyotes has been going on for months. It's almost certainly hurt the morale of the team, and it's been terrible publicity for a league that already struggles to maintain credibility outside of the Canadian market. Part of establishing that credibility has been trying to prove that hockey is a...
cyeryk writes...

Show me the money

Posted Sunday | Comments 6
The movie Jerry Maguire started this phrase, and it even won an Oscar for Cuba Gooding Jr., but should it apply to someone trying to sell a hockey team or better a bankrupt team? Sure there have been some offers made to buy the team, but none that come close to the Balsillie offer. This decision shouldn't come down to just money, but because it is in the courtroom, it prob...
cyeryk writes...

Economics 101

Posted Wednesday | Comments 2
The more posts and reliable news outlets I read there is a common theme. The NHL is anti Canada. Now, I know I may not be the most educated man on the planet or the most business savy, but there were some basic lessons in economics and business. There will be some people who may have a degree or more experience in the field I am about to talk about and I will take critici...
An amazing insider interview by James Mirtle wrt to the Phoenix Coyotes situation. [i][b]"The view from Phoenix: An interview with 12 News reporter Brahm Resnik (and why he thinks Reinsdorf will win)"[/b][/i] A completely different point of view, and an important read. See James Mirtle's Blog at [b]'fromtherink.com'[/b] JC
I am a US hockey fan, and I can not state emphatically enough that there is NO reason to "Make it Seven". It should be MAKE IT TEN Southern markets in the United States, despite some very vocal and passionate fans, are largely failures. The two teams in the state of Florida have had their successes, but have been in terrible financial straits and have seen far more d...
chipiii writes...

Phoenix = Pathetic.

Posted Friday | Comments 0
[i]"The Coyotes managed a sellout in their home opener when all tickets were sold for $25 or less. The team's second home game on Thursday night drew an announced crowd of just 6,899."[/i] - The Canadian Press Here it goes: Give the team to Balsillie, move them to Hamilton and make some money in a healthy location. [b]Phoenix, I'm sure you are a nice city but as an ...
Welcome back folks! It's a chilly night here in Ottawa but at least the Habs are on and the Sens are loosing to Ray Emery! Yay! The Habs take on Phoenix tonight in what should be a decent game provided the Habs can actually score some goals. The games features brother --vs- brother (The Pyatts), Cousin -vs- Cousin (Price, Doan) and, the one and only, Robert Lang. Gam...
Montreal was finally able to spin out of their offensive lethargy last night by beating the Phoenix Coyotes 4 - 2 IN REGULATION! Yes, in regulation. For the record and in case anyone is counting, that is only their second regulation win this season. A frightening stat for even those with the most stable hearts. Ok, on with the observations: 1 - Tomas Plekanec has no...
sreekers writes...

Let the Log Jam Begin

Posted Saturday | Comments 5
We are seeing a tremendous year of hockey. Tight standings, fun play and a division/conference that is up for grabs. Currently we have three teams that are in a fight for the western conference lead with 47 points apiece, L.A., Chicago, and San Jose. However, Chicago has earned those 47 in just 33 games. Nashville stands alone at 45 points, but stands to move up if they...
Anyone with NHL Center Ice could clearly see 41 times a year that the franchises in Atlanta, Florida, and Phoenix are dieing. Old News right? Yeah, but with the swirling rumours of the NHL returning to Winnipeg, and the constant dismay of those who say "this again?", lets look at the situation a bit closer. On any given night, except maybe when the Leafs are in t...
Dear Mr. Bettman, I’m going to be blunt with you Gary; I’m not going to sugar-coat anything. Look around you, Gary. You’ve got ownership problems with a number of franchises. Every time you seem to get one squared away, like Tampa, another one or two crop up (Los Angeles and Phoenix for example). It’s time to make some hard choices my friend. No one wants to ...
Perhaps the most anti-climatic goal in playoff overtime history, but it still counts. The Chicago Blackhawks had an unbelievable ride to the top this past season and they deserved to win the Stanley Cup. Just a few days later, it's already time to start looking ahead to next season. The NHL draft is only a couple of weeks away, as well as the award ceremony. On June 22n...
camsoilers writes...

oilers over the rainBRO

Posted Thursday | Comments 8
Ok !!!! To start off with yes is says rainBRO because I didn't want to give off the wrong impression. Secondly i am posting mostly because for some odd reason it won't let me make comments on other posts although you can clearly see i am logged in it still says you have to log in to make a comment.Ugggg Back to over the rainbro. I am a a life long oilers fan. My paren...
MapleLeafs61 writes...


