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Well as most Canadians may know. Especially those who follow hockey religiously. The Politicians have way-ed into Team Canada Hockey Decisions. Shane Doan has unproven allegations against him that in 2005 he uttered a racial slur "F******g Frenchman did a good job" in reference to the all French Officiating staff who were working that night. Now this is one person...
I've often been asking myself whether a hockey fan can be loyal to their team without renewing their season tickets. Half of me says to renew, while my better half says "no". Although I must give respect to the Coyotes for coming out and saying that we're in a rebuilding time, I just don't agree with it. As a business owner, I know that if I don't put out a product that...
jnamio writes...

Que Sera Sera

Posted Wednesday | Comments 0
I have always looked at this time of the year with mixed emotions. While it is exciting as a hockey fan to see teams retool, rebuild, or reinvent themselves, it is also a time of frustration, anger, and sadness. I am frustrated that my Blackhawks may still suck for yet another season because the ownership is cheaper than my little Italian Grandfather. And that is damned...
Hey guys. Seeing as this is my first post I think I should introduce myself. My name is Matt and I'm 15 years old. I live in Cincinnati, OH and I'm mainly a Columbus Blue Jackets fan. I've been a hockey fan my entire life, when my parents raised me on the Cincinnati Cyclones of the ECHL and IHL. And ever since, I've been hooked. With that, let's blog. The one thing the...
m2kmike writes...

Us vs. Them

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
As I sit back and watch a replay of the 1994 Grey Cup game because the BC Lions game is blacked out, it reminds me of watching that game live and what it meant. For those that don't know or remember, the game was between the BC Lions and the Baltimore Colts, Stallions, CFLers whatever you want to call them. This was an American team in our CFL. This American team was comp...
jnamio writes...

We Signed Who??

Posted Monday | Comments 0
I think Coyotes fans, more than most, have spent these first few weeks of the Free Agent signing season looking at each other and saying, "Who?" We realize, naturally, that the Yotes are going to "get to the playoffs" on the cheap this year. Cheap and young. Why, they might even have to have Kool-Aid in the locker room for this bunch. And they certainly are going to hav...
jnamio writes...

A Casual Glance

Posted Tuesday | Comments 0
I took a casual glance at the roster for the Phoenix Coyotes this morning. I realize, of course, that they still have quite a bit of money to spend to fill out that roster. But I also realize that they won't spend it. So this, my friends, this is the roster that we will be working with come October. In the "promising, up and coming, youth movement" category we have... ...
hockeyisgd writes...

Retro-Buzz: Grant Fuhr

Posted Friday | Comments 0
Retro-Buzz III: Grant Fuhr With all the negative press about Kevin Lowe and the Edmonton Oilers, why not shed a positive light on the team's history. Grant Fuhr was a spectacular goaltender who was the backbone of the Cup runs in the 1980s. Pre-NHL Grant Fuhr was born September 28, 1962 in Spruce Grove, Alberta, outside of Edmonton. In 1979, at the age of 17, Fuhr br...
Speaking with a few sources in the past day or two, I've been told that the Rangers and Coyotes are talking about a trade that would send Montoya, Malik and Kasper's salary to the Coyotes for Jovo and a top prospect. At the moment, no one knows which prospects are being talked about, but we know that Rangers are asking for a forward in return. Folks, I think from th...
dpang writes...

Young guys are solid

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
The Coyotes will play in Dallas on Thursday night and then end the pre season in Colorado on Saturday and they have a few young guys you may want to keep your eye on as the roster continues to get down to regulation. Both Peter Mueller and Martin Hanzel continue to look good and more and more comfortable with each time on the ice. Although Mueller and Hanzel both missed...
The rest of the NHL teams are about to start their regular season. Hockey is starting tomorrow! So, I decide to get this last blog out of the way so I can focus on enjoying the game we all love. My previous blogs: http://my.hockeybuzz.com/blog.php?user_id=2407&post_id=2473 http://my.hockeybuzz.com/blog.php?user_id=2407&post_id=2499 http://my.hockeybuzz.com/blog.php...
CBJ09 writes...

Gretzky's Boys Come to Town

Posted Wednesday | Comments 0
An interesting matchup tonight for the Blue Jackets. Coming off what has to be a disappointing road loss in Minnesota, the Jackets have had time to recharge and focus on their opponents for game 3. Though the season is young, it is not premature to call this a "crucial" game. Had the Jackets won more games last year against teams beneath them in the standings, they wou...
CBJ09 writes...

Jackets Defense Stands Tall Again

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
It's hard not to overlook the ridiculous goaltending of Pascal Leclaire through his first two starts, but 60-for-60 to start the year isn't too shabby. The Blue Jackets put Saturday's disappointing loss behind them, and moved on to Wednesday's game against the Phoenix Coyotes. Coach Ken Hitchcock was not particularly impressed with the team's play in the final period S...
predjoe writes...

Preds Take First Loss

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
Sometimes it just isn’t your night. That was the case last night as the Predators suffered their first loss of the year at the hands of the division rival St. Louis Blues 4-1. From the start the Preds seemed to be playing the part of the Washington Generals to the Globetrotting Blues. They let them get up early, on a pretty goal from Brad Boyes started ...
Ghosthoffa writes...

More of the same?

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
Three games into the regular season The Phoenix Coyotes are 1-2-0 and have managed 4 total goals while allowing 8. They have yet to score a power play goal and the top line of Doan Kapanen Vrbata has generated 5 points in three games 1-4-5 so where are the signs of progress and optimism moving forward? Perhaps the best sign is the surprising line of Winnik Hanzal Weller wh...

Preds Fail To Bonk Coyotes

Posted Friday | Comments 0
Well the Preds remedied the shots on goal situation that I talked about in yesterday’s post but failed to post a win against a pesky Coyotes team (they out shot the Coyotes 39-24). I felt like the Yotes beat the Preds at their own game last night as they didn’t necessarily play the better game but were bailed out by strong play in net. Despite getting two goals from...
predjoe writes...

Preds Can't Bonk

Posted Friday | Comments 0
Well the Preds remedied the shots on goal situation that I talked about in yesterday's post but failed to post a win against a pesky Coyotes team (they outshot the Coyotes 39-24). I felt like the Yotes beat the Preds at their own game last night as they didn't necessarily play the better game but were bailed out by strong play in net. Despite getting two goals from ...
I had a co-worker come up to me today an ask me if I saw the Tootoo hit last night. I told him that I had not, and he proceeded to get all excited, exclaiming that it was, "Just like Downie!! Oh man it was the same thing again!!" So I figured I should take a look myself to see what really happened. So I went to tsn.ca and watched the highlights from the Coyotes-P...
Where is Weller Suspension? that’s right the refs got it wrong giving him an match pentaly Where’s Tootoo’s Suspension? I didnt happen nhl still holding a grudge against the flyers all these years.....
CBJ09 writes...

Jackets' Road Woes Continue

Posted Monday | Comments 7
The 2007-2008 season is only four games old, but a disturbing trend has already settled in with the Blue Jackets. After a solid team performance in the home opener against Anaheim, Columbus traveled to Minnesota the next night and played another good team game, albeit for 40 minutes. During the third period of that game, the Jackets diverted from their game plan and...
I've seen the replay of the Weller Tootoo dust up about 15 times at least. Here's my opinion for what it's worth and I've been throwing it around since the Sutton hit and no one's paid me a dime. The Tootoo hit was at least as bad as the Downie hit. Both hits were against a guy coming around the net and not paying attention but Downie stopped skating at the blue line, ...
Three games, that is what lies in front of the Coyotes beginning Thursday night with the Anaheim Ducks and ending Saturday November 3rd with the same Ducks. Not only three games against division rivals (the Coyotes entertain Dallas on the 27th) but if young rookie Peter Mueller plays in all three games it will bring his total number of NHL regular season games played to ni...
frankster writes...

Stars DNF against Coyotes

Posted Saturday | Comments 0
Friday night at the AAC in Dallas there was a pile up much like the ones in NASCAR races. Phoenix piled up 5 goals and the home team went round and round like cars do but could not finish. Had plenty of chances but Tellequist and company stopped all chances. Phoenix looked good and Dallas looked like a team struggling. Poor D Zone coerage at times plus no gaols = 3rd strai...
We all know that as fans it seems like there are only 2 emotions in our fan-lives, a giddy rollercoaster of ups and downs, from supreme and utter glory as our team wins to dark, lonely despair as they fail don't. In some ways it's easier to be a fan of a really good team, like the Wings, or a fan of a struggling team, like the Blue Jackets. The Red Wings of the pas...
You read it right. I figured since none of the usual top Pacific Division teams really want to get their games going and take a lead to win the Division, then why not Phoenix? They have a bunch of "no name" kids on the team that can all play the game. Aside from Shane Doan and Jovo, who else is well known? I would love to be in the locker room and experience the new bl...
[img]http://boredplanet.com/img/returnoftheking.jpg[/img] http://new.wavlist.com/movies/093/aod-hailking.wav Garth Snow hemmed and hawed when he had to figure out a solution to his horde of defensemen at the start of this season. Bryan Berard sat for days waiting as the season started, and all he could do is practice on his own dollar as the Isles looked f...
Sorry it's been a while. I was on deadline in my glorious job in the world of publishing last week, and then, went away for the weekend. Check out my newest Battle NY: Sibling Rivalry 2, which is a debate with my Ranger fan brother: http://islanders.hockeybuzz.com/index.php?post_id=11195 Now, let's get to business . . . So here we are, upon a Monday night dreary...
It’s been a rough past couple weeks, well rough season really for the Leafs and after a stretch of six losses in the past seven games which has been capped off by a 5-1 loss to the youthful Phoenix Coyotes it is becoming more and more evident that the time for change is near. There are rumors of the GM John Ferguson being fired, rumors of Paul Maurice being fired…�...
Would it be Brashear or Pronger or Boll or Godard or Parker or Boogaard or Chara or Neil? None of these guys hold that distinction. Instead, there is Tie Domi incarnate leading the league and his name is Daniel Carcillo. Who.......? What team does he play for......? The Phoenix Coyotes. Those of you in the west may have guessed it right because you've seen this 5'11" ...
If at first you don't succeed, try seven more times. The Penguins powerplay was pretty lousy all night long, while not really generating that many good scoring opportunities in the process. But the Pens decided eight was enough when right-handed defenseman Kris Letang scored in the left slot on a cross-ice feed from Sidney Crosby for the game-winning goal with about ...
Hey pens fans, Tonight, the Pens took on Gretzky's Coyotes at the Mellon Arena and were victorious. Yes, we won 3-1. Talbot had the first goal and was assisted by the former coyote Laraque. The Pens' second goal was a power play goal by Letang. He was assisted by Crosby and Malkin. The Pens thrid goal was by Kennedy and he was assisted by Staal and Roberts. Fleury w...
WingsfaninNM writes...

Shake and Bake

Posted Wednesday | Comments 0
Once again Babcock mixed up the lines, putting the youngsters Filppula and Hudler up with Datsyuk against the Habs, and magic happened.....who does this guy think he is?? Scotty Bowman?? After a short stretch of not-so-stellar performances, and a couple of injuries to key checking-line players, Mike Babcock was basically forced to shuffle the forward lines around to get ...
The last time San Jose and Phoenix met the Sharks delivered the knockout blow with a 6-0 manhandling of the Yotes. For Phoenix it was 3 games in a row against San Jose and was just a disaster. San Jose outscored the Coyotes 15-1 in those three games. The series got chippy and Steve Bernier found himself in the thick of it. It all ended with The Coyotes Nick Boynton getting...
B.D. Gallof writes...

Falling on the Sword

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
We are not going to rehash last night's game. Most of us saw it. Otherwise, you read about it. Some articles were less harsh, while the Isles broadcast was plenty harsh. But, that all aside . . . What I'd like to talk about is Nolan's demeanor after this loss, and the steam coming out his ears. "We just need more and have to have a better effort." - Ted Nolan Ted...
The Islanders came out last night like it was October. I saw hits. I saw chaos. I saw hard-work. I saw effort. And from it, things happened. Comrie worked the puck, causing a ruckus. Bill Guerin sat at the doorstep with his stick on the ice, at the ready. Bergie was pinballing and driving the Yotes nuts. Trent Hunter was hitting like he wanted to start quoting Ezekiel 25:1...
Jsaquella writes...

Ugly Loss, Good Trade

Posted Wednesday | Comments 0
Last evening the Flyers dropped a 3-2 decision to the Phoenix Coyotes, after leading 2-0 late in the second. The Flyers had three costly defensive breakdowns that ended up in the back of their net. That is what happened, but it sells the Coyotes short. This is an excellent young team, full of resiliency and they skate like the wind. The most surprising thing was the amo...
Now based on that title you would think dogs can easily beat a fish, well hold on now. The fish have had the dogs swimming in circles 8 games in a row now, dating back to last season. The fish have protected their nets well and have not allowed the dogs in the net in 3 straight games. Have you ever seen a dog on ice? They can't quite keep up and move so well, but if you le...
Was it when Bob Pulford sent Ed Belfour out of town for Ulf Dahlen, Michal Sykora and Chris Terreri? Or when Pulford "unloaded" Jeremy Roenick on Phoenix for Alex Zhamnov, Mike Mills (not the bass player from R.E.M.) and a draft pick who turned into the immortal Ty Jones? Or was it just one (or all) of the many re-emergences of Pulford from the shadows of the Blackha...
Number23 writes...

Jets departing soon...

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
As I watched a Detroit/Dallas game the other night, the commentators mentioned that there were a couple of former [b]Winnipeg Jets[/b] playing that night (3, in fact). That got me thinking that it won't be too long until the last on-ice connection to the Jets will disappear. It's not nearly as historic as, say, the last helmetless player, but something I feel is worth noti...
Against a team that you can't give excuses for losing to, the Sharks put in a very lazy game against the Desert Dogs on Tuesday coming up on the losing end, 5-3. Trust me, the score makes the game look a lot closer than it was. I'll admit, I did not get to see the first period as the game started at 6:30pm here in California and I was still at work, but less than a m...
Unless you have been living under a rock lately, you might know that the Leafs are in the process of finding a new general manager to replace John Ferguson. Today we learned that the bright minds and the very skilled researchers of our friends MLSE, found that the Cliff Fletcher was still under contract with the Phoenix Coyotes. Even though they fired him back in April...
predjoe writes...

Who Would Have Thought?

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
[b]I mean no offense[/b] here to the Coyotes or to their fans but I never thought that this pre All Star break game between the Preds and Yotes would be so meaningful to both teams. [b]Seriously...the Coyotes have been awful[/b]. Last year, for instance, they finished last in the West and the only team with a worse record was the Flyers. Nobody thought that they woudl ...
predjoe writes...

Ready??? Break!

Posted Friday | Comments 0
At the end of last nights game you could almost feel a collective sigh from the team. The All Star Break is here and the Preds can use a break. After playing four game in six nights (including the brutal trip to Denver) the team gets a much needed break. A time to recharge. Time to heal. Time to take a look in the mirror. [b]Last nights 4-3 OT loss was frustrating[/b] ...
Conceptions around the NHL world differ on a newly implemented system – the NHL salary cap. It is a system that guarantees hope, even if it is an illusion to some, for less-talented teams that befall the lower class of the league. The point of this experiment was too create a more competitive and intense league. So the NHL decided to bring in a system that rewards a p...
In one of the best and most entertaining games of the year, the Flames came back from a 3-0 deficit at the start of the third period to beat the Coyotes 4-3 in the shootout. Jarome Iginla finally snapped his 10-game goalless streak in dramatic fashion, first wiring home an amazing shot from the left circle over Ilya Bryzgalov's shoulder with just 9 seconds left to tie the ...
CBJ09 writes...

Help Wanted...Quickly

Posted Tuesday | Comments 0
[b]The past week has not been the best for the Blue Jackets[/b]. The embarrassment at home to Minnesota, the frustrating loss in OT to the Capitals, the back-to-back solid road efforts in Phoenix and San Jose…the list goes on. The latest in a string of futility was the shootout loss at home to the league-worst Los Angeles Kings on Sunday. [b]Effort being a common deno...
Texhorns02 writes...

Stick a fork in them

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
4-1 Phoenix with 10 minutes left. With 2 minutes left in the 2nd Dallas was down just 2-1. However Mattias Norstrom, being the human pylon that he is, allowed Niko Kapanen to skate right around him to pick up a rebound. Since when is Niko Kapanen a net crasher? Keep him contained and put him on his ass Norstrom. I thought his reputation was as a solid defender and hi...
I figured a little bit of Phoenix pregame would be in order. Here are a few interesting numbers I checked up on. Brygalov last 3 years vs Dallas: 2-3 2.25 .927 sv% at the AAC: 4GP 1.99 GAA .934sv% Turco vs Phoenix last 3 years: 9-5 2.62 GAA .884sv% in Phoenix: 4.15 GAA .852sv% Since 2001 Home: 10-5-2 G...
Texhorns02 writes...

Ugly, Ugly, Ugly

Posted Wednesday | Comments 1
http://www.eddiesbetter.com/2008/03/ugly-ugly-ugly.html There were two keys that I pinpointed for this game coming in: Turco had to outplay Bryzgalov and the penalty kill needed to stay off the ice. Dallas didn't give up a powerplay goal, and Turco only gave up 2 goals. The offense was just terrible. The powerplay has been very sloppy lately. Tonight they couldn't ...
thorswolf writes...

Not giving up...

Posted Friday | Comments 0
Being a fan means never giving up on your team. It also mean kicking 'em in the ass when they deserve it. It definitely does not mean kicking them when they're down. Many bloggers on this site, including Kevin Lee, have basically thrown in the towel on the Senators after their three losses on the West Coast. I think a little dose of reality is required. In my book, the ...
predjoe writes...

Who Do You Love?

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
[b]Obviously at this time of year you want your team to win[/b] but if you are like me I am scoreboard watching like crazy! Right now I am so thankful for my Spring TREO that allows me to continually check the status of games of interest. I wonder if the people at ESPN are seeing my increased use in their bottom line numbers? "Guys...ummmm...we had ten thousand hits on...
Dan Carcillo is a rare commodity in hockey -- a skilled player who LOVES to get his nose dirty. I have heard on several occasions that Gretzky loves the guy, and after last night's hat-trick against Dallas (the game after he fought two Stars in the same game, dropping one with a single shot) how could you not? I'm sure the 'Yotes hope his goals:fights ratio balances out a ...
With the Rangers prospects progressing with the hand of the coaches,they are also gaining much needed mentoring with veteran leadership. That veteran leadership role will need to be filled in Hartford in the crease. The Rangers moved Al Montoya last spring to the Phoenix Coyotes along with Marcel Hossa. In return the club thought they were getting an adequate goaltendi...
Well, the Yotes certainly do know how to throw a party! 2500+ fans showed up to jobing.com arena on Saturday to welcome Olli Jokinen to the desert & see fan favorites Shane Doan & Peter Mueller. The Yotes were also selling season & half-season tickets at the event. Thank goodness I already got my season tickets! [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g288/scentsofsmell/DS...
Buts16 writes...

Saturday Morning Coffee

Posted Sunday | Comments 0
Not much hockey to talk about these days??? I'll do my best to keep focused on hockey but my blogs are starting to be very un-hockey related. Funny how none of the Leafs wanted to move at the trade deadline and now Tucker is gone, McCabe is on his way out and God only knows what's up with Meatball Sundin. Jose Theodore a Washington Capital, that just doesn't sound...
Carcillo13 writes...

I am not happy.

Posted Saturday | Comments 0
With the negativity that surrounds the Coyotes on this site (with the exception of Panger, of course). I realize that we've sucked in the past... but believe it or not, there are Coyotes fans out there. Hardcore Coyotes fans who stick by them through thick and thin. We are sometimes considered to be different from other hockey fans and have had to become quite defensive w...
I had the opportunity to attend a day of the Coyotes "Unofficial" Training Camp in Scottsdale this past Monday. Several of the guys were in attendance and looking SPECTACULAR! I was exstatic to get my first look at our Draft & Trade aquisitions in action out on the ice. Jokinen, (or Olli Coyote as he's affectionately been named); had that huge joker grin planted on his fac...
The Coyotes Caravan is in full swing and already made two stops so far. First at Polar Ice in Gilbert where we got our first glimpse this season of Zbynek Michalek and his Cabbage Patch'esque hair do and Steven Reinprecht sporting his new baby glow, welcome to the world little Henning Reinprecht! Next came an "unofficial" stop at Desert Schools Credit Union to see...
On October 8, 2007, I wrote that the Phoenix Coyotes would win the Pacific Division. The blog is linked below. I really didn't believe it at the time - I wrote it more as a knock against the perennial favorite Sharks, Stars and Ducks. All three of those teams were mired in an early season of mediocrity and it was frustrating to watch these three lose to the Blackhawks, ...
bagasome writes...

Third Time Not The Charm

Posted Friday | Comments 0
From: http://capsstop.blogspot.com For the first time in the Bruce Boudreau era, the Washington Capitals have lost three straight games during the regular season. The Caps travelled to Phoenix on Thursday night and lost 2-1 to Wayne Gretzky and the Phoenix Coyotes. The Coyotes came back from a 1-0 deficit and scored two unanswered goals in third period and held on for t...
FLAMESTR writes...

Flames Stop Coyotes

Posted Sunday | Comments 0
If someone was to ask me about the performance from the Calgary Flames, I would have to say it was the most impressive victory of the season. Why? because every aspect of the Flames games was at its best. What do I mean? Well, let me explain. [b]Power Play[/b] The Flames scored two powerplay goals, it was nice to see Bert score in the first period and Dion score a...
I've been so busy since the season started that I've not had time to write lately. But now its time for my completely maniacal thoughts on the game we all know and love: HOCKEY!!! Specifically Coyotes hockey. Let me start with the two pieces of news we got recently. * *Lisin to the AHL*: I like Enver. I enjoy watching him play. We had plans for a "City of Enver" poster ...
Well... not really. We needed a win last night more than anything after the loss against Calgary Saturday night. And my boys pulled it off. The highlight of the night was definitely our 5 on 3 penalty kill in the 3rd. But I digress... let's start at the beginning. After a score-less 1st period, Olli Jokinen got the party started with a goal off of a back-hand feed from ...
I'm a relative neophyte to hockey but I'm also enthusiastic, particularly about my home team - the Phoenix Coyotes. Sadly, my Coyotes don't appear to have much representation in this corner of the blogosphere... which is why I've decided to take some initiative and write. Who knows if I'll make a habit of it - I suppose I'll leave it up to the readers to decide. Anyway,...
The Coyotes didn't play their best against the Wild, but they didn't play their worst either. They still need to play a full 60 minutes. They came out strong in the 1st and 2nd periods but lost it somehow in the 3rd. My hockey friends and I were late getting to the game, and missed the Joker's first goal. According to the Hockey Friends who did make it in time for the puck...
After their best effort of the season Thursday in San Jose, disappointing can only describe tonight's 4-3 home loss to the Phoenix Coyotes. In a nutshell, the Flames looked completely flat for most of the first 40 minutes, did not get the goaltending they need, and got little luck all night. The Flames looked flat from after David Hale's opening goal for Phoenix to Mik...
Recently I've seen a lot of questionable calls by officials on some hard hits in the NHL and NCAA. Cal Clutterbuck, for example, was given a 5 minute major and a game misconduct for his hit against Vancouver's Alex Burrows. Watching the game on Fox Sports I cannot help but ask if the NHL is trying to send a message that it wants to be the "No Hit League." Did Clutterbuc...
[b][u]UPDATED[/u] --- Ouch! Just as everyone was healthly and really clicking, we have just found out that Brad Richards broke his wrist last night and will miss 6 - 8 weeks. He will most certainly be missed . . . but maybe not as much as it would appear. I'll grant you that he is highly skilled and a necessary piece of the puzzle, but he is not centering the top line a...
I have to say, when I first read about Upshall (and a 2nd) being traded for Carcillo I was pretty upset. Having given things time to digest, I'm not so upset. While I think the Yotes may have gotten the best of Homer on this one, this [i]could[/i] end up working out ok for the Flyers. While I really loved what Upshall brought to the team and believe he has a higher ce...
DamageInc95 writes...

Who'd of thunk it?

Posted Saturday | Comments 0
Miller who? Of course, I say that facetiously. Ryan Miller is the key to the Sabres hopes if they can pull it together to get into the playoffs. But who would have expected Patrick Lalime to step up the way he has in Miller's absence? He's done exactly what you want from your backup goaltender - step in and give your team a chance to win every single night he pla...
Pocono Flyers Fan writes...

Go West Young Man

Posted Tuesday | Comments 0
I've been following the never ending quest of Jim Basille to beg, borrow or steal an NHL franchise to bring back to his hideout in Hamilton. Now I don't really have a vested interest in this soap opera since I'm not a fan of the Coyotes (although it seems that that wouldn't put me in the minority in Arizona), nor am I partial to ensuring a team relocates to Hamilton, Ont....
With all the talk about what the fate of the Coyotes will be after today's hearing and the likely appeals on any decisions, I decided to put my two cents in on the argument. With or without Jim Balsillie, the NHL will not be successful with a team in Hamilton, Ontario. This is not an attack on the dedicated hockey fans of Canada. In my honest opinion the league should a...
joeblog writes...

a possibilty for the coyotes

Posted Wednesday | Comments 0
so here is what i don't get...i understand both the pros and cons for moving the coyotes, but to ontario? just won't happen. since the lock-out, the league has sky rocketed in popularity...the fan base has exploded tremendously. fans are coming into something great now, and to move a team like the coyotes to ontario would be a bad idea. why? well now you have to re-d...
Lets look into this a bit. The Jets had pitiful attendance figures that declined right up until they moved to Phoenix. In their last season, the Jets averaged just over 11,000 fans per game. Generally, Corporate ticket sales make up around 60-70% of total ticket sales, on average. The remaining tickets are ones bought by you and me, Individuals. The Jets were the third ...
The title that I wanted to put for this was too long so I had to shorten it. I don't mean to cause any kind of hatred or anything with it. The original title was to be: "Why the NHL is better off in Phoenix than in Winnipeg - Part 2: The Rebuttals". Alright, so I promised to write a blog to counter the 18 comments on my last blog. Close to half of those comments didn't ...
- Former Toronto Maple Leafs and Ottawa Senators goaltender Martin Gerber has signed with Atlant Mytischi of the KHL, the team has reported. Gerber supposedly spurned an offer from the Pittsburgh Penguins at being their backup goalie this season, hours before the Penguins signed Brent Johnson. Gerber said that he wanted to play in the KHL to prove that he "still had it...
BryanM writes...

Thursday Thoughts...

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
Since my car decided to die on me last night I'm stuck at my computer instead of enjoying my wonderful California summer. So here are some thoughts based on stories I've read on ESPN.com the last two days: [u]Phoenix Coyotes Staying in the Desert?[/u] I'm not sure I believe Gary Bettman's argument that hockey can succeed in the desert, but if someone is willing to tr...
August is usually a quiet time in the NHL. Most of the relevant free agents have been signed, the big trades have been made and teams are just gearing up for training camp. There are still some interesting story lines out there and I've decided to take a closer look at a few of them. In no particular order: Heatley to San Jose? First, confirming a rumor I initially...
Did I get your attention? Great. I've been reading some pretty hilarious stuff since the ruling by Judge Redfield T. Baum regarding the September 10th auction for the Phoenix Coyotes Franchise. If you haven't heard the ruling you must tell me how you fit your computer under that rock which you must surely reside beneath. Essentially, the Judge has declared that all b...
There's really no way this can end well. The drama surrounding the Phoenix Coyotes has been going on for months. It's almost certainly hurt the morale of the team, and it's been terrible publicity for a league that already struggles to maintain credibility outside of the Canadian market. Part of establishing that credibility has been trying to prove that hockey is a...
cyeryk writes...

Show me the money

Posted Sunday | Comments 6
The movie Jerry Maguire started this phrase, and it even won an Oscar for Cuba Gooding Jr., but should it apply to someone trying to sell a hockey team or better a bankrupt team? Sure there have been some offers made to buy the team, but none that come close to the Balsillie offer. This decision shouldn't come down to just money, but because it is in the courtroom, it prob...
cyeryk writes...

Economics 101

Posted Wednesday | Comments 2
The more posts and reliable news outlets I read there is a common theme. The NHL is anti Canada. Now, I know I may not be the most educated man on the planet or the most business savy, but there were some basic lessons in economics and business. There will be some people who may have a degree or more experience in the field I am about to talk about and I will take critici...
An amazing insider interview by James Mirtle wrt to the Phoenix Coyotes situation. [i][b]"The view from Phoenix: An interview with 12 News reporter Brahm Resnik (and why he thinks Reinsdorf will win)"[/b][/i] A completely different point of view, and an important read. See James Mirtle's Blog at [b]'fromtherink.com'[/b] JC
Phigment writes...

Coyotes Sale

Posted Wednesday | Comments 0
Why can't people understand that the Coyote franchise is on the hook for $750+ Million in lease dues for the arena under the financing of the arena. The league cannot move the team to the Eastern Conference at this late date. Image a trip for the LA Kings to Dallas, Phoenix, and then Denver. Now that trip would be to Dallas, Toronto, and Colorado. Not very fair to team...
Due the the popularity of Eric Engels weekly question list, I decided to write my own :) Answer in comments... 1.Who wins the Stanley Cup this year? 2. Will the Habs make the Playoffs? 3. How will Ray Emery's NHL return play out? 4. Does Carey Price make a remarkable turn around? 5. Will the Pheonix Coyotes re-locate by 2011? 6.With a new contract, how does Roberto...
Newman writes...

Bettman Must Go!

Posted Saturday | Comments 0
A few thoughts… It was actually Brian Burke, the proverbial King of controversy, that said the sooner this Coyotes Bankruptcy saga is all squared away the better it will be for everybody. Burke hit the nail on the head. If this mess is not resolved within the next three weeks than it will drag out over the entire season and not only distract the Coyotes players from c...
Anne Hier writes...

No Versus? No Problem.

Posted Wednesday | Comments 0
As a DirecTV subscriber, I was all set to see the Wings Swedish opener this Friday on Versus. But, because of the cut-throat, in-bred telecommunications world, I have to make other plans. So I miss my team's opener. Too bad for me. Too bad for Wings fans. Really too bad for hockey. However, I have no intention of calling up DirecTV to complain or rearrange my life by...
chipiii writes...

Phoenix = Pathetic.

Posted Friday | Comments 0
[i]"The Coyotes managed a sellout in their home opener when all tickets were sold for $25 or less. The team's second home game on Thursday night drew an announced crowd of just 6,899."[/i] - The Canadian Press Here it goes: Give the team to Balsillie, move them to Hamilton and make some money in a healthy location. [b]Phoenix, I'm sure you are a nice city but as an ...
bizan writes...

Canadian Franchises in Danger

Posted Wednesday | Comments 0
Here's a new look: Canadian franchises are in danger, not because they aren't drawing enough crowds or making enough money. No, Canadian franchises are in danger because the game as a whole is struggling. When 80% of the league is based in either a non-hockey market (boy have we heard that phrase a lot this summer) or in a struggling economy (sorry neighbors to the s...
Much has been made about Bob Gainey's changes this off-season. From optimistic to apocalyptic predictions about the team, it's all fairly inconsequential until game 82. But who are the Montreal Canadiens? Currently holding an 8-10-0 record, having played as many or more games than any other team in the East we sit in a pretty dissapointing 11th place, and as much as I l...
TheRev writes...

Blue Jacket Blues

Posted Friday | Comments 0
I received an interesting email today from the Columbus Blue Jackets. I’ve been on their mailing list for a couple of years after buying tickets from their website, but haven’t unsubscribed as I enjoy getting some of their offers. For example, last month, I received an offer of a lower bowl ticket, a pre-game buffet in the club section and a beer in their in-arena pu...
Newman writes...

A Tale of Two Goalies

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
The Flames needed a win at home, and they did exactly that; gaining a decisive 2-1 victory over the Phoenix Coyotes. Not the prettiest game in the world to watch but a win is a win anyway you slice it. With two of the better goaltenders going head to head, one could have guessed that this would have been a low scoring affair. Let’s compare their stats after tonight�...
Newman writes...

Streaks Snapped

Posted Friday | Comments 0
Unfortunately, the amazing run away from home ice had to end sometime. With tonight’s 2-1 loss to the Phoenix Coyotes, the Flames failed to pick up a point on the road for the first time since October 13th, when they fell 2-1 to the Columbus Blue Jackets. Another streak ended tonight as Miikka Kiprusoff allowed a goal for the first time in 159 minutes and 10 seconds aft...
BryanM writes...

Coyotes Cup Conspiracy

Posted Saturday | Comments 0
[i]The following is completely ficticious and is meant only for your amusement. I don't actually believe anything that follows and neither should you.[/i] The Phoenix Coyotes will win the Stanley Cup this year. It's not because they are the best team, or because they are built for the playoffs, or even because Ilya Bryzgalov is the best goaltender in the world this year...
Jean Charest, Premier of Quebec, said this week that after talking with Gary Bettman, he is confident NHL hockey will return to Quebec City. “It is going to happen,” said the Premier, citing plans to build a new arena to lure the NHL back to Quebec’s capital city. Cela est une grande idée Jean. But here’s why it ain’t gonna happen. 1. Population of Quebec ...
[IMG:left]http://i49.tinypic.com/b62ecn.png[/IMG] So a little bit of the progress made was erased last night in the dismantling at the hands of the desert dogs. I can honestly say I don't think I've seen the Leafs look so disorganized. Not even in the early season slide was it as apparent they weren't ready for their opponent as it was in last nights contest. At times t...
Anyone with NHL Center Ice could clearly see 41 times a year that the franchises in Atlanta, Florida, and Phoenix are dieing. Old News right? Yeah, but with the swirling rumours of the NHL returning to Winnipeg, and the constant dismay of those who say "this again?", lets look at the situation a bit closer. On any given night, except maybe when the Leafs are in t...
Newman writes...

Flames improve playoff chances

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
The Flames won 2-1. The Avs lost 5-2. “So you’re telling me there’s a chance!” With the events of tonight, the Flames now sit only two points behind Colorado with a colossal, gigantic, enormous match-up against those same Avs on Friday night in the Mile High City. Miikka Kiprusoff single-handedly won yet another game for the Flames, who have leaned on...
Newman writes...

Whiteout in Cowtown?

Posted Tuesday | Comments 0
Is it just me or are there a lot of people in Calgary cheering for the Phoenix Coyotes? Case in point, I was out on Friday night at a bar on 17th avenue grabbing a couple of beverages after the Hitmen game, while catching glimpses of the Yotes Wings game on the screen behind me. And to my amazement, and less than the time it took for me to order a beer an enormous cheer...
Dear Mr. Bettman, I’m going to be blunt with you Gary; I’m not going to sugar-coat anything. Look around you, Gary. You’ve got ownership problems with a number of franchises. Every time you seem to get one squared away, like Tampa, another one or two crop up (Los Angeles and Phoenix for example). It’s time to make some hard choices my friend. No one wants to ...
Oilersfan27 writes...

Coyotes make a move.

Posted Wednesday | Comments 0
As of an 6:45 pm mst Scottie upshall has signed a 1 yr deal with coyotes.
Annotated Mock NHL Draft 2010 V-3.0 11. DALLAS STARS MIKAEL GRANLUND - F *A young Saku Koivu* Intelligent and quick, with exceptional skills and great vision, this kid will juice up the stars offence for years to come. There was some concern that Granlund might be smaller than his stats listed, and if he turned out to be 5’8” or 5’9” he would hav...
camsoilers writes...

oilers over the rainBRO

Posted Thursday | Comments 8
Ok !!!! To start off with yes is says rainBRO because I didn't want to give off the wrong impression. Secondly i am posting mostly because for some odd reason it won't let me make comments on other posts although you can clearly see i am logged in it still says you have to log in to make a comment.Ugggg Back to over the rainbro. I am a a life long oilers fan. My paren...
Stop by tonight around 7PM as I will be hosting a live blog for the Isles/Coyotes game live from the Nassau Coliseum press-box with George Prax from The Checking Line! www.thecheckingline.com Don't miss it! -Rob McGowan
Check out my latest post at The Hockey Writers discussing the trade rumors that surrounded Dwayne Roloson as the Isles lost in the shootout to the Phoenix Coyotes http://bit.ly/gtSp18 Leave comments! -Rob McGowan Follow me on Twitter! http://twitter.com/IslesRM
Rob McGowan writes...

Ring Around The Goalie

Posted Thursday | Comments 3
Head over to The Checking Line for my latest post as the Islanders have acquired Al Montoya from the Phoenix Coyotes in the absence of Rick DiPietro and Kevin Poulin http://thecheckingline.com/blog/rob-mcgowan/new-york-islanders/ring-around-goalie -Rob McGowan Follow me on Twitter! http://twitter.com/IslesRM
Yesterday Spector stated that several teams were at the Oilers game presumably scouting out Oilers players. Assuming that’s the case, the teams being mentioned were the Wild, Lightening, Kings, Bruins, and Coyotes... Here are some potential deals that could be on the table. [u][b]Los Angeles Kings[/b][/u] Wayne Simmonds $0.8M + 1st Round Pick (current offer) For ...
hi all, i just have something to get off my chest. facebook.com is supposed to be a place where you are can speak your mind about everything and anything. not so! i was an admin for a page called addicted hockey fans united. as i said in my introduction, i am anti-bettman, always have been and always will be. i spoke my mind about him, the coyotes and hockey in the so...
leafspensjets writes...


Posted Saturday | Comments 0
thanx to tsn.ca for this http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/jetsmeter/
As many know, no NHL franchise has faced more adversity on and off the ice in the past years than the Phoenix Coyotes. Riddled with financial loss, poor ownership and a poor on ice product, many wondered when the Winnipeg/Los Vegas Coyotes would exist. The past two years however have shown a remarkable turn around in the franchise by two great men, GM Don Maloney and Head ...
The common myth around the NHL fan these days is that the only way to rebuild is to tank as low as you can for as long as you can to gain top-5 picks and young star prospects. Well I ask you, why is this not the case for current teams like the Coyotes, Kings, Islanders and Blue Jackets to name a few? There is usually only two answers. One, you picked the wrong player in th...
The follow up to my first prospect blog where I judged the top-20 1st round prospects drafted during the Gretzky era in their development. This will be a short piece because of Maloney only drafting three guys in the first round so far. 2009: New management in place and a new outlook on drafting. Or was there? Maloney once again took a risky pick so early by drafting Ol...
JohnFergusonJr writes...

The Case for Brygalov

Posted Tuesday | Comments 0
This season has seen a resurgence in elite goaltenders, many with great stories. Tim Thomas has gone from the most overpaid one hit wonder, to the top statistical goaltender in the league. Pierre Gauthier was five seconds away from being hanged for trading playoff hero Jaroslav Halak and retaining Carey Price. Price has put together an all-star season and is the reason why...
As the season wraps down for these two clubs both are fairly secure in their hopes for a playoff berth. Both the Coyotes and Kings are tied for 5th/6th in the West with 96 points apiece. A win for the Coyotes will seal their playoff dreams and guarantee them a spot. This will be a big game for the Desert Dogs as they will be facing a beaten up LA squad missing their supers...
electric81 writes...

Here We Go!

Posted Monday | Comments 0
The Detroit Red Wings finished up their regular season with a win over the Chicago Blackhawks at the United Center yesterday, solidifying their place as the number 3 seed. Next up will be the Phoenix Coyotes, a rematch of last year’s Western Conference Quarterfinals. The season series between these two clubs was split down the middle, with both teams grabbing two out o...
electric81 writes...

Home is Finally "Home" Again

Posted Thursday | Comments 1
The Detroit Red Wings put to rest any doubts of their ability to perform in the post-season with a convincing win over the Phoenix Coyotes at Joe Louis Arena last night. It seems that the regular season woes are definitely behind not only the Red Wings players, but also the fans as well. The team has been booed off the ice on more than one occasion for the first time in ...
electric81 writes...

Bring Out the Brooms

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
The Detroit Red Wings completed their sweep of the Phoenix Coyotes last night in Glendale by a score of 6-3. A team on the ropes is always known to put their best foot forward, in desperation or otherwise, and the Coyotes did just that. Despite what has come to be a customary early lead by the Red Wings, Phoenix kept the score tied for the majority of the night, and ...
Ilya Bryzgalov has once again opened his big mouth an insulted the entire country of Canada. For those who didn't see this guys interview with regards to Edmonton, please see this link: [url]http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8531230620351334232#[/url] That was a few years back when he was in Anaheim. This time around he has now picked on Winnipeg. Saying ... ...
icedog97 writes...

Jetting Off to Winnipeg

Posted Wednesday | Comments 0
On Tuesday, (May 31st, 2011) the NHL announced that the Atlanta Thrashers were being bought by True North and that the new owners would be relocating the franchise to Winnipeg, Manitoba. As someone who has enjoyed NHL hockey for more than three decades, having a franchise in Winnipeg is something I am strongly in favor of. But will it work this time? Like a lot of ot...
Yesterday Gary Bettman indicated he expects realignment for the 2012-13 NHL season. With the new Winnipeg franchise playing in the Southeast during 2011-12, a distance of almost 1,300 miles from where the Thrashers played, realignment of this franchise is a necessity. Since we aren't even finished with the Stanley Cup Finals for 2010-11 yet, I am a little surprised t...
The Philadelphia Flyers have started the summer a little early. As Per CSNPhilly.com the Flyers on Tuesday acquired the rights to goalie Ilya Bryzgalov from Phoenix for forward Matt Clackson, a third-round pick in 2012 and a conditional draft pick. Bryzgalov went 36-20-10 for the Coyotes last season with a 2.48 goals against average a .921 save percentage and seven shut...
flamesfan!! writes...

Bye Langkow

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
Last week saw another long time Flame being traded away. This time the name heading out was the veteran center, Daymond Langkow. After a successful comeback to hockey, Langkow finds himself on the Coyotes, being traded by the Flames for Lee Stempniak. Langkow, one of the leaders in Calgary's locker room, recovered from a freak injury which saw him out of action for ...
flamesfan!! writes...

Bye Langkow

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
Last week saw another long time Flame being traded away. This time the name heading out was the veteran center, Daymond Langkow. After a successful comeback to hockey, Langkow finds himself on the Coyotes, being traded by the Flames for Lee Stempniak. Langkow, one of the leaders in Calgary's locker room, recovered from a freak injury which saw him out of action for ...
RickDixon writes...

Jets/Coyotes pregame thoughts

Posted Saturday | Comments 0
Okay.........so is it too early to call this a must-win game for the Jets ? I know its a long season but I just have this sneaky suspicion that the Jets really need to win this game. If they are able to pull off a win, they should have some confidence heading back home to post a sure loss to the Pens. [b]The whole new Jets vs old Jets thing[/b] This has absolutely ...
Hmmm.......where do I begin ? Well, lets start with Bryan Little shall we ? He was.....well......brutal. He was eventually replaced on the top line with Mark Scheifele who was better tonight than he has been in the last two games. Still, there was absolutely no chemistry between any line tonight and although the entire team wasn't very good, some of them were just pl...
Okay, so I thought a good night's sleep might change my attitude towards the way the Jets played last night. I got a solid 7 hours of shuteye and watched the game again, all while doing my best to remain completely and utterly emotionless. That lasted less than a minute. Despite the fact the Jets had quite a contingent of home-town fans who had travelled all the way...
Ed Stein writes...

The Predators need Kyle Turris

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
To make the playoffs, someone has to score goals for the Predators. Kyle Turris should be that man. Find out why. http://www.centericereport.com/news_article/show/109976?referrer_id=352791
gomer300 writes...


Posted Friday | Comments 0
Most of the time I think a young player is pulling some serious BS by holding out and demanding a trade. I tend to think they've been getting bad advice or have egos the size of Manhattan. In this case, I think Phoenix is really dropping the ball. Ever since Gretzky benched Turris for his first game in Vancouver even though he'd played up until that point, I kept an eye...
With a number of teams struggling between the pipes I thought it would be fun to take a look at the goaltender market. I will look at each potentially available goaltender and the possibilities of them being moved this season. First up in a series of articles is... Miikka Kiprusoff, Calgary Flames We start off in Calgary where the Flames are struggling mightily and ...
SabreHess writes...

Darcy For a Day

Posted Monday | Comments 0
Let's re-enact the plot from the seminal classic "Trading Places" with Eddie Murphy and Dan Akroyd. I have a full day ahead of me as the Sabres new head honcho and while the very confused Darcy Regier spends the next 8 hours trying to find my car keys and navigate the rough and tumble Jersey neighborhoods, I have some phone calls to make. [b]8am- [/b]I just entered the...
This story is becoming more and more familiar. Despite rallying to erase a 3-0 deficit to tie the game late in the second period, the Chicago Blackhawks were unable to finish off a hard-working Phoenix Coyotes club in the shootout, losing 4-3. Both Oliver Ekman-Larsson and former Blackhawk Radim Vrbata scored for Phoenix in the shootout, while red-hot Blackhawks ...
Game two of this Western Conference back-to-back road trip is tonight with the Bolts taking on the Phoenix Coyotes. As a result of the quick turnaround time, the Bolts will probably be a little bit tired in Phoenix. The key for the Bolts is to remain disciplined as they search for their 3rd win in a row. If history means anything, the Bolts come into this one having won...
The Lightning won back-to-back road games for the first time this season. It was a welcome change for a team that is just trying to claw its way back into the playoff race. Tonight’s two points will go a long way in ensuring the Bolts have a chance at the post-season. Roloson was superb, the offense did what it had to and the defense held its own for the most part. I...
Well the All-Star Game is upon us this weekend. Does anyone else think it would be wildly successful if it took place in Las Vegas? It's hard to tell if the Coyotes have overachieved or underachieved to this point of the season. A mixture of both seems fitting. Rather than analyze the first 50 games, let's look at the future of what the Coyotes need for the playoff p...
Well the All-Star Game is upon us this weekend. Does anyone else think it would be wildly successful if it took place in Las Vegas? It's hard to tell if the Coyotes have overachieved or underachieved to this point of the season. A mixture of both seems fitting. Rather than analyze the first 50 games, let's look at the future of what the Coyotes need for the playoff p...
It seems like eons since the Chicago Blackhawks have won a game, particularly on the road. They will hope to add a much needed two points to their total in the standings tonight when they're hosted by the Phoenix Coyotes. After last night's defeat to the San Jose Sharks, the Blackhawks are now winless in their last seven games. A slump such as this comes at possibly the...
icedog97 writes...


Posted Wednesday | Comments 0
Last June I wrote the following blog about realignment. In it I included some comments concerning the Coyotes and a move to Quebec. I thought I would re-post it now because it seems that it's relevant given the news about the new arena being built in Quebec....and I think only 4 people read the original posting of it... __________________________________________________...
andydrmm writes...

NHL Semifinals 2011-2012

Posted Saturday | Comments 0
Wow, that was an exciting first round with numerous upsets, and plenty of teams having some very close calls over the past 2 weeks. Like you, I’m surprised about several of the teams that are still alive and kicking in the NHL playoffs. Here’s my take on the 2nd round, and predictions as to who is moving on to the Conference Finals. http://betweenthebenches.com/?p...
Conference Final Observations -Let the 1994 comparisons between the Rangers and the Devils begin. Martin Brodeur is the only remaining player from either of those squads still on the same team. Officially dubbing the Eastern Conference Finals the Penn Station Showdown, but Ghosts of Matteau works too. -Much is going to be made of Henrik Lundqvist’s dominance agains...
"Diving." When you think of diving in the NHL, you think of the Vancouver Canucks. Now, in watching the Western Conference finals, Phoenix goalie Mike Smith has been acting like he has been shot whenever someone comes near his net. Smith's play has been outstanding in the first two rounds, and is the only reason Phoenix has made it this far, but the way he is acting in the...
With my local home team out of the playoffs after a mostly successful season, you can understand how attention has turned to the completed sale of the team and toward potential moves the team may make for next season. There have been many articles written about the financial struggles and questionable long-term profitability of teams like the Blues and Coyotes. Articles ...
AarifDeen writes...

Offseason Review: Part 1 of 6

Posted Saturday | Comments 0
[b]For everything hockey - 24/7 news updates, scores, humour, blogs, and everything else in between, please follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/DailyNHLGrind.[/b] We are now currently just a few days into the most horrifying month of the year for the entire hockey world. Seriously now, August definitely is the worst time to be a hockey fan. Free agency has die...
That sound you may have heard over the last few days, as NHL teams have hosted their first games, is the collective sigh of relief coming from all associated with the League, as it appears that the fan interest (so far) is fully intact. The threats of boycotts, both physical and financial, have to this point been just that, threats, and haven't translated into reality. Hoc...
Howling_Coyote writes...

Coyotes: The First Blog

Posted Wednesday | Comments 5
Hello there! So this is my first attempt ever at writing a blog about anything. Let's see how it goes. Perhaps an introduction is in order? I've been watching the Coyotes play hockey since I moved to Phoenix in 1998. The first hockey game I ever went to was a playoff game the Coyotes were hosting against the San Jose Sharks. I had never been to any game with so much inten...
The Coyotes were defeated today by the Nashville Predators 3-0. It was the kind of game through the first 2 periods that both teams would be comfortable playing any day. It was very defensive with almost no real big threats on goal. There really is not much to say about those first two periods because neither team really grabbed the momentum and a lot of back and forth...
Tonight the Coyotes hosted the Calgary Flames, who just came of a hard fought come from behind victory last night against the Dallas Stars. The Coyotes were looking to take advantage of that fact when they were coming into this game… and take advantage they did. In less than a minute they grabbed the lead with a rebound goal by Keith Yandle. I got to feel for Calgary...
This is a good opportunity to look at the Coyote’s season thus far and what I perceive as their playoff chances. They are currently on a 4 day rest before taking on the Edmonton Oilers tomorrow. As it stands, they have played 16 games and 18 points to stand at 7th in the Western Conference as I write this. So how does this compare to a full season and the pace of las...
The Phoenix Coyotes took on the Edmonton Oilers and Calgary Flames on back to back nights this weekend. I will be pretty brief in my explanations of the games because I did not see enough of them to give what I believe to be a high-quality analysis. Also, I am not a huge fan of writing a lot after losses because sometimes there is not much positive to say. First off, t...
The Phoenix Coyotes are a team that have earned the label as a low scoring trap team by many people’s standards. However, there is more than what meets the eye when it comes to the Coyotes. Looking at the standings right now before they take on the Wild, they sit 9th with 21 points. What is surprising to some though may be that they have 54 goals for and 51 against ...
Tonight, the Phoenix Coyotes played against the Minnesota Wild and fell short of trying to tie up the game late on. With a final score of 4-3 for the Wild. The first period, the possession and play was dictated by the Coyotes. However, the Wild scored 2 goals on 4 shots to give them a 2-0 lead going into the second period. The first goal was a defensive breakdown by th...
Tonight, the Phoenix Coyotes played against the Anaheim Ducks in the first of three consecutive games against the Ducks. Anaheim played last night so the Coyotes had that advantage going into the game. The first period started off poorly for the Yotes when the Ducks scored less than a minute into the game. Andrew Cogiliano scored from the slot when the Yotes lost a boar...
Tonight, the Phoenix Coyotes played against the Anaheim Ducks again for the second out of three consecutive meetings. It was déjà vu all over again… so to speak. I will not recap the game in the same manner as last time because it pretty much went the same way. The Coyotes gave up a lead to the Ducks, then battle back for a lead of their own. THEN, they give up the ...
The Phoenix Coyotes played the Anaheim Ducks in their third and final game of a three game series last night. Overall it was not a good performance by the Yotes. They seemed to lack any heart in the game and looked slow and sloppy. Now for a quick recap! The first period was all about the Ducks. They dominated the play while the Coyotes got absolutely no offensive press...
Last night, the Phoenix Coyotes played against the St. Louis Blues in their second game in as many nights. After losing to Anaheim 2-0 the previous game, the Yotes were looking to have a solid rebound game against a banged up Blues squad. Unfortunately for Coyotes fans, the Blues had their way with the Coyotes last night. The final was 6-3, but it wasn’t even that close ...
The Phoenix Coyotes looked to start off the second half of their season well tonight in a meeting against the Dallas Stars. Coming into the game, the Stars have had a couple of good games and great offensive numbers since February. The Coyotes came into the game having dropped 2 games in regulation. The first period showed that the Coyotes players took the coaching mes...
Howling_Coyote writes...

Coyotes Dethrone Kings

Posted Wednesday | Comments 0
The Phoenix Coyotes took on the Los Angeles Kings last night at Jobing.com Arena in the second math up between the two teams this season. The Kings were coming off a victory over the Flames the night before. The first period was all Coyotes pretty much. It was clear that they took advantage of their two day rest while the Kings suffered from their back to back game. Th...
The Phoenix Coyotes took on the Columbus Blue Jackets looking to try to improve their standing in the Western Conference and stop the Blue Jackets point streak. This will be a quick recap as there was NO scoring in this game. The game was a back and forth affair with good team defense from both sides. The Coyotes managed to get more shots on the Blue Jackets… but many...
So…The Coyotes have had a five game losing streak dating back to the start of their road trip on Thursday the 14th. There are a couple of reasons this team has started to struggle besides the tight schedule and lack of practice time that I see. The three main reasons are their desperation, execution, and accountability. Desperation- The Coyotes have shown a lack of d...
[b]Ilya Bryzgalov, 33 - Philadelphia[/b] Contract: $51.0m/9yrs Buyout: $23.0m/14yrs This contract is the definition of what the power of having a union can do for you. For most people who are fired or let go they are lucky to get severance and even if they do, that severance is almost nothing to kick back on and retire early with. Meet Ilya Bryzgalov. The epitome o...
It’s been a while since I have put up a blog post. Mostly because there was not much news on the Coyotes during the playoffs and I wanted to wait until the lease agreement was settled with Glendale. Now that the whole deal is done (for now), here is a little review on the Yotes’ draft and start to free agency! This is going to be a long blog. Each of these deserves t...
In defeating both the Calgary Flames and Phoenix Coyotes, the Ducks improved to 4-0 at home and 6-1 overall this season. While neither game was the blowout of the previous 2 games, both were hard fought victories for a Ducks team that won't quit. I was only able to watch parts of the Ducks-Coyotes game (yes, I do have a social life outside of hockey, yes, a part of me w...
[b]By Casey Gagnon, Phoenix Sports Hub E-Mail: CaseyPSH at yahoo dot com Twitter: @CaseyPSH PhoenixSportsHub.Blogspot.com[/b] The Phoenix Coyotes needed players to step up Tuesday night in Denver to fill voids in the lineup. Forward Antoine Vermette and goaltender Thomas Greiss received the message loud and clear. Both played as solid a game one could ask for, an...
[b]Coyotes Resume Winning Ways at Home With Victory Over Islanders By Casey Gagnon, Phoenix Sports Hub[/b] [b]E-Mail: [email protected] Twitter: @CaseyPSH[/b] [b]PhoenixSportsHub.Blogspot.com[/b] Shane Doan felt well enough to make a brief appearance at practice on Thursday morning. He probably felt even better after watching his Coyotes teammates play that sa...
After 3 days off, the Ducks were taking on the Phoenix Coyotes coming out of the Christmas break. It was a game that easily could have turned into a loss. The Ducks were 3-0 against Phoenix coming into the game, and earlier this season the Ducks handed the Coyotes their 1st regulation home loss this season. The Coyotes clearly wanted to exact revenge against the Ducks and ...
The Phoenix Coyotes sent a major message to the rest of the league on Tuesday - don't count us out. Most analysts had already stamped the Coyote's ticket to the offseason. Why wouldn't they? The Coyotes have been playing with fire lately, particularly with their inability to play a full 60 minutes of hockey. After blowing leads to both Boston and New York, not to mention l...
[b]Follow me on Twitter @DailyNHLGRIND A Glance Back[/b] I don’t think anybody could have predicted the outcome of the brutally nicknamed metro-terrible division last season. Columbus impressed while the Capitals faltered. The Penguins took a dip in the playoffs while the Rangers surprised many after a rough start. Other teams sort of slotted right into their right...
[b]Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/DailyNHLGrind[/b] It was Déjà vu in the desert Tuesday night for the Avalanche. Colorado won for the second straight game after Reto Berra was pulled and replaced by Calvin Pickard in the first period. They beat Arizona 4-3 in overtime despite surrendering three goals in the opening 10:53 of tonight’s game. As miraculo...
scatch38 writes...

Isles Need Help

Posted Friday | Comments 0
February 26, 2015 grabo84 As the trade deadline approaches, every team is assessing their wants and needs. Despite reports, the Islanders are no different. Many cup contending teams will tinker with their depth chart at the trade deadline. This Islanders team is built for the future, but there is no need to wait on taking a serious run at the cup. Many rumors around...
It wasn’t exactly how the coach drew it up, but the Penguins managed to earn a 3-1 victory over the Coyotes. They came back form a 1-0 deficit with two goals in the second period, from Brandon Sutter and Daniel Winnik. The Sutter goal may be one of the weirdest the Penguins have scored this season. It occurred on a Penguins power-play. After defenseman Ian Cole rattle...
Evgeni Malkin and Patric Hornqvist were back in the lineup for a game that was important for two reasons: One was that the Pens had been playing horribly (losing to terrible Carolina on Thursday), and they needed a victory. They got it against another lowly team, the Arizona Coyotes. Despite not scoring until 7:16 of the third period, when Daniel Winnik scored, the Peng...
I have no basis on these trades other than what I think should happen. I also believe it would make a very fun draft day. I will explain the bigger trades, some just don't really need explaining. Trade 1 Edmonton receives 3rd overall pick (Hanifin) 29th/30th pick (Chicago) 63rd overall pick (Arizona) Arizona receives Leon Draisaitl 16th overall pick (Pitts...
westcoastoil writes...

I have a dream...

Posted Thursday | Comments 0
I have a dream.... that the Oilers can get impact young d-men to help with their cause now...rnrnSeem like a bit of a stretch? Maybe, but there might be a few trade scenarios that could work well for both sides, therefor making it a viable deal, even in this cap-crazy world we call the NHL.rnrnFirst off, let me just say that I love all the Oilers young forwards. I believe ...
In the second game of a back-to-back, the Columbus Blue Jackets are back on home ice and are set to battle the Arizona Coyotes. This is the first time these teams are meeting this season, and the Coyotes made some light changes. They lost Sam Gagner in a trade to the Philadelphia Flyers. They added Nicklas Grossmann and the contract of Chris Pronger from the Philad...
The Columbus Blue Jackets have successfully conquered a back-to-back stint against two different organizations, Improving their record to 6-12-0. On Friday night, the Jackets defeated the Pittsburgh Penguins by a final score of 2-1 in regulation. For the Pens, fiesty winger Patric Hornqvist scored their only goal in the final minute of the game. For the Jackets, B...
What a turn of events for Columbus in the past couple of hours. John Tortorella has scratched Ryan Johansen; and Jack Johnson is a question mark for tonight, resulting in an emergency call-up of Justin Falk. And David Savard is injured. With those events said, they are playing an injured Arizona Coyotes team, that has recently lost their starting goaltender, Mike Smit...
What a turn of events in Arizona. On Thursday, Columbus scored goals a plenty against the Coyotes in a 7-5 onslaught. This marks Columbus' second win in December. Arizona got goals from Tobias Reider (2), Antoine Vermette, Viktor Tikhnov, and Jordan Martinook. Other players with points include Oliver Ekman-Larsson, Shane Doan, Michael Stone, Nicklas Grossmann, and ...
CBJ- Still Last, Trade or Keep 1st Overall Pick? The Columbus Blue Jackets remain dead last in the entire league as they are nearing the halfway mark of the regular season, almost where they were last year before a turnaround that got them to eighth worst in the NHL. Without any lottery, and to my reference earlier, the Jackets would have the first overall pick in the 2...
DeepFantasies writes...

No Rewarding Losers

Posted Tuesday | Comments 0
07/19/2016 Welcome to my first ever blog, I hope you enjoy. I remember a sense of relief coming over me when the Leafs won the draft lottery. Excitement and anticipation have taken over since, but at that time it was simply relief. Relief in sports is the worst; it usually means even though you can always sink lower, rock bottom is so very close! Hockey fans l...
DeepFantasies writes...

Collecting Keepers

Posted Sunday | Comments 0
09/04/2016 Once in a while we will be fortunate enough to witness a goalkeeper such as Matt Murray arrive in the NHL at a very young age and make an incredible impact, circumstances can instantly create hockey heroes. All players start to hit their stride at different points in their career; a good poolie watches closely to recognize indicators. I have been intere...
I know the game is in progress but I am a bit behind yet again. The Jackets are wrapping up their series finale against the Arizona Coyotes tonight. The Coyotes lost to the Jackets badly over the weekend. The score doesn't show it, but the other stats do. If your starting goalie is facing 60 shots in a game, the goalie is getting tired and the defense is weak. In Arizo...
I know the game is in progress but I am a bit behind yet again. The Jackets are wrapping up their series finale against the Arizona Coyotes tonight. The Coyotes lost to the Jackets badly over the weekend. The score doesn't show it, but the other stats do. If your starting goalie is facing 60 shots in a game, the goalie is getting tired and the defense is weak. In Arizo...
I know the game is in progress but I am a bit behind yet again. The Jackets are wrapping up their series finale against the Arizona Coyotes tonight. The Coyotes lost to the Jackets badly over the weekend. The score doesn't show it, but the other stats do. If your starting goalie is facing 60 shots in a game, the goalie is getting tired and the defense is weak. In Arizo...
I know the game is in progress but I am a bit behind yet again. The Jackets are wrapping up their series finale against the Arizona Coyotes tonight. The Coyotes lost to the Jackets badly over the weekend. The score doesn't show it, but the other stats do. If your starting goalie is facing 60 shots in a game, the goalie is getting tired and the defense is weak. In Arizo...
Did I mean the player or the term "to win"?? Last night, the former Coyote center led his current team in front of Nationwide Arena to a 4-1 victory over Arizona. Tobias Reider opened the scoring midway through the first period for a 1-0 Arizona lead. On the breakin from the power play, Alex Goligoski passed the puck to Oliver Ekman-Larsson, who found Reider open on a ...
Did I mean the player or the term "to win"?? Last night, the former Coyote center led his current team in front of Nationwide Arena to a 4-1 victory over Arizona. Tobias Reider opened the scoring midway through the first period for a 1-0 Arizona lead. On the breakin from the power play, Alex Goligoski passed the puck to Oliver Ekman-Larsson, who found Reider open on a ...
Will.Pesek writes...

Isles drop 2 must wins

Posted Tuesday | Comments 0
The Isles needed four points last weekend, and they ran into slumping teams. The Islanders scored two goals in two games this weekend (one in each) and both were back-to-back 2-1 losses to the Avs and the Coyotes. Johnny Boychuk had a goal on Friday and an assist on Alan Quine's goal on Saturday. Thomas Greiss played both games and was brilliant in both. Staying discipline...
The Instigator |Episode 11 GOAL! Are you Kidding Me! Cam Ward allowed one of the weirdest goals ever last week. The puck was rung around the boards by Arizona Coyotes Alex Goligoski. Ward exited his net to stop the puck. The puck stuck in his skate, and Ward (not knowing where the puck was) slid to the front of the net in order to defend his foot slid into the net. T...
The Red and White game yesterday was fun (ish) to watch. Guys working hard to get jobs. Noticeably absent were Dylan Larkin and Mike Green. Andreas Athanasiou left about halfway through and didn’t return. Coach Blashill is calling it “tweaks” and “precautionary measures”. It leaves a bad feeling in the stomach all around. So far, we’ve seen injuries to Alec...


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