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Tag Search Results for "anaheim"
Right now it is snowing outside, despite the Global Warming Monster that is stomping unchecked across the country. This snow I take as a sign, some good juju, as it were, for the Minnesota Wild. This season, the Wild overcame adversity. Their star, Marian Gaborik, was down for what seemed an eternity with a fragile groin. Again. Pretty much every key player was out ...
[i]O Calgary Flames who skate in the Dome, Hallowed be the ice upon which you play. Your power rankings will climb As your points do over time, at Sportsnet as well on TSN. Give us this day our special teams skill. And forgive us our tresspasses as we check those who try to do us ill. Lead us not to the penalty box and deliver us from unreviewed goals, For thine are...
What are your thoughts on this matchup? My recollection of the season series was that Vancity lost 3 and won 1. The one we won we played Sabourin. So maybe we should rest Luongo for the next round seeing Sabourin had the better record?? No way! I don't know why we won that one game, my guess is that it was during their injury problems. Pronger and S. Niedermayer both were ...
Sabres de Buffalo vs Rangers de New York Les Rangers ont été surprenant contre Atlanta, mais dans le fonds, si on regarde leurs récentes acquisitions - Brendan Shanahan durant l'été et Sean Avery 1 ou 2 semaines avant la date limite - c'est pas vraiment surprenant qu'il aient battus Atlanta, ces deux joueurs là ont apporté du coeur à cette équipe et le désir d...
reub77 writes...

Knew they had it in 'em

Posted Saturday | Comments 0
Despite the media and all the nay sayers Vancouver pulled even with the Ducks and made the series look a lot more even than what it appeared after game 1. Game 1 was tough to watch. My first thoughts were "These aren't the Canucks!". Somebody dressed the LA Kings instead. I'm glad they got that all straightened up. And now having the series return to Vancouver to win t...
... of riches! Over the last 10-15 years, there have been a number of great hockey teams. Detroit, Colorado, Ottawa, Buffalo, New Jersey, Pittsburg, etc etc. The list goes on. All of these teams excelled in a number of areas which is what made them great. Often times, though, it was their excellent offence that masked defensive shortcomings or a great defence that h...
Sabres de Buffalo vs Sénateurs d'Ottawa Les sabres on eu un début de séries plûtot ordinaire contre les rangers mais ils se sont bien repris dans les deux dernières parties. ils ont la chance de compter sur 4 bonnes lignes d'attaque, leur seule faiblesse est l'avantage numérique, ils ne font pas grand chose en avantage. aussi il leur manque un jouer de caractère ...
This will be my live blog while watching the game. First Period: 1:04 - Detroit looks hungry. You know a team is outplaying their opponents when they start getting powerplays, and we are seeing that now. Pronger was just lazy on that last call. :42 - What a shot by Holmstrom. I disagree with the commentator in this case though. He said that the Anaheim defense...
redwoods22 writes...

Hasek blows this one..

Posted Friday | Comments 0
It was a tough TV night in my household: 7:30 Tigers game, 8:00 Pistons game, 9:00 Greys Anatomy season finale (for the wife), 10:15 Lost special (for me).. It was an even tougher night on the ice for the Wings.. Lets rephrase that: it was a tough night on the ice for Flop Boy.. 3 goals on 8 shots? While the rest of the team was showing the heart that has become the wings ...
Brett, you better start working on your script for the Stanley Cup Finals. You will be on TV for games 4-7. Try expanding your vocabulary, try eliminating the word TERRIBLE. Maybe you can write the Ducks off early and whine some more about the Red Wings and why they didn't make it to the finals. They played terrible for two periods tonight. Great game tonight, dominat...
broncogina writes...

LET'S GO DUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted Wednesday | Comments 0
Hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Ducks finally played their best hockey of the playoff run!!! Only took til Game 6 of the Conference Finals, but better late than never!! As a loyal Ducks fan, I must say that I was truly impressed with the game that Anaheim brought against Detroit last night. The passing was great, the skating was beautiful, and the Ducks made a point of send...
bcbenzel writes...

Stanley Cup Predictions

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
This will be the type of Stanley Cup final that attracts hockey fans. A true hockey town (Ottawa) against an non-traditional hockey market (Anaheim) is happening once again. Only this time, there really isn't an underdog. There will be no upset. This is a series where, truly, both teams deserve to win. Looking at the playoffs so far, both teams are about even coming i...
Ottawa, pour être honnête, ils me surprennent cette année, je croyais qu'ils allaient se faire éliminer en 1ere ronde par les Pingouins. Daniel Alfredsson joue super bien cette année, mais on dirait que c'est seulement son trio (avec Heatley et Spezza) qui font de quoi, les 3 autres trios sont un peu silencieux. Il ya Antoine Vermette aussi qui fait des bonnes séries...
Game 1:4-2 Ducks Selanne GWG Game 2:3-1 Sens Heatley GWG Game 3:6-5 Sens OT Vermette GWG Game 4:2-1 Ducks OT Pronger GWG Game 5:3-1 Sens Spezza GWG Game 6:5-4 Ducks R. Neidermeyer GWG Game 7:1-0 Ducks OT Selanne GWG in one of the most dramatic Cup Finals Ever!!!! Go DUCKS!
ahbrown writes...

Finals Predictions

Posted Monday | Comments 0
Game 1: Ottawa Game 2: Anaheim Game 3: Ottawa Game 4: Anaheim Game 5: Ottawa Game 6: Ottawa Series: Ottawa wins 4-2 Alfredsson wins Conn Smythe although Emery makes a huge push for the award with his play in the series.
[b]Disclaimer/Update: No need to even read this blog. It was about my streak in predicting winners of playoff games through my PS2. It was at 9 straight games, but it fell victim tonight. The streak is over. In any case, CONGRATS ANAHEIM on that first win! Happy for your fans...Also for Brad May. Still pulling for the Sens though. Gotta go with the Canadian team her...
Well, after a thrilling advertisement for the game of hockey that was Game One, we've come to this: a real crossroads, with Anaheim's old-fashioned physical play (honed by a lot of WHL talent like Getzlaf, Kunitz, the Niedermayers et al) going up against Ottawa's mostly-European speed and finesse (which is no slap against Selanne for the Ducks or Neil for the Sens). It's a...
raymullan writes...

Ray's Hockey Musings

Posted Wednesday | Comments 0
Hey, let me introduce myself i'm Ray, i'm from Belfast, Ireland (yeah there are hockey fans there!....really!) i'm 21 years old and am a huge Toronto Maple Leafs Fan! HEY STOP THE BOOING ALREADY! This is the first of hopefully many entries in my blog. Hope you read regularly and enjoy, any feedback or comments are much appreciated. So the Stanley Cup Finals are here ...
ChicosBailBonds writes...

Can it get any better?

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
The first two games of this series have been probably the best playoff hockey games I've seen in a while (and I've seen a lot, from the 4OT Buffalo-New Jersey thriller that was probably one of of not THE best 1-0 games ever, to Stevie Y ripping THAT shot over Jon Casey's shoulder in 1996), mostly because for some reason the Galactic Empire (aka the NHL) has allowed its ref...
[b]Retreat![/b] [img:left]http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/42990000/jpg/_42990575_anaheim203.jpg[/img]I was really disappointed with Ottawa the other night, Emery was stellar as usual but the Alfredsson, Spezza and Heatley line were flat, their confidence looked really shaken! I don't agree with many hockey pundits riding Joe Corvo and putting some of the blame ...
Congratulations to the Anaheim Ducks. An outstanding organization and a tremendous hockey team. They deserved everything they got. And now our lives fall back to normalcy. No more puck. At least not on the ice. It's a terribly sad time of year. At least we have the NBA Finals starting tomorrow, right? Major League Baseball is in full swing. And then football s...
The Anaheim Ducks have won the Stanley Cup. Not only did they win it, they won it [i]convincingly[/i]. Three straight seasons- maybe four (did the Detroit-Carolina series go seven games?)- the Finals were decided in seven games. This was the first truly lop-sided final I've sat down and watched since the Red Wings swept the Flyers back in '97 (now THAT was a show of force)...
grosek18 writes...

