I cannot hear those words without thinking of one of the most influential bands to hit the music scene in the mid-1970s and power their way through the mid-1980s with a high voltage mixture of the power vocals of Malcom Young and the screaming guitar intensity of brother, Angus Young. In my mind's eye when I think of AC/DC, and especially "Back In Black," I see the sweaty, schoolboy outfitted, flailing frenzy of Angus:
(BTW..He was ranked
ONLY 96th on Rolling Stone's list of the 100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time - What the #*$(*()#$*() were they thinking?)

While it is hard, I am asking you to think about neither Angus Young, nor AC/DC for the next two Playoff games in Philadelphia. Instead, think about a seething, undulating mass of black jerseys all cheering on the Orange and Black in support of the playoff MVP - Marty Biron.
It is not a stretch to say that without Marty Biron's stellar play, the Flyers would not have made it out of the first round nor put the Orange and Black in a position to split the series and wrest the home ice advantage away from the Montreal Canadians.
Yes Flyers fans, the boys are home from the gorgeous city of Montreal and ready to do battle on home ice -
Back in Black.
Do the Flyers have to do a better job at defensive zone coverage? (ummm that means
you Joffrey Lupul) Of course they do.
Do they need to lower the shot totals and try to sustain some more offensive pressure in the Montreal end? Hell yes.
Does any of this matter if the
home crowd does not bring its "A" game to the rink tonight? It
should matter. Flyers fans have been called everything from thugs who incite and condone violence to the cause for Global Warming...oh and the death of those cute baby seal pups too. They also are among the most knowledgeable fans in the league and bring a passion that makes it uncomfortable to play in our building. Fine with me. Just they way I like it. It is my fervent hope, however, that the fans in attendance tonight will not be as ill mannered and lacking judgment as the angelic Montreal fan who tossed the contents of his Molson on Mike Richards while in the Penalty Box. If that had happened in Philadelphia, the national media would have had a field day, but then we are all that is wrong with the NHL anyway, right? I digress.
Flyers fans CAN make the difference in this game and this series. We saw that when the Flyers went up 3-1 on home ice against the Caps. Home ice advantage is not something ordained by the Hockey Gods - it has to be earned. Every night. Every shift. We have the power to energize our team and drain energy from the opposition - not an easy task because Montreal has some of the greatest fans in hockey and the Habs are used to playing under the intense pressure of the Bell Centre spotlight. Be that as it may, the Flyers need our help. They need the passion, the praise and the high voltage of an Angus Young guitar solo. We need to be
Back in Black because our boys need us now, more than ever, to raise the roof on the Wachovia Center. When that happens, we know what we are capable of...
We roll to tonight...to the guitar bite
Game ON!
Let's go Fly-ers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for reading...
ill be there STF, cheering my ass off.
Nice writeup. I'll be there, and I doubt we'll have much problem keeping up the intensity the whole game.
More than 2/3 of NHL is red or blue. Colorado is both. The Flyers were unique, the only team to wear orange. The puck is black. Could black against black obstruct goalie? Every split- second counts. Flyer blacks are ugly. Flyer fans should be disappointed the traditional orange was trashed. Orange-out tells me the are speaking. BRING BACK HOME WHITES!
After Kostopolous' Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap, the Habs will be Thunderstruck after Briere, Carter and Richards Shoot To Thrill. After Wednesday's game, the Flyers will be able to say we Got You By The Balls, and Les Canadiens will know that their trip home will be up the Highway To Hell. Even if the Habs win Friday, it will just be the Flyers Givin' The Dog A Bone. By Sunday, Montreal will be Shot Down in Flames (although I hope not literally). And one final work to Mr. Carbonneau.......If You Want Blood, You've Got It
Pocono - You are a wordsmith, Sir. Thanks for reading. SYFWe salute you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow loving all of the AC/DC references. Go Flyers.
I only wish that I knew someone at the Bank so that they would play Dirty Deeds (or better yet, the parody Dirty Deeds Done With Sheep) when Tommy K. hits the ice.BTW, if you can find the parody, give it a listen, it's a hoot. I'll leave the subject matter to your imagination. :)
Goaleo: Absolutely prefer the orange sweaters.
Nice job SYF. I will be cheering from my couch here in NC.
SYF, Great write as always. Just one thing though. Brian Johnson sings lead vocals on Back in Black. Sorry to correct, but wanted to make note.
DTG - Duly noted...Heroin will do that to a guy. Thanks for reading. SYF
SYF...you're a deadhead, an AC/DC fan, and a Flyers hockey fan...you sir must be my long lost twin :lol: I like the idea of a "black attack" or something. All black in the stands would be a wild scene...and you'd think it would be intimidating to some degree as well.
Thank LF! Hey I am a child of the late 70s and all three mesh quite nicely with that era. Thanks for the read and comment! SYF