Posted Monday | Comments 6
Rangers trade Micheal Roszival to the Phoenix Coyotes for Wojtek Wolski What do you think of this deal? Phoenix recieves a young budding defenceman who has the talent to be a playmaker and scorer, and the Rangers recieve a forward who has proven himself to be quite the point producer in past years, but is just having an off-season. With Frolov out for the remainder of...
leafspensjets writes...


Posted Saturday | Comments 0
thanx to tsn.ca for this http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/jetsmeter/
As the season wraps down for these two clubs both are fairly secure in their hopes for a playoff berth. Both the Coyotes and Kings are tied for 5th/6th in the West with 96 points apiece. A win for the Coyotes will seal their playoff dreams and guarantee them a spot. This will be a big game for the Desert Dogs as they will be facing a beaten up LA squad missing their supers...
electric81 writes...

Here We Go!

Posted Monday | Comments 0
The Detroit Red Wings finished up their regular season with a win over the Chicago Blackhawks at the United Center yesterday, solidifying their place as the number 3 seed. Next up will be the Phoenix Coyotes, a rematch of last year’s Western Conference Quarterfinals. The season series between these two clubs was split down the middle, with both teams grabbing two out o...
electric81 writes...

Home is Finally "Home" Again

Posted Thursday | Comments 1
The Detroit Red Wings put to rest any doubts of their ability to perform in the post-season with a convincing win over the Phoenix Coyotes at Joe Louis Arena last night. It seems that the regular season woes are definitely behind not only the Red Wings players, but also the fans as well. The team has been booed off the ice on more than one occasion for the first time in ...
electric81 writes...

Bring Out the Brooms

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
The Detroit Red Wings completed their sweep of the Phoenix Coyotes last night in Glendale by a score of 6-3. A team on the ropes is always known to put their best foot forward, in desperation or otherwise, and the Coyotes did just that. Despite what has come to be a customary early lead by the Red Wings, Phoenix kept the score tied for the majority of the night, and ...
Ilya Bryzgalov has once again opened his big mouth an insulted the entire country of Canada. For those who didn't see this guys interview with regards to Edmonton, please see this link: [url]http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8531230620351334232#[/url] That was a few years back when he was in Anaheim. This time around he has now picked on Winnipeg. Saying ... ...
Mathwil3 writes...

A Much to Do About Nothing

Posted Tuesday | Comments 0
To Whom It May Concern, This is a forewarning to all GMs, owners, and fans who enter the perils of "Player Holdouts". Prepare yourself for a giant letdown. History dictates the player will always win. Not the team or it's fans, the player and his agent always win. Why does this hold true? The player has the least to lose. He may not have a salary ...
After a nine-day wait to begin the regular season, the Jets looked sloppy and out of sync with each other in a 5-1 loss to the Habs on Sunday. Now that all the hooplah surrounding the return of the team has subsided somewhat, the team is leaving on its first road trip of the season. Time for this team to spend some time together and do a little bonding. I suspect a li...
RickDixon writes...

Jets/Coyotes pregame thoughts

Posted Saturday | Comments 0
Okay.........so is it too early to call this a must-win game for the Jets ? I know its a long season but I just have this sneaky suspicion that the Jets really need to win this game. If they are able to pull off a win, they should have some confidence heading back home to post a sure loss to the Pens. [b]The whole new Jets vs old Jets thing[/b] This has absolutely ...
Ed Stein writes...

The Predators need Kyle Turris

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
To make the playoffs, someone has to score goals for the Predators. Kyle Turris should be that man. Find out why. http://www.centericereport.com/news_article/show/109976?referrer_id=352791
gomer300 writes...


Posted Friday | Comments 0
Most of the time I think a young player is pulling some serious BS by holding out and demanding a trade. I tend to think they've been getting bad advice or have egos the size of Manhattan. In this case, I think Phoenix is really dropping the ball. Ever since Gretzky benched Turris for his first game in Vancouver even though he'd played up until that point, I kept an eye...
SabreHess writes...