Embrace, Do Not Disgrase

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
Canadian hockey fans and other hockey fans of the more established teams from the North will ultimately will hear the following comments one way or another at a NHL arena, or anywhere else NHL hockey fans gather: "The Stanley Cup belongs in a [b]real[/b] hockeytown" "I cannot stand when these teams from the South and the West win. It's not right" Ask yourself thi...
Well now, I've had a few days to savor all that I saw and heard at Game 5 of the Stanley Cup finals, and I have some thoughts to impart. I was a very lukewarm hockey follower for a number of years, and got more serious behind it about 4 years ago. I became a Ducks fan because they were the perpetual joke of the NHL, and a long-suffering underdog to the L.A. King...
Hi, it's me again........the relatively new hockey fan. I want to talk about something I've been remiss in not mentioning before: The great fans of the great sport of hockey. I've been to football games where fans cursed each other and got in fights. I've been to baseball games where the same has happened. I have yet to see such behavior in the fans I'm come in contac...
SmokingChicken writes...


Posted Thursday | Comments 0
Per TSN, 4 years, $24 million. And Ilya Bryzgalov is traded to...?
There are many sports experts who compare the Leafs to the MLB's New York Yankees, the big-bad empire of riches, hell bent on winning without any consideration for monetary costs. Beloved by their legion of fans, and hated by all others. But there is one main difference between the Leafs and Yanks, and in reality between the MLB and the NHL, the Yankees can buy a contender...
RC writes...

Silence is Golden.....

Posted Monday | Comments 0
The $64,000 question for Anaheim fans since Lord Stanleys Cup was ferried around the Honda Center ice by the victorious Ducks back in the first week of June has been whether or not Teemu and Scotty would be back to defend their championship. (Although maybe we should bump it up to $128,000, because it really is two separate questions.) Scotty is one of the most accompl...
Every hockey fan that has seen the footage can bring it instantly to mind. Todd Bertuzzi chasing Steve Moore around the ice, and then, frustrated by Moores refusal to stand and fight, sucker punching him in the side of the head and driving him into the ice with the entire weight of both of their bodies. Everyone also knows the aftermath. Three and a half years later, Mo...
I've finally returned home to good old Manitoba, it was quite the journey. The flight from Halifax to Toronto was alright, we flew over Niagara Falls. The flight from Toronto to Winnipeg was spectacular, especially the service. Although the day didn't go as planned when it came to getting into Winnipeg waiting for my luggage turns out is was left in Toronto and I never rec...
RC writes...

Say it aint so Teemu!

Posted Sunday | Comments 0
First off, let me say that I am a huge Teemu Selanne fan. I was bummed when the Ducks let him go the first time, and have immensely enjoyed watching his resurgence this second time around. More so than his stats, I have been a fan of his because of the way he played on the ice, and handled himself off of it. As far as I know, he has handled himself with class and integr...
Sorry about the title ... I know it is just plain bad. I was looking at the Calgary Flames new look defense this morning and wondered what type of offensive prowess they had. This led me to look into how many goals and points they had combined for last year. The names Aucoin, Eriksson, Hale, Phaneuf, Regehr, Sarich and Warrener as a collective group do not strike ...
I went to the first Ducks preseason game last night at the Honda Center. There were more people there than I expected and it was a fun crowd. The season tickets I bought into are pretty high up (though, there’s not really a bad seat at the Honda Center, which is great) so I was around a lot of real fans. I had a blast. This is my first time watching a preseason gam...
Your first(in your hearts too I hope) Ducks blogger ever on myhockeybuzz is back. Yes I have predictions, what everyone wants to hear. Yes I will do the East as well, and yes they will all be.....wrong. Western Conference: 1) Detroit 2) Anaheim 3) Colorado Avalanche 4) San Jose Sharks 5) Vancouver Canucks 6) St. Louis Blues 7) Los Angeles Kings 8) Minnesota Wild ...
Mitchellis#1 writes...

Rant: Garbage In The NHL

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
Normally I love to rant, but lately I haven't found a topic that has stirred the flames of passion inside me. At least not until now. I want to quickly say whoever brings up the Canucks "Sordid" past succeeds only in showing their ignorance. I write this as an impartial hockey fan(If such a thing is possible). You can have all the talent in the world, but when you lack...
Well, the first five contests that the Anaheim Ducks have completed churned out a record of 1-3-1. Not what you'd expect from a full forced team like the Ducks considering their depth has not changed much from last year. The fact of the matter is that, well, yes the team has lost out on retaining Dustin Penner, retirement contemplations by Teemu Selanne and Scott Neidermay...
This blog post is relevant to everyone in regards to blogging. I accidently deleted the comment on the post left by duxcup07 on my recent post on my blog covering the issue of whether or not the Ducks will repeat the outcome of the last Stanley Cup Championship team; the Carolina Hurricanes. Duxcup07's comment was a complete retort against my article, and so to respons...
This blog post is relevant to everyone in regards to blogging. I accidently deleted the comment on the post left by duxcup07 on my recent post on my blog covering the issue of whether or not the Ducks will repeat the outcome of the last Stanley Cup Championship team; the Carolina Hurricanes. Duxcup07's comment was a complete retort against my article, and so to respons...
Ok so everyone knows (or I hope knows) that the Leafs traded one of the top prospect goalies of the Juniors to the Boston Bruins for Andrew [u][b]Raycrap[/b][/u] .... sorry Raycroft. Mr. Rask went 7-1 with a 1.98 GAA. I mean honestly you trade a top goaltender 7-1 for peeps sake for a guy who is coming off a pretty good year and a terrible year after that (raycroft). H...
Now I complain about seeing the same division rivals over and over all the time, but I can careless how many times we have to play the Ducks. These are always great games whether San Jose comes out on top or not. Now don't get me wrong the Sharks have been blown out by the Ducks many a times, but it has also gone the other way as well. What I love so much about these games...
Has anyone seen Chris Kunitz? Where did the banzai-skating, run everything that moves, open up space for your line mates and fastest player on the ice go? Either the NHL told him to slow down and stop running opponents or someone whispered in his ear and told him he was a finesse-style player and could avoid contact and still be effective. Either way, he is lost and we ...
The most interesting part of the Stars 4-2 win over Anaheim may have been Brett Hull's 1st period interview with Daryl Reaugh. Brett had four interesting points that hint at what his tenure as co-gm will be like. Off of the topic of actual hockey games, Brett praised the work of Jeff Cogen who owner Tom Hicks brought over from the Texas Rangers to be the President of ...
In hockey, there used to be one goal....that was to win the Stanley Cup. It didn't matter how much money you made when you won it, it didn't matter how ready for the future the team was, the team's cap situation didn't matter.....no the business aspect stayed out of the history books. It used to be when a team won the Stanley Cup, the team was engraved forever in hocke...
While I boldly predicted that the Stars would take Game 1, I had no idea they would completely dominate the Ducks. From Dallas' first goal until the final buzzer, the game was a lopsided affair...unworthy of the defending champs. I said Dallas would win the opener in OT and take the series in 6 games, but if the Ducks don't right the ship in Game 2...this could be over s...
Well, well, well what do you know? The Ducks CAN stay out of the penalty box and play some consistent pressure hockey when they feel like it. For 40 minutes, anyway. Anaheim did a fine job in the first two periods of taking the game to Dallas, who ended up on their heels with a 4-0 deficit. Unfortunately, in the third period, the Ducks went back to their bad habits of g...
got the oil tat writes...

