You know you're a HockeyBuzzard if:
* You reset your company homepage to

don't care who sees it
* You think...Separated at Birth? - Gary Bettman

* You would pay
double the season ticket
just to hear more of that East Coast bias

* You start to try to outguess the next

* You begin acting like a mod in your head and think of actually trying to

a coworker
* You visit HB more times per day than you think of your significant other - real or

* You let out a combination war whoop/happy dance when Jules picks the same TalkCast topic you were thinking of...ok a
* You are up to date on the in-chat "discussions" about whose team sucks more...


* You see B.D. Gallof as the next
Jim Jones and you really want to drink the
* You think you hear Ek talking to you in the car and you have no

and there is no TalkCast scheduled

* You spend hours at night designing your own avatar in hopes that Scoop will "make it happen"
* You start to use the

Eric Engels' singular "Ha" in your normal conversations
* You realize that the

needs HockeyBuzz more and more every day
* You think Ek should steal "Doc" and Jonesy away from

* You begin referring to Ek as "Fearless Leader" and know that - if asked - Adam Proteau would end up
* You daydream about a

between Ek and Gary Bettman and gauge the chances that Bettman
actually has a prayer...then you realize 1) he has no prayer 2)Ek would clean his clock and 3) man, would that be fun to see.
* You try to go to
other hockey sites, but like

it just leaves you feeling hollow inside -
Viva HB
Thanks for reading...
i can't believe how much Bettman looks like Count ... absolutely PRICELESS!
Hilarious blog, once again, SYF. Bettman does look like's scary lmao.
No. GB has more fingers.
Too much SYF. You are our resident stand-up guy. Good work! And it is eery how much Bettman resembles the Count, or could the Count be his father? So glad you pointed that out, but I can't think there is a family connection there as Sesame Street's managers are so superior to those who operate the NHL. Thanx so much for this, you are amazing!!!
LOL I had a conversation with Jules yesterday via email about her topic SYF are you reading my mind....LOL on the :stl or :dal discussion I have witnessed alot of those recently.
One, One game overseas... Two, Two games overseas... bwahahahahahaha!
a must read as usual...
good job syf you make me look bad