Darcy For a Day

Posted Monday | Comments 0
Let's re-enact the plot from the seminal classic "Trading Places" with Eddie Murphy and Dan Akroyd. I have a full day ahead of me as the Sabres new head honcho and while the very confused Darcy Regier spends the next 8 hours trying to find my car keys and navigate the rough and tumble Jersey neighborhoods, I have some phone calls to make. [b]8am- [/b]I just entered the...
This story is becoming more and more familiar. Despite rallying to erase a 3-0 deficit to tie the game late in the second period, the Chicago Blackhawks were unable to finish off a hard-working Phoenix Coyotes club in the shootout, losing 4-3. Both Oliver Ekman-Larsson and former Blackhawk Radim Vrbata scored for Phoenix in the shootout, while red-hot Blackhawks ...
Game two of this Western Conference back-to-back road trip is tonight with the Bolts taking on the Phoenix Coyotes. As a result of the quick turnaround time, the Bolts will probably be a little bit tired in Phoenix. The key for the Bolts is to remain disciplined as they search for their 3rd win in a row. If history means anything, the Bolts come into this one having won...
The Lightning won back-to-back road games for the first time this season. It was a welcome change for a team that is just trying to claw its way back into the playoff race. Tonight’s two points will go a long way in ensuring the Bolts have a chance at the post-season. Roloson was superb, the offense did what it had to and the defense held its own for the most part. I...
Well the All-Star Game is upon us this weekend. Does anyone else think it would be wildly successful if it took place in Las Vegas? It's hard to tell if the Coyotes have overachieved or underachieved to this point of the season. A mixture of both seems fitting. Rather than analyze the first 50 games, let's look at the future of what the Coyotes need for the playoff p...
Well the All-Star Game is upon us this weekend. Does anyone else think it would be wildly successful if it took place in Las Vegas? It's hard to tell if the Coyotes have overachieved or underachieved to this point of the season. A mixture of both seems fitting. Rather than analyze the first 50 games, let's look at the future of what the Coyotes need for the playoff p...
It seems like eons since the Chicago Blackhawks have won a game, particularly on the road. They will hope to add a much needed two points to their total in the standings tonight when they're hosted by the Phoenix Coyotes. After last night's defeat to the San Jose Sharks, the Blackhawks are now winless in their last seven games. A slump such as this comes at possibly the...
icedog97 writes...


Posted Wednesday | Comments 0
Last June I wrote the following blog about realignment. In it I included some comments concerning the Coyotes and a move to Quebec. I thought I would re-post it now because it seems that it's relevant given the news about the new arena being built in Quebec....and I think only 4 people read the original posting of it... __________________________________________________...
That sound you may have heard over the last few days, as NHL teams have hosted their first games, is the collective sigh of relief coming from all associated with the League, as it appears that the fan interest (so far) is fully intact. The threats of boycotts, both physical and financial, have to this point been just that, threats, and haven't translated into reality. Hoc...
Howling_Coyote writes...

Coyotes: The First Blog

Posted Wednesday | Comments 5
Hello there! So this is my first attempt ever at writing a blog about anything. Let's see how it goes. Perhaps an introduction is in order? I've been watching the Coyotes play hockey since I moved to Phoenix in 1998. The first hockey game I ever went to was a playoff game the Coyotes were hosting against the San Jose Sharks. I had never been to any game with so much inten...
The Coyotes were defeated today by the Nashville Predators 3-0. It was the kind of game through the first 2 periods that both teams would be comfortable playing any day. It was very defensive with almost no real big threats on goal. There really is not much to say about those first two periods because neither team really grabbed the momentum and a lot of back and forth...
Tonight the Coyotes hosted the Calgary Flames, who just came of a hard fought come from behind victory last night against the Dallas Stars. The Coyotes were looking to take advantage of that fact when they were coming into this game… and take advantage they did. In less than a minute they grabbed the lead with a rebound goal by Keith Yandle. I got to feel for Calgary...
This is a good opportunity to look at the Coyote’s season thus far and what I perceive as their playoff chances. They are currently on a 4 day rest before taking on the Edmonton Oilers tomorrow. As it stands, they have played 16 games and 18 points to stand at 7th in the Western Conference as I write this. So how does this compare to a full season and the pace of las...
The Phoenix Coyotes took on the Edmonton Oilers and Calgary Flames on back to back nights this weekend. I will be pretty brief in my explanations of the games because I did not see enough of them to give what I believe to be a high-quality analysis. Also, I am not a huge fan of writing a lot after losses because sometimes there is not much positive to say. First off, t...
The Phoenix Coyotes are a team that have earned the label as a low scoring trap team by many people’s standards. However, there is more than what meets the eye when it comes to the Coyotes. Looking at the standings right now before they take on the Wild, they sit 9th with 21 points. What is surprising to some though may be that they have 54 goals for and 51 against ...
Tonight, the Phoenix Coyotes played against the Minnesota Wild and fell short of trying to tie up the game late on. With a final score of 4-3 for the Wild. The first period, the possession and play was dictated by the Coyotes. However, the Wild scored 2 goals on 4 shots to give them a 2-0 lead going into the second period. The first goal was a defensive breakdown by th...
Tonight, the Phoenix Coyotes played against the Anaheim Ducks in the first of three consecutive games against the Ducks. Anaheim played last night so the Coyotes had that advantage going into the game. The first period started off poorly for the Yotes when the Ducks scored less than a minute into the game. Andrew Cogiliano scored from the slot when the Yotes lost a boar...
Tonight, the Phoenix Coyotes played against the Anaheim Ducks again for the second out of three consecutive meetings. It was déjà vu all over again… so to speak. I will not recap the game in the same manner as last time because it pretty much went the same way. The Coyotes gave up a lead to the Ducks, then battle back for a lead of their own. THEN, they give up the ...
The Phoenix Coyotes played the Anaheim Ducks in their third and final game of a three game series last night. Overall it was not a good performance by the Yotes. They seemed to lack any heart in the game and looked slow and sloppy. Now for a quick recap! The first period was all about the Ducks. They dominated the play while the Coyotes got absolutely no offensive press...
Last night, the Phoenix Coyotes played against the St. Louis Blues in their second game in as many nights. After losing to Anaheim 2-0 the previous game, the Yotes were looking to have a solid rebound game against a banged up Blues squad. Unfortunately for Coyotes fans, the Blues had their way with the Coyotes last night. The final was 6-3, but it wasn’t even that close ...
The Phoenix Coyotes looked to start off the second half of their season well tonight in a meeting against the Dallas Stars. Coming into the game, the Stars have had a couple of good games and great offensive numbers since February. The Coyotes came into the game having dropped 2 games in regulation. The first period showed that the Coyotes players took the coaching mes...
Howling_Coyote writes...