Lowe Fires Back

Posted Friday | Comments 0
Update: Saturday 07/05/08 --- you can find the interview here: http://www.justagame.ca/audio/Kevin%20Lowe%20Full%20Interview%20July%204.mp3 On local radio in Edmonton this afternoon, Kevin Lowe was interviewed and finally fired back at Brian Burke. The interviewer asked K-Lowe what his thoughts were, on Burke's latest whining over high salaries (Corey Perry) and how Bur...
With the recent signing of UFA Brendan Morrison and Anaheim Ducks at par with the salary cap, something is going to have to give, or rather, someone is going to be shipped out of the "Sunny State". All speculation leads to their blueline, with over 22 million dollars invested, all eyes are pointing to former all star defenseman Mathieu Schneider. Several teams are in need ...
It needs to be said...after all the hype and rumor and silly "connect the dots" conspiracy theories trotted out this Spring to suggest that Brian Burke wants to be the Leafs' next GM...somebody has to say it: "Why Burke?" Even before Kevin Lowe leveled the boom with suggestions that Burke is more luck than genius, that he Left Dave Nonis with a mess in Vancouver; that ...
The [b]Anaheim Ducks[/b] have a new [b]AHL[/b] affiliate, and what better way to bring buzz to the team with a good, ole fashion, publicity stunt. Well the [b]Iowa Chops[/b] have gone above and beyond any publicity stunt seen before... It may seem like I'm going way off topic here, but hold on: The entire sports world is hanging onto every piece of news in the [b]Brett ...
In the world of sports, the playoffs are often referred to as the "second season." Hockey fans know that the current season never really ends until the puck is dropped for the first game of the next one. In this sense, one can look at the off-season as the "third season," which has been less exciting than the previous summer for the Anaheim Ducks (having won the greatest...
One more word of thanks to those of you who took the time to read my first post, and special thanks to nephew23 for helping me clean up some "technical difficulties." Anyway, last time I noted that all future posts would be more condensed and follow a general format, so let's get right to it. The latest signing by the Ducks is of a Norris Trophy winner, but before you ...
Not much to report concerning the Ducks this past week, or even the league in general, so this entry will focus more on speculation than hard news. GM Brian Burke joined Wild founding owner Bob Naegele, Jr., former NHL defenseman Phil Housley, and Hall of Famer Ted Lindsay as recipients of this year's Lester Patrick Trophy. The award, named after the former Ranger play...
With even less news on the Ducks front over the last seven days than the previous week, we'll start of this entry by taking a look at the recent events surrounding Anaheim's new AHL affiliate, the Iowa... Chops... *ahem*. The club formerly known as the Stars has done all it can to keep itself in the spotlight since adopting its new moniker, from the unveiling of the tea...
With just about every story not already covered by other outlets exhausted, this week's Duck Puck discusses a question that has been posed all summer long. How will the Ducks get under the salary cap? Currently, Anaheim's payroll for the 2008-09 season sits at roughly $59.9 million, or about $3.2 million over the new $56.7 million cap. While this alone seems like a ...
With Mats Sundin holding the NHL hostage (how do you say "you have one month or I'll sign Yanic Perreault" in Swedish?), news is still at a crawl, so I thought I'd follow up on last week's entry after taking a quick look at the goings-on in Duck world. The OC Register continues to be virtually the only outlet reporting on Anaheim hockey during the off-season, as its cov...
I've said it in different ways before, but we're really starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel here, folks. That said, this very brief edition of Duck Puck will focus on which Ducks you may want to add to your fantasy rosters, after a quick news roundup. As we've finally reached a month in which NHL teams will hit the ice, the annual season previews are being rele...
This is the scene I imagine took place late last night... [b]Kevin Lowe[/b]: You may be wondering why I called you all over here. Well, as you all know, my *ahem* good buddy Burkie is desperately trying to clear cap space by moving defenseman Mathieu Schneider so that he can sign Teemu Selanne. Well, you all did a great job with Phase 1 one of Operation: Duck Soup by ...
As reported by Ek and confirmed by the Ducks, Brian Burke has finally found a new home for Mathieu Schneider in "Blueland." The full details of the trade are as follows: [b]TO ATL:[/b] D [b]Mathieu Schneider[/b] | Age 39 | Contract: 1 year, $5,625,000 [b]TO ANA:[/b] D [b]Ken Klee[/b] | Age 37 | Contract: 1 year, $1,250,000 W [b]Brad Larsen[/b] |...
So the long awaited move has finally happened . Burke managed to unload Schneider to get his team under the cap. The trade looked liek this : Anaheim aqcuired: Ken Klee (1.250), Brad Larsen (.560), Chad Painchaud(.100) Atlanta acquired: Mathieu Schneider (5.625) Now here comes the question . Who do you think won that trade? We all know Anaheim's one intetion was ...
DucksFan07 writes...

Do You Smell That?

Posted Tuesday | Comments 0
Just a little nostalgia to get you in the mood to enjoy your reading. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WjAPoN8qs0Q Can anyone smell that? I'm talking about the mild aroma that is building in Anaheim. I'm hoping the autumn breezes and winter rains can wash it away and renew a freshness. I'm hoping for spring flowers and a summer Cup. However, this aroma has the potent...
[b]The Good[/b] Murray - He was on fire last night. He's really playing hard every night it seems. His shorthanded breakaway, with 2 shot attempts really shows something. (how many guys have we seen skate off into the corner after their 1st shot on the break-away.) Murray, rather, shoots at the rebound, then goes behind the net, steals the puck, and has the presence to pa...
predram writes...

Wednesday thoughts

Posted Wednesday | Comments 0
BURKE LEAVES DUCKS?!? Yes it has happened. As reported by TSN and Ek, Ducks GM Brian Burke has indeed left his job after indicating that he was not looking to seek an extension with the team. Assistant GM Bob Murray will take over the reigns and much deservingly so. Murray has been around different organizations in different roles. He has had previous GM experience with...
TML35 writes...

Brian Burke?! Naw, he's Garbage.

Posted Saturday | Comments 0
Brian Burke. Surprise, eh? Everyone knew it would be coming for about a week now, and now what to expect? I was never a fan of Brian Burke. I think his draft record stinks, I hate that he supposedly does not like Europeans, and I think he doesn’t know how to manage the cap. But that’s just my worthless opinion ;) A look at his draft record could tell us exact...
With the tedium of the All Star break thankfully behind us for another year, two counting the Olympics, we can now get back to the business of meaningful hockey with all the gusto that is associated with the regular season run in. Heading into the NHL’s maligned showcase weekend, one of this decade’s most memorable mid season pile ups was materializing in the Western C...
Sunday night’s blowout 8-4 loss to Atlanta could somehow be the best thing that happens to Anaheim this season. Every team has stinkers throughout the course of their season, but this one stings the most. After beating Calgary two games in a row and being at home against one of the worst teams in the NHL, it seemed to be time for the Ducks to finally string together a 3-...
Sunday night’s blowout 8-4 loss to Atlanta could somehow be the best thing that happens to Anaheim this season. Every team has stinkers throughout the course of their season, but this one stings the most. After beating Calgary two games in a row and being at home against one of the worst teams in the NHL, it seemed to be time for the Ducks to finally string together a ...
I don't know why, but it seems like in every playoff game this year I've seen at least one goal called off because the referee was not in position to make the call or seen a team called offsides by a line judge trying to catch up or who got in the way of a clearing attempt. Tonight it was Detroit's Marian Hossa who scored the game-tying-goal with just over a minute left...
Versus showed the aftermath of the Detroit Red Wings-Anaheim Ducks Game 6 during the first intermission of tonight's game 7 between Pittsburgh and Washington. After watching it I can't help but think that the NHL has lost control of these playoffs. Maybe it's just because they have two of the dirtiest teams in the league playing each other, or maybe it's because Colin Camb...
The Saku Koivu era, in Montreal, is officially over. Sadly, he went out with a whimper and not a roar. Left unsigned and not tendered an offer by the only organization that he had ever played for, Koivu had no choice but to ride off into the sunset. Not by his choosing, of course, as Saku would still be a part of the Montreal Canadiens organization if it was up to him. ...
Would anyone have expected the then-Mighty Ducks of Anaheim to be perennial elites of the league when the expansion franchise was granted in 1993? Their uniforms were atrocious. Their lineup was laughable. They owed their existence to a campy Disney movie. Hardly the makings of a champion franchise. Even the Kariya-Rucchin-Selanne line, easily among the best forw...
falkan writes...

The New-Look Ducks

Posted Wednesday | Comments 0
For the first time since the PPG line of 2006-2007, the Ducks have legitimate secondary scoring. The signing of Saku Koivu and the shipping of Chris Pronger to Philadelphia for Joffrey Lupul (and Luca Sbisa + Draft picks) accomplishes something that has been sorely lacking in Anaheim since Edmonton snatched Dustin Penner with a huge offer sheet and Andy McDonald was shi...
falkan writes...

The DiPenta Effect

Posted Friday | Comments 0
174 games in the NHL. 23 points. 110 PIM. Hardly the statistics you'd see on an all-star player - but that's what Joe DiPenta is: a locker-room all-star. The 6'2" 202 pound defender - who won a Cup with Anaheim in 2007 - is still fondly remembered in Anaheim not for his presence on the ice, but off it. Even after leaving the Ducks, he continued to do charity work for...
ladynic writes...

10/10/09 Ducks @ Flyers

Posted Sunday | Comments 0
I am not here to rehash this game but I will say that it was a shame to have them tie in the final minute and then loose in a shoot out. Person I blame the guy behind me who with 2 minutes left starts yelling "No Shoot out". Game was not even tied at that point. Good Signs for a Saturday game with this one being my favorite then the rest.... http://www.flickr.c...
sdflyerfan writes...

Ducks vs. Flyers: Game 5

Posted Wednesday | Comments 0
What started out as a great game ended in a frustrating shootout loss that left a stale taste. It doesnt help that the Flyers have to wait almost a full week before their next game. Here are my game notes: [b] First Period [/b] Good overall period by the Orange and Black as they lead 1-0 off another power play goal by Mike Richards. It is his 6th of this young season a...
What a frustrating game last night. As I mentioned in my last post, the Bruins are severely undermanned (not in quantity, but quality) and will need to be extremely opportunistic in order to win games. The inconsistency in the lines and the minor league call-ups on defense mean that the Bruins will invariably give up more opportunities than they generate, and when those...
Hockeychaz writes...

Anaheim Ducks Offseason

Posted Monday | Comments 0
Yesterday Los Angeles wrapped up its 2010 NHL entry draft with a fizzle, as quickly as it came teams from around the league wheeled and dealed for picks and players after that big question was finally answered. Who comes first? Seguin or Hall? Though both the Edmonton Oilers and Boston Bruins got great players as it was almost a toss-up, other teams had to rely on a bit ...
I would just like to start off by thanking a few teams, Florida, Columbus, New York Islanders, Tampa Bay, Carolina, Atlanta, Minnesota, New York Rangers, and Dallas. Thanks for not drafting Cam Fowler. By doing so, you allowed the Ducks to take arguably the best Defensive Prospect in the draft. As I am typing this, I have the biggest grin on my face, knowing that we cou...
Check out my post at The Checking Line regarding the New York Islanders most recent trade acquisition in James Wisniewski! Please register and leave comments! It's a great site with a new fan base that could use a few Isles fans that could share their thoughts with hockey fans around the globe! http://thecheckingline.com/blog/rob-mcgowan/new-york-islanders/wizzing-isles...
Some teams have cap space right now and can make a trade. Having cap space doesn't mean a team will make a trade though. In fact the biggest indicator of a teams willingness to make a trade is expectations. There are few teams with that right combination of cap space and high expectations that have voids that need to be filled...possibly by Calgary who is definitely consid...
Micheal Aldred writes...

Preview: Anaheim Ducks

Posted Saturday | Comments 0
[b]Primary Staff:[/b] Bob Murray (GM) Randy Carlyle (Head Coach) [b]2009-10 Stats:[/b] 82GP 39W 32L 11OTL 89PTS [b]Place:[/b] 4th Pacific, 11th West, 17th NHL [b]Top Scorer:[/b] Corey Perry – 82GP 27G 49A 76P [b]Captains:[/b] Ryan Getzlaf (A), Saku Koivu (A) [b]OFF-SEASON MOVES OUT:[/b] D Scott Niedermayer (Retired) RW Mike Brown (Dealt to Toronto) D Steve...
Well we are getting on to the New Year, and I am started my 1st Annual Draft Update, this will be a further posted year after year on this blog, and the first update is a big one with the biggest draft picks since Sid the Kid and Alexander the Great. Lets face the facts that there is a ton of pressure put on these kids when it comes to being drafted into ...
The last time Ray Emery was in the Ponda Center, June 6th 2007, I was standing on my seat serenading Emery and laughing my head off when he scored on himself playing for the Ottawa Senators. (http://videosift.com/video/Stanely-Cup-Game-5-Chris-Phillips-Own-Goal) We (Anaheim fans atleast) knew that the Ducks were going to with the cup much earlier then this. With Teemus ...
What if there was never an 87 in black and gold? How would that team shape up? What if the Ducks won the lottery and chose Sidney Crosby? Can you imagine Sid with a Ducks' sweater on his back? What would the Penguins look like today? The Penguins would obviously be a very different team. They would not be nearly as good but to be honest, but they would still be a g...
Hello all. My name is Aarif Deen. I am currently a Junior studying at University of Michigan. My major is Broadcast Journalism and I'm minoring in Print Journalism. My main focus is hockey. My life long dream is to stand in front of a camera and talk hockey for living. Analyzing the great sport we all grew to love. My first step in reaching the dream is to get my nam...
cjschlagel writes...

2011-2012 Ducks

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
Hello everyone, I am currently a college student at Montana State University, but am origionally from San Dimas, Ca and was born and raised a Ducks fan. I live and breath Ducks hockey during the NHL season, ask any one of my room mates or people that have lived a floor below me. Anyways I would love to start writing a blog on the Ducks, to express my joy and frustr...
Anytime you lose to a close rival, you tend to feel sick afterwards. Last night, in front of a sold-out crowd at the Staples Center, the Ducks fell 2-1 to the Los Angeles Kings in the first game of the Freeway Series. The Ducks and Kings will go at it again tonight, this time at the Honda Center in Anaheim. The Ducks trailed 1-0 until very late in the third period, ...
Anytime you lose to a close rival, you tend to feel sick afterwards. Last night, in front of a sold-out crowd at the Staples Center, the Ducks fell 2-1 to the Los Angeles Kings in the first game of the Freeway Series. The Ducks and Kings will go at it again tonight, this time at the Honda Center in Anaheim. The Ducks trailed 1-0 until very late in the third period, ...
Anytime you lose to a close rival, you tend to feel sick afterwards. Last night, in front of a sold-out crowd at the Staples Center, the Ducks fell 2-1 to the Los Angeles Kings in the first game of the Freeway Series. The Ducks and Kings will go at it again tonight, this time at the Honda Center in Anaheim. The Ducks trailed 1-0 until very late in the third period, ...
SabreHess writes...

Darcy For a Day

Posted Monday | Comments 0
Let's re-enact the plot from the seminal classic "Trading Places" with Eddie Murphy and Dan Akroyd. I have a full day ahead of me as the Sabres new head honcho and while the very confused Darcy Regier spends the next 8 hours trying to find my car keys and navigate the rough and tumble Jersey neighborhoods, I have some phone calls to make. [b]8am- [/b]I just entered the...
Sabres42 writes...

Getting Healthier

Posted Tuesday | Comments 0
Stafford, Regher, and Kaleta will return tonight leaving the Sabres with only 6 regulars out. Ennis should be back Friday, Miller will take part in his first full practice tomorrow probably meaning another week or so for him, Weber and McCormick both skated today. As the Sabres get healthier will they start to climb the eastern conference again? I think they are startin...
Lots of speculation in Anaheim right now on the kind of move they need to make in order to snap out of the tailspin that they have found themselves in. There are usually three paths to take during such a time: 1. [b]Fire the coach:[/b] "It's easier to change one person than trade 3 or 4." Even with the poor start it seems unlikely considering Carlyle signed his ...
mcefalu writes...

Hawks Host Grounded Ducks

Posted Friday | Comments 0
The Chicago Blackhawks get set to square off for the third time this season against their distant neighbors from the west coast when they host the Anaheim Ducks tonight at the United Center. The last meeting between the Blackhawks and the Ducks saw Hawks' captain Jonathan Toews carry his team to a rallying 6-5 win with his 5 point effort. Anaheim will look to avoid the ...
There is no denying that the Winnipeg Jets have had a few star players in their franchise, and by that I mean the original, although the former Atlanta Thrashers have had a couple as well. The names Bobby Hull, Anders Hedberg, Thomas Steen, and Dale Hawerchuck come to mind right away. All of these players are revered in Winnipeg, of that there is no question. But the fe...
Gunner Staal writes...

Murray desperate

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
Bob Murray has recently made comments saying that anybody is available for trade on the Ducks roster with the exception of Selanne and Koivu (both have NTC and are not expected to waive). This hypothetically would mean that Getzlaf, Perry, and Ryan would all be available on the trade market. Any potential move with those core players I perceive as a desperate attempt...
There’s a lot of rumors circulating regarding trades, especially one that would send Tyler Myers to Anaheim, and bring Ryan Getzlaf to Buffalo. However, unfortunately, this deal isn’t as simple as that. If it was as simple as Anaheim giving Buffalo Getzlaf, and Buffalo giving Anaheim Myers, given the current state of things, that’s simple; Do it. Pull the trig...
Newman writes...

Flames Don't Like Disneyland

Posted Tuesday | Comments 0
When will the losing in this stupid city end? They had their chances to end the 13 game losing streak in Anaheim but once again lost to the Ducks. Make it 14 and counting. They needed the points... Read more here: http://west.thecheckingline.com/blog/newman/calgary-flames/flames-dont-disneyland Newman
It’s a quiet night in the NHL tonight with only two games on the schedule. One of those games has a huge impact on the Bolts as they move forward. The Washington Capitals are taking on the Carolina Hurricanes tonight in a game that will have huge playoff implications for many other teams. If the Capitals win, it’s another two points to make up. If the Capitals lose...
The Lightning finished off their homestand tonight with a HUGE victory against the Anaheim Ducks. The Bolts may not have deserved the game, but good teams find ways to win. Right now, this group finds itself only 5 points out of the playoff picture. Many questions have yet to be answered. [b]Read the game recap over at Tampa Bay Lightning Hockey Buzz![/b] [url]h...
[i]“I gotta be honest with you. At this point, I don’t care. Move me … because it’s just tough going to the rink every day knowing that if something goes wrong, you’re going to be the guy moved.” - Bobby Ryan[/i] Interesting enough, he's clearly on board with being dealt to another team. And why not the Ottawa Senators? A team that is one 4-time 30 goal scor...
[i]“I gotta be honest with you. At this point, I don’t care. Move me … because it’s just tough going to the rink every day knowing that if something goes wrong, you’re going to be the guy moved.” - Bobby Ryan[/i] Interesting enough, he's clearly on board with being dealt to another team. And why not the Ottawa Senators? A team that is one 4-time 30 goal scor...
[i]“I gotta be honest with you. At this point, I don’t care. Move me … because it’s just tough going to the rink every day knowing that if something goes wrong, you’re going to be the guy moved.” - Bobby Ryan[/i] Interesting enough, he's clearly on board with being dealt to another team. And why not the Ottawa Senators? A team that is one 4-time 30 goal scor...
[i]“I gotta be honest with you. At this point, I don’t care. Move me … because it’s just tough going to the rink every day knowing that if something goes wrong, you’re going to be the guy moved.” - Bobby Ryan[/i] Interesting enough, he's clearly on board with being dealt to another team. And why not the Ottawa Senators? A team that is one 4-time 30 goal scor...
[i]“I gotta be honest with you. At this point, I don’t care. Move me … because it’s just tough going to the rink every day knowing that if something goes wrong, you’re going to be the guy moved.” - Bobby Ryan[/i] Interesting enough, he's clearly on board with being dealt to another team. And why not the Ottawa Senators? A team that is one 4-time 30 goal scor...
[i]“I gotta be honest with you. At this point, I don’t care. Move me … because it’s just tough going to the rink every day knowing that if something goes wrong, you’re going to be the guy moved.” - Bobby Ryan[/i] Interesting enough, he's clearly on board with being dealt to another team. And why not the Ottawa Senators? A team that is one 4-time 30 goal scor...
[i]“I gotta be honest with you. At this point, I don’t care. Move me … because it’s just tough going to the rink every day knowing that if something goes wrong, you’re going to be the guy moved.” - Bobby Ryan[/i] Interesting enough, he's clearly on board with being dealt to another team. And why not the Ottawa Senators? A team that is one 4-time 30 goal scor...
Tonight, the Phoenix Coyotes played against the Anaheim Ducks in the first of three consecutive games against the Ducks. Anaheim played last night so the Coyotes had that advantage going into the game. The first period started off poorly for the Yotes when the Ducks scored less than a minute into the game. Andrew Cogiliano scored from the slot when the Yotes lost a boar...
Tonight, the Phoenix Coyotes played against the Anaheim Ducks again for the second out of three consecutive meetings. It was déjà vu all over again… so to speak. I will not recap the game in the same manner as last time because it pretty much went the same way. The Coyotes gave up a lead to the Ducks, then battle back for a lead of their own. THEN, they give up the ...
The Phoenix Coyotes played the Anaheim Ducks in their third and final game of a three game series last night. Overall it was not a good performance by the Yotes. They seemed to lack any heart in the game and looked slow and sloppy. Now for a quick recap! The first period was all about the Ducks. They dominated the play while the Coyotes got absolutely no offensive press...
What makes a good captain? Is a good captain your best player offensively or is a good captain the heart and soul of the team? You decide. [u]Anaheim Ducks-Ryan Getzlaf[/u] Ryan Getzlaf was drafted by the Ducks 1st round (19th overall) in the 2003 entry draft. He was named captain by the team prior too the 2010-2011 season. Despite a horrible 2011-2012 season when he had 5...
Anaheim GM has already made in clear in the exit interviews he plans to shake up his team for 2014. Having already signed Getzlaf and Perry to big contracts, it would seem the scariest times are over. But... Can Anaheim weather the storm if Selanne and Koivu hang 'em up? Many consider that Selanne was too tired this shortened season to continue for one more year. Koi...
[u][b]Anaheim[/b][/u] - While Anaheim did not sign a single free agent yet this off season, they may have made the biggest headlines. They did this when the news broke that Bobby Ryan was officially traded. Ryan, the target of much speculation when it came to trades over the past year or two, was finally traded. Ryan was shipped off to the Ottowa Senators in exchange for J...
It wasn't exactly pretty, and the Ducks clearly have a lot of things that they need to work on, but they walked away with 2 points and their 1st win of the season. And when it comes down to it, that's what counts. The Ducks played a good game against Minnesota. It was by no means great, and there were a lot of holes, but it was good enough. I'm still trying to figure ou...
In 1988 the Winnipeg Jets selected a young Finnish player named Teemu Selanne with their 10th overall selection. It took a few years for him to come to the NHL, but he finally did in the 92-93 season, and boy, was it worth the wait. Teemu exploded onto the scene, scoring 76 goals and 132 points as a rookie, records that stand to this day, records that may never be broken. ...
Always Mighty writes...

Ducks defeat Jets 3-2

Posted Monday | Comments 0
The Anaheim Ducks played their only game in Winnipeg this season. And if these two teams do not meet in the playoffs, then this was Teemu Selanne's last game in the city that he began his career in. This was easily the Ducks best game of the season. They played hard and competed for 60 minutes, and while there were still some issues, if they play like this, they are going...
The Ducks have started their 5 game homestand with a 2-0 record. They absolutely destroyed the New York Rangers 6-0 in their home opener and followed that up with a 4-1 win over the Ottawa Senators on a night that saw the Mighty Ducks fly again. I won't say much about the game against the Rangers. For whatever reason, that team was a mess this week. Between losing to th...
In defeating both the Calgary Flames and Phoenix Coyotes, the Ducks improved to 4-0 at home and 6-1 overall this season. While neither game was the blowout of the previous 2 games, both were hard fought victories for a Ducks team that won't quit. I was only able to watch parts of the Ducks-Coyotes game (yes, I do have a social life outside of hockey, yes, a part of me w...
The game was getting ugly fast, and quickly could have gotten out of control. But after losing Dustin Penner to a dirty hit, the Ducks rallied together and won their 7th game in a row! The Ducks had another fast start, another explosive night offensively, and another strong performance from their netminder. While far from a perfect game (or a clean one for that matter),...
The Anaheim Ducks completed their 5 game homestand with a perfect 5-0 record and a 7 game winning streak. They are currently 7-1, the only loss being to Colorado in their home opener. While this is their best start in franchise history, the hunt for the playoffs is far from over. Tomorrow, the Ducks will embark on a 8 game road trip, their longest this season. When the ...
I thought it would be fun to break the Ducks season up into 10 game increments, and every 10 games make a post about how the team was doing. I'd look at stats over the course of the past 10 games and compare them to the entire season and see how the team was doing. The season being only 10 games old, this 1st entry will obviously have both of those parts be one and the sam...
The Ducks have signed goalie Frederik Andersen to a 2 year contract extension. It's a 1-way contract, so he will get paid his NHL salary with the Ducks or with the Admirals. He is signed for $1 million in the 1st season and $1.3 million in the 2nd season, for an annual cap hit of $1.15 million. With him signed for 2 more years, the Ducks goaltending situation is becoming a...
After starting out their 8 game road trip 0-2, the Ducks have defeated both Ottawa and Columbus to get a .500 record half way through this trip. The game against Columbus has been the 1st game of this road trip that I have been able to watch in its entirety because all of the games on this road trip so far have started either at 4 or 4:30. While it wasn't the Ducks best ga...
Always Mighty writes...

Wrapping up October

Posted Saturday | Comments 0
The Ducks finished the month of October with a 3-2 shootout loss to the Boston Bruins (a game that I missed because I was busy terrorizing the few kids that came by), and finished with a record of 10 wins, 3 losses, and one shootout loss in 14 games, good for 21 points. And before November starts up I thought it would be fun to go through the highs and the lows of the 1st ...
Always Mighty writes...

Ducks defeat Sabres

Posted Sunday | Comments 0
The Anaheim Ducks faced the Buffalo Sabres tonight and came away with a 6-3 win. The thing is, for whatever reason, Buffalo has been a mess all season. They have 2 wins and 5 points, they have yet to win at home, and they have only scored the 1st goal in a game only once. To me, that is the perfect recipe for a desperate team that could come out and beat the Ducks if they ...
Always Mighty writes...

Ducks defeat Coyotes

Posted Friday | Comments 0
Last night, the Anaheim Ducks returned home after a successful 8 game road trip. After dropping the 1st 2 games, the Ducks went 5-0-1 over the final 6 games, catapulting themselves to the top of the NHL standings. So many times, when a team returns from a long, successful road trip, the 1st home game back is disappointing, and often ends in a loss. Last night, the Ducks we...
After defeating the Phoenix Coyotes, the Ducks had 2 games left on their 3 game homestand against the Buffalo Sabres and the Vancouver Canucks. They came away with victories in both games, extending their home record to a perfect 8-0 and extending their league leading point total to 31 with a record of 15-3-1. Frederik Andersen played in both games and improved his record ...
And just like that, the 1st 20 games are on the books. Anaheim has a 15-4-1 record for 31 points, currently leading the league. As I did after the 1st 10 games of the season, I'll look back and see how the team has done over games 11-20, and see where they improved and where they regressed. I'm hoping that by breaking up the season like this I'll be able to get an idea of ...
Earlier today the Anaheim Ducks traded center Peter Holland and right winger Brad Staubitz to the Toronto Maple Leafs for defenceman Jesse Blacker, a 3rd round pick (which could become a 2nd round pick), and a 7th round pick. Staubitz was on a 1 way contract, and had no place in Anaheim. As such, he has been playing in Norfolk this season, but the Ducks do not like to b...
Sorry I haven't posted a game recap for a while. A combination of a busy life combined with most of the last several games starting early means that I haven't watched as much Ducks hockey as I would like. Having lost 5 in a row (including to Tampa last week), the Ducks were looking to get back in the win column and avenge the prior loss. Also, an injury update and a trade ...
Over the last week the Ducks have made several changes to their roster (primarily because of injuries) and signed one of their young centers to a 3 year extension. The Ducks and center Nick Bonino have agreed on a 3 year contract extension worth $5.7 million for an annual cap hit of $1.9 million. This season, Bonino has appeared in every game for the Ducks and scored 7 ...
Always Mighty writes...

Wrapping up November

Posted Tuesday | Comments 0
The Ducks finished the month of November with a 4-3 shootout loss to the San Jose Sharks, a game that they were outplayed for the 1st 40 minutes of the game but utilized a great 3rd period to get the extra point. Overall, the Ducks played 15 games in November and had a record of 8-4-3, good for 19 points. As I did with Otober, I'll go through the highs and lows of the prev...
No question, games 21-30 was the worst 10 game stretch for Anaheim so far this season. After going 15-4-1 through the 1st 20 games, the Ducks went 3-3-4 for 10 points in their last 10 games. The Ducks did improve their special teams play, but their overall play suffered, and injuries continue to be a huge concern for the team. As always, I'll 1st start with individual s...
Always Mighty writes...

Ducks defeat Islanders

Posted Wednesday | Comments 0
Well, I was finally able to watch most of a Ducks game (some electrical issues kept me blacked out through the 1st 12ish minutes), so I can finally do my next game write up. Last night, the New York Islanders came to the Pond. They had lost 9 straight road games, and the Ducks were coming home from a successful road trip that saw them pick up wins against 2 of the NHL's el...
Through 36 games, the Ducks have played a league high 21 road games with a record of 11-7-3 away from the Pond (versus having only played 15 games at home, tied for 29th in the league). Those 11 wins are topped only by 2 other teams (Los Angeles and Chicago) and no team in the Eastern Conference has more than 10 wins. While the Ducks are not as good away from home (13-0-2)...
After 3 days off, the Ducks were taking on the Phoenix Coyotes coming out of the Christmas break. It was a game that easily could have turned into a loss. The Ducks were 3-0 against Phoenix coming into the game, and earlier this season the Ducks handed the Coyotes their 1st regulation home loss this season. The Coyotes clearly wanted to exact revenge against the Ducks and ...
In the Ducks 1st 10 games of the season, they had 7 wins and 3 losses. I figured that would probably be their best 10 game stretch of the season. Hopefully they would equal that output again later in the season, but I wasn't expecting a better stretch. And then in their 2nd 10 game stretch of the season the Ducks went 8-1-1. Just 10 games later and the Ducks had already pu...
The Ducks enter the half way point of the season with a record of 28-8-5, and their 61 points tie them with Chicago for the top spot in the entire NHL (with Chicago winning tonight, they now sit 2nd overall, but at the 41 game mark, the 2 teams were tied in points). The Ducks currently hold a 5 point lead in the Pacific Division over the Sharks, and the Kings are 2 points ...
I just wanted to quickly write a quick congratulations to Cam Fowler for being named to the US Olympic Team! During the summer, he was named as one of the possibilities for Team USA, but I figured he was a long shot at best. While an excellent skater, his offense had all but dried up since his rookie season (1 goal and 11 points last season) and his defensive game still ha...
Always Mighty writes...

Wrapping Up December

Posted Friday | Comments 0
The Ducks finished the month of December with a 6-3 over the San Jose Sharks on New Years Eve. After the Sharks had ended the Ducks 10 game winning streak, the Ducks were looking to get revenge on their California rivals and did just that. Overall, the Ducks played 13 games in December and had a record of 11-1-1, good for 23 points! As with November and October, I'll go th...
Always Mighty writes...

Ducks defeat Oilers 5-2

Posted Saturday | Comments 0
Last night the Ducks took on the Edmonton Oilers, a team that has been mired in misery for years now and have shown little improvement despite their several 1st overall draft picks. It should have been an easy game for the high flying Ducks, and the score of 5-2 would seem to indicate that, but the game, especially was the 1st period, was much more difficult that most woul...
The Anaheim Ducks have signed forward Andrew Cogliano to a 4 year deal worth $12 million. This is a great deal for both sides, but in particular for the Ducks. If Cogliano had become a UFA this season, he would probably command upwards of $3.5-$4 million a year, instead of the average of $3 million that he has been signed. And the 4 years and $12 million is nice for Coglia...
The Ducks have been absolutely dominant at home this season, losing only twice, and never in regulation. The looked to extend that home dominance against the Canucks tonight, but ran into a goalie playing out of his mind, combine that with a terrible 1st period, and the Ducks almost lost the game. But a late goal in the 3rd tied the game, and then a goal with seconds left ...
Always Mighty writes...

Olympic bound Ducks

Posted Friday | Comments 0
The Anaheim Ducks are sending 7 players to the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. Cam Fowler was chosen for Team USA, Teemu Selanne and Sami Vatanen for Team Finland, Corey Perry and Ryan Getzlaf for Team Canada, Jonas Hiller for Team Switzerland, and Jakob Silfverberg for Team Sweden. I've already discussed Fowler, so I'll focus this post on the Ducks other 6 Olympians and...
After winning 10 games in a row, I knew that the Ducks would not be able to match that pace over their next 10 game stretch. But, the amazing this is, while they did lose 2 games, they still put up another 8 game winning streak and have won 18 of their last 20 games, easily the best stretch of regular season hockey in Ducks history. Besides the insane number of games that ...
Back on August 20th, the Anaheim Ducks signed defenseman Mark Fistric to a 1 year contract worth $900,000. At the time, I didn't think much of it. I didn't know much about Fistric other than he used his body effectively but wasn't a great skater. With Sheldon Souray sidelined until December or January, it was clear that the Ducks needed some help on the backend. Today, Sou...
Always Mighty writes...

Wrapping up January

Posted Friday | Comments 0
The Ducks finished the month of January with a 5-3 win over the Philadelphia Flyers, the only time this season (barring them meeting in the playoffs) that the Flyers will come to the Pond. The Ducks played 14 games this month and won 11 games. Overall, the Ducks had an 11-3 record for 22 points. While they didn't have the record breaking month that was December, the Ducks ...
After winning 18 games in a 19 game stretch, it was clear that the Ducks were going to have a bit of a drop off in play. In today's NHL it is almost impossible to keep a streak like that going for long, and the fact that the Ducks have been able to have lengthy winning streaks this season is a testament to how well they have played this season. Over the last 10 games the D...
7 Ducks returned from Sochi, 5 of them with medals. But all 7 had successful tournaments, in fact, one could argue that the 2 who didn't medal had just as good a tournament, if not better, than the 5 who did. I'll start with the non-medal winners, and then work my way from Bronze to Gold. I will also give a quick injury update at the end (players got healthy over the break...
Always Mighty writes...

Wrapping up February

Posted Sunday | Comments 0
The Ducks finished off the month of February with a 1-0 win over the visiting St. Louis Blues in their 1st game since the Olympic break. Because of the Olympic break the Ducks played only 5 games and won 2 of them, this is the only month so far this season that the Ducks have finished with a record below .500. The worst game for the Ducks in February was the 2-0 loss to...
The Anaheim Ducks got an early jump on the trade deadline, making 3 trades that I believe improved the team. How much of an improvement is debatable, but I do believe that the Ducks tonight are better than they were this morning. And Bob Murray has put the Ducks in a position to make a big splash before the deadline hits tomorrow at noon Pacific. In the 1st move of the ...
Always Mighty writes...

Ducks have quiet deadline

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
The NHL Trade Deadline came and went, and most of the deals made today were not gross overpayments, and the Ducks followed that pattern. And because the Ducks weren't willing to overpay, the trade deadline passed rather quietly in Anaheim. One minor league deal was made, but other than that, the Ducks stood pat and feel like they already have a team that is good enough to ...
Coming out of the Olympic break the Ducks had a 5 game homestand and a real opportunity to pull ahead from the rest of the NHL. Instead, the Ducks went 2-1-2 for 6 points, and in that time the St. Louis Blues have moved into 1st overall in the NHL and the San Jose Sharks find themselves just a couple of points behind the Pacific Division leaders. The Ducks won their 1st 2 ...
On the eve of their biggest game of the season so far, the Ducks have announced that Cam Fowler, their best defenseman all season long, will be sidelined for the next 3 to 5 weeks with a sprained left MCL. Coming into this season it was unclear if Fowler would be able to take the next step and become a top pairing defenseman for the Ducks, and he has answered that with a r...
After going 5-5 into the Olympic break, the Ducks came out strong, winning their 1st 2 games post Olympics, but then stumbled and only won 2 of their next 8 games, going 2-4-2 in the process. Overall, in the Ducks last 10 games the team went 4-4-2, good for 10 points and technically a record of .500, but this was the most difficult 10 game stretch of the season for the Duc...
Back on October 2nd, the Anaheim Ducks started out on a journey that is still far from over. The goal of that journey was a simple one. Over the course of an 82 game schedule where they would face every single team in the NHL, win enough games to qualify for the Stanley Cup Playoffs. And with Dallas losing tonight, that goal was finally realized, and the Ducks still have 1...
Always Mighty writes...

Wrapping up March

Posted Wednesday | Comments 0
The Ducks finished the month of March with a wild come from behind victory over the visiting Winnipeg Jets. The Ducks were down 4-0 late in the 2nd, but scored once at the end of the 2nd period, 3 times in the 3rd, and once in overtime to give the Ducks their biggest come from behind victory in franchise history. It was also the teams 49th victory this season, also a new f...
Over the past week the Ducks went 2-1 during a 3 game homestand. Despite the Ducks winning ways all 3 games showed that the Ducks have some serious issues to work out before the playoffs begin. As the regular season winds down the Ducks need to focus on playing well. Not necessarily the best they've been all season, but they do need to be playing well and giving a full 60 ...
FOLLOW ME on Twitter @DailyNHLGrind Saku Koivu announced his retirement from hockey today after a long career spanning 18 years. Unlike others who have managed to stick around for nearly two decades, Koivu was not blessed with health his entire way through. He fought through things other players had never even thought about having to deal with. Koivu is the epitome o...
In the recent past I’ve been spouting the need for the NHL to revise the point system to reflect a more accurate landscape when it come to teams who win in regulation. My idea for a point system would be 3 for a win, 2 for an O.T. win, 1 for a shoot out win, and zero for losers. I did my research on this prior to last night’s games so they’re already outdated but I w...
The final game in California brings the Jackets to Orange County to take on the struggling Ducks. The Ducks and Jackets have the same amount of wins this season: three. They also have the same expectations- playoffs. But different expectations into the playoffs. Last season, the Ducks were one game away from the Stanley Cup finals. The Jackets' upgrades in the offseaso...
The final game in California brings the Jackets to Orange County to take on the struggling Ducks. The Ducks and Jackets have the same amount of wins this season: three. They also have the same expectations- playoffs. But different expectations into the playoffs. Last season, the Ducks were one game away from the Stanley Cup finals. The Jackets' upgrades in the offseaso...
The final game in California brings the Jackets to Orange County to take on the struggling Ducks. The Ducks and Jackets have the same amount of wins this season: three. They also have the same expectations- playoffs. But different expectations into the playoffs. Last season, the Ducks were one game away from the Stanley Cup finals. The Jackets' upgrades in the offseaso...
On Thursday night, the Columbus Blue Jackets defeated the Los Angeles Kings by a final score of 3-2. This improves the Jackets record to 4-10-0 on the season. The game was a very physical game, including two fights and eight total minors. Captain Nick Folingo dropped the gloves with Kyle Clifford. Gregory Campbell fought Andy Andreoff. Also, each team had 26 hits e...
On Thursday night, the Columbus Blue Jackets defeated the Los Angeles Kings by a final score of 3-2. This improves the Jackets record to 4-10-0 on the season. The game was a very physical game, including two fights and eight total minors. Captain Nick Folingo dropped the gloves with Kyle Clifford. Gregory Campbell fought Andy Andreoff. Also, each team had 26 hits e...
Many are the thoughts on whats going on in the Ducks camp? - Getzlaf has one goal - Kesler one goal - Perry has seven - Goaltending stable but not decided - still three goalies in the mix - New arrival Hagelin miss managed early out (now maybe out of the closet) - Defence good - but is it playoff good - not in my mind [b]What I would call all this is that the ...
CBJ Game No. 56- Columbus Blue Jackets v. Anaheim Ducks Lineups Columbus Blue Jackets Boone Jenner - Brandon Dubinsky - Cam Atkinson Brandon Saad - Alexander Wennberg - Scott Hartnell Matt Calvert - William Karlsson - Nick Foligno Kerby Rychel - Gregory Campbell - Rene Bourque Ryan Murray - Seth Jones Jack Johnson - Cody Goloubef Fedor Tyutin - Dalton Prou...
Last night, the Columbus Blue Jackets managed a comeback victory over the Might Ducks of Anaheim by a final score of 4-3 in a shootout. This win pushes the Jackets further up the standings, putting them at 26th overall, and one point behind 25th (Winnipeg). This win for Columbus got Anaheim a point, which helps them creep closer and closer to second place in the Pacific Di...
freelancer writes...

The No Rhyme or Reason Blog

Posted Wednesday | Comments 0
We are just over a week until the NHL draft when hopefully things will happen so bloggers have new material to work with again. Until that point here are a few thoughts from around the NHL. Gordie Howe... man 2016 has not been a kind year. When Muhammad Ali passed I thought it couldn't get any worse. I was very wrong. While I am far too young to share any personal stori...
freelancer writes...

The No Rhyme or Reason Blog

Posted Wednesday | Comments 0
We are just over a week until the NHL draft when hopefully things will happen so bloggers have new material to work with again. Until that point here are a few thoughts from around the NHL. Gordie Howe... man 2016 has not been a kind year. When Muhammad Ali passed I thought it couldn't get any worse. I was very wrong. While I am far too young to share any personal stori...
With the Ducks D Corps full to the brim with excellent NHL defensemen as well as great D prospects coming through the ranks, they can afford to let a stud like Hampus Lindholm go for the right price. I think the Leafs have the assets to make this trade happen! I love JVR but he is in his prime right now and can help a club like the Ducks who are in dire need of big and t...
The final game of the California trip takes place in Orange County for the first meeting of the season to take on the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim. The Ducks have had quite the offseason after being pushed out of the playoffs in the final game of the first round against the Nashville Predators. They've fired head coach Bruce Broudreau and hired Randy Carlyle. They traded F...
The Columbus Blue Jackets have blanked the Anaheim Ducks by the final score of 4-0. All the Jackets goals came in the first period, to the surprise of many, including me. All four were scored by two players. The first two goals were scored 21 seconds apart. Sam Gagner scored his first goal was a Blue Jacket; Scott Hartnell and Lukas Sedlak had the assists. The seco...
The Columbus Blue Jackets have blanked the Anaheim Ducks by the final score of 4-0. All the Jackets goals came in the first period, to the surprise of many, including me. All four were scored by two players. The first two goals were scored 21 seconds apart. Sam Gagner scored his first goal was a Blue Jacket; Scott Hartnell and Lukas Sedlak had the assists. The seco...
The series finale between the Blue Jackets and Anaheim Ducks concludes tonight at Nationwide Arena. The Ducks have won their past two games, and getting an even bigger lift tonight when defenseman Hampus Lindholm makes his season debut after holding out and signing a long term extension. The Blue Jackets lost their last game played in overtime, and are without Brandon ...
The Columbus Blue Jackets defeated the Anaheim Ducks by the final score of 3-2 in overtime. Just over a minute into the game, Ducks forward Andrew Cogliano attempts to clear the puck up the boards, but Boone Jenner keeps it in play, and passes the puck to a wide open Scott Hartnell, whose in front of John Gibson, who somehow saves the puck, and Boone Jenner slips it in...
Ryan Getzlaf used to bring me out of my seat multiple times every game with his spectacular play-making. Those days are long gone. I'll grant you this: He's still a physical beast on the ice, and I don't think that shows too well on TV. But here are the major problems I see with the Ducks captain:rnrn1) Captain Yapping: On a Fox Sports special, his coach said he got t...
Filip Hronek scored unexpectedly at the end of the second period. The wings took a 1 goal lead into the third period. Anaheim quickly scored to tie it up. Anthony Mantha seemed to have regained the lead, but the goal was challenged successfully for an offside. Then, Detroit fell apart. Anaheim scores 2 more in 37 seconds. It was evident that the Red Wings didn’t have the...
The Calgary Flames ended their four-game road trip on a high note, beating the Anaheim Ducks 6-0. Despite the score, the Flames didn’t play great by any means, but the fact that the Ducks were terrible helped them out. Still, Anaheim peppered Cam Talbot with 44 shots, all of which he was able to turn aside. Calgary made the most of their chances, despite Anaheim dominati...


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