Coyotes Dethrone Kings

Posted Wednesday | Comments 0
The Phoenix Coyotes took on the Los Angeles Kings last night at Jobing.com Arena in the second math up between the two teams this season. The Kings were coming off a victory over the Flames the night before. The first period was all Coyotes pretty much. It was clear that they took advantage of their two day rest while the Kings suffered from their back to back game. Th...
The Phoenix Coyotes took on the Columbus Blue Jackets looking to try to improve their standing in the Western Conference and stop the Blue Jackets point streak. This will be a quick recap as there was NO scoring in this game. The game was a back and forth affair with good team defense from both sides. The Coyotes managed to get more shots on the Blue Jackets… but many...
So…The Coyotes have had a five game losing streak dating back to the start of their road trip on Thursday the 14th. There are a couple of reasons this team has started to struggle besides the tight schedule and lack of practice time that I see. The three main reasons are their desperation, execution, and accountability. Desperation- The Coyotes have shown a lack of d...
It’s been a while since I have put up a blog post. Mostly because there was not much news on the Coyotes during the playoffs and I wanted to wait until the lease agreement was settled with Glendale. Now that the whole deal is done (for now), here is a little review on the Yotes’ draft and start to free agency! This is going to be a long blog. Each of these deserves t...
In defeating both the Calgary Flames and Phoenix Coyotes, the Ducks improved to 4-0 at home and 6-1 overall this season. While neither game was the blowout of the previous 2 games, both were hard fought victories for a Ducks team that won't quit. I was only able to watch parts of the Ducks-Coyotes game (yes, I do have a social life outside of hockey, yes, a part of me w...
[b]By Casey Gagnon, Phoenix Sports Hub E-Mail: CaseyPSH at yahoo dot com Twitter: @CaseyPSH PhoenixSportsHub.Blogspot.com[/b] The Phoenix Coyotes needed players to step up Tuesday night in Denver to fill voids in the lineup. Forward Antoine Vermette and goaltender Thomas Greiss received the message loud and clear. Both played as solid a game one could ask for, an...
[b]Coyotes Resume Winning Ways at Home With Victory Over Islanders By Casey Gagnon, Phoenix Sports Hub[/b] [b]E-Mail: [email protected] Twitter: @CaseyPSH[/b] [b]PhoenixSportsHub.Blogspot.com[/b] Shane Doan felt well enough to make a brief appearance at practice on Thursday morning. He probably felt even better after watching his Coyotes teammates play that sa...
After 3 days off, the Ducks were taking on the Phoenix Coyotes coming out of the Christmas break. It was a game that easily could have turned into a loss. The Ducks were 3-0 against Phoenix coming into the game, and earlier this season the Ducks handed the Coyotes their 1st regulation home loss this season. The Coyotes clearly wanted to exact revenge against the Ducks and ...
The Phoenix Coyotes sent a major message to the rest of the league on Tuesday - don't count us out. Most analysts had already stamped the Coyote's ticket to the offseason. Why wouldn't they? The Coyotes have been playing with fire lately, particularly with their inability to play a full 60 minutes of hockey. After blowing leads to both Boston and New York, not to mention l